Dear Editors:
The recent ad run in the Florida Agenda by the Broward Log Cabin Republicans does not represent the position of Log Cabin Republicans, and we reject it completely. The 9-11 attack on Americans posted in Libya was an act of terrorism. To suggest that the Al- Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb attack on the US consular mission in Benghazi was connected to homophobia is just as ridiculous as US Ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, claiming the attack in Benghazi was prompted by a film critical of Mohammed.
Violence against the LGBT community is a challenge to civil society throughout the world, and America is a beacon for freedom for all minority voices. There are plenty of reasons to vote Republican to protect US interests and human rights abroad, but the obscene ad in this publication is fallacious, grossly inappropriate and irresponsible.
Further, on a personal level and as a former diplomat, seeing this ad makes me sick. I know Israel’s ambassador to the US, Michael Oren, who happens to be a pro-gay rights conservative, and I am deeply embarrassed to have to explain to him and strong pro-gay rights conservative ally, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, that a local chapter of Log Cabin Republicans ran such an offensive ad in an attempt to get voters to the polls and bolster the US bilateral relationship with Israel.
Our organization’s mission is to build a stronger, more inclusive Republican Party, and this ad failed on all fronts.
R. Clarke Cooper
Executive Director, Log Cabin Republicans Washington, D.C.
Give me a break. The Broward Log Cabin Republicans ran the ad so clearly some Log Cabin Republicans supported it. And yes it was a disgusting irresponsible ad to run, and I think Florida Agenda shares in some of the blame in running it in the first place. Do they even read the copy of their ads? This ad was vulgar enough not to run. Let’s hope it doesn’t happen again.