By Rev. Gus Kein
As a member of the Log Cabin Republicans, I’m not even going to try to defend the two non-binding anti-gay proposals proposed by two hayseed members of our party who no one has ever heard of in Richard Hack’s commentary of August 5 (Agenda, “The Responsibility Is Ours,” pg. 8). Who cares? Since when have the Democrats been lauded as the bastions of sanity? Yes, we Republicans love to remember President Lincoln, the first Republican elected president and the one who freed the slaves, as one our better moments. Yes, it’s true that in the modern era some Republicans have opposed the advancement of equal rights, but make no mistake, the Democrats are just as guilty.
It was the late Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia, a prominent Democrat who also was the Exalted Cyclops of the KKK in his town during its heyday. Beloved President Bill Clinton issued the now defunct “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy allowing gays to serve in the military if they kept their mouths shut about their sexual orientation. He also signed into law the “Defense of Marriage Act” which defined marriage as being between one man and one woman. Bill Clinton made promise after promise to gay supporters who funneled dollars and volunteer time to get the Clintons elected. What did we get? He said the word “gay” in a speech.
Now we are offered Hillary Clinton as the presumptive Democratic nominee. That’s one coronation I’m skipping. Up until 2013 (when it became pretty obvious to most legal observers that gay marriage was going to eventually be the law of the land), she opposed gay marriage. Then she changed her mind and embraced it. Mrs. Clinton doesn’t even have a grasp on how the economy works. When speaking at an October 2014 campaign rally, she said “Don’t let anybody tell you that, you know, it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs.” In her case that is very true! She’s been working a government job most of her adult life.
I can’t speak for every Republican, but I can say this: we are the party of opportunity. We know very well that a robust economy is ensured by flourishing business – especially small businesses. Over 70% of all new jobs created each year are from business with less than 50 employees. It’s people who take their money, hopes, and dreams and put them on the line to open that pizza shop, shoe store, internet café, or gay bar. Every day these heroic Americans struggle against increasing government regulation, insurance, labor costs, and frivolous lawsuits. They have to spend all their time and effort to make their business run – no calling in sick.
We believe in a government that enables people to become the best they can be while also supporting a social safety net for the neediest of our society. Where do you think the money comes from for your Affordable Care Act subsidies, food assistance, Medicare, and Ryan White AIDS funding? It comes from taxes and fees collected from individuals and business. When the economy thrives, we all win from the lowest to the highest. If you punish businesses and individuals with high taxes, what do you think will happen? The wealthy can relocate their money to the Cayman Islands or to Switzerland. They can take their operations to places where lower costs prevail. The ones who get hurt by poor Democrat economics are the poor because they can’t get a job, nor can they afford to move to a better place.
How many of us moved to Florida for the lower taxes, business friendly environment, lucrative property exemption laws, and no income tax only to vote for Democrats who oppose the very benefits that you enjoy in the Sunshine State! Reality check people – the Republicans are the ones who keep your taxes low and your Florida lifestyle as you like it.
So before you throw on your “I’d Bottom for Hillary” tee shirt, why not vote for a party that truly understands jobs, the economy, national defense, and how to best protect those least fortunate among us? Don’t be fooled. It is a new day in American politics where BOTH parties can be home for the GLBT voter. The Log Cabin Republicans have nothing to be ashamed of. We take pride in supporting the American dream for everyone. Take a chance on the Republican Party and see what we can do together to make America great again.
The Rev. Gus Kein is a retired MCC pastor and civil rights activist. He is a member of the Log Cabin Republicans of Miami-Dade County and the Log Cabin Republicans of Florida.
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