Q: Should I be taking a protein supplement to build muscle? Is whey protein better than casein protein?
A: Protein doesn’t build muscle directly: strength training using heavy weights and resistance exercises are responsible for muscle growth. Consuming protein alone, in the absence of weight training, will not result in muscle growth. However, protein does play a vital role in the repair and recovery of muscle fibers that are broken down during muscle-building exercises.
Proteins are made up of amino acids which our bodies need and use to build tissue and are a building block of bones, skin and blood – as well as muscles. When you engage in strenuous exercise, your muscle fibers become stressed and literally tear. Protein is needed in this process of repair and recovery, leading to bigger and thicker muscle fibers.
The general recommendation for individuals who are exercising and keen to build muscle is to consume 1 gram of protein per pound of your desired body weight. So if you want to be 170 pounds, consume 170 grams of protein daily (1 gram of protein = 4 calories). Good sources of protein include chicken breast, fish (especially tuna), turkey, eggs, beans, yogurt, cheese, milk.
It is possible to get an adequate supply of protein by eating well-balanced meals, but in today’s fast-paced world when many of us eat on the go, it’s a good idea (and very convenient) to use a protein supplement to make sure you are getting all of this important nutrient your body needs. Drink a protein shake at least two hours before you work out and again after you finish your session. Ask your supplement store for advice on brands. My favorites are Optimum Nutrition’s 100% Whey Gold Protein and MetRX UltramyosynWhey.
A biological value (BV) is assigned to the absorption rate of proteins we consume; the higher the BV, the better the absorbing rate. Whey protein is digested and absorbed by the bloodstream faster (great for post-workout consumption so that your muscles get fed the nutrients they crave) than other proteins and has a BV of 104. By contrast, a whole egg has a BV of 100; a glass of cow milk, 91; and casein protein (which makes up about 80% of the protein found in milk), has a BV 77. But both whey and casein protein are excellent sources of branch chain amino acids (BCAAs) and both play important roles in repairing muscle; the major difference is the absorption rate.
This exercise is a great way to work the entire upper body, from chest and triceps to transverse abdominals. It can be done with or without dumbbells. 1) Assume the push-up position. 2) Lower your chest to the ground maintaining a straight line from your head to your ankles. 3) Keeping your arms straight and your body rigid, shift your weight onto your left arm and rotate your torso up and to the right until you are facing sideways. Pause, then return to the starting position. Now rotate to your left and repeat step three.
HI great post pumping iron and eating lots of protein ensures good muscle growth you have to eat to get the muscle growth as well as lifting weights