If Trey Gowdy, who looks uncannily like a cross between Draco Malfoy and Voldemort, is the poster child of the House Freedom Caucus, there is reason to be hopeful.  His leadership of the Benghazi hearings...

On October 13 we found out that Lincoln Chafee is running for President.  Or possibly a place on Mount Rushmore.  About the only thing the mild-mannered Rhode Islander won on debate night was the “most...

Kevin McCarthy is not known for his oratorical prowess.  Daniel Webster is.  That Daniel Webster.  But not this Daniel Webster, at press time still a potential candidate —although by no means favorite...

Politicians who are running for president come under considerable scrutiny for what many niche audiences suspect could just be lip service.   Are they playing to the crowd of the hour just to get our...

If we have even just a shred of humanity left in our being, we’ve been shuddering at the hateful rhetoric spewing from the mouth of some Republican candidates, and especially the one getting all the...

 To love another human being fully, one hundred percent, with every ounce of one’s heart and soul.  Is there any greater gift?  For some gay Catholics, that gift comes from God.  How could it not,...

Take a deep breath.  Then read this number: $884 billion.  That was the buying power of the LGBT community in the U.S. in 2014.  That means there should be plenty of deep LGBT pockets to help fund a...

The senseless access to guns in this country has once again been brought into sharp focus by the latest shootings — of two Roanoke, Virginia news network personnel by former station employee, Vester...

“Among all gay and bisexual men, African Americans are the racial/ethnic group most affected by HIV.”  That’s the blunt statement at the top of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)...

When Florida Agenda founder and CEO Bobby Blair and I were finalizing edits on his autobiography — Hiding Inside the Baseline — one nagging question persisted: Would an out Bobby Blair today be allowed...