Public servant. Two simple words, easy to define. Or so you would think. A public servant serves the public. And the public is us. The public is everyone. In last week’s Agenda, we called for the removal...

And finally, America is coming out of an age of bigotry and homophobia, into a world where the first gay Lord President can stand before you today with his husband at his side. Last month, America did...

I don’t come to bury Jeb Bush. Yet. But I’m not here to praise him, either. Because while the former Florida Governor does seem to have distanced himself from the GOP extremist pack when it comes to...

It took barely the first two sentences of Justice Anthony Kennedy’s narration of the momentous majority decision on same-sex marriage before the tears came for lead plaintiff, Jim Obergefell. In a widely...

Once upon a time, Capital Pride in Washington, DC, was a small, self-contained celebration on a single block of 20th Street NW. But 40 years later, over the weekend of June 13 and 14, it was a massive,...

On June 10, a full-page ad appeared in the Washington Post.  It anticipated the imminent ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court on marriage equality, which almost everyone predicts will be favorable. Signed...

“In terms of our school, I feel like we are really progressive, which is probably a sad statement in terms of where we probably should be as a country,” said Casey Crouse, principal of Eastern Middle...

Right about now, Louisiana governor, Bobby Jindal, is reminding me quite a bit of Adolf Hitler. I don’t say this lightly. The Hitler comparison gets trotted out too easily and too often (the irony is...

“Ribbed. Extremely safe. Pineapple.” These words, spoken with equal parts relish and pathos, are heard in the closing moments of the new play, Jumpers for Goalposts, that just opened at the Studio...

All it will take is one stroke of U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter’s pen. Maybe not tomorrow, but soon. The tweak of one or two words on an outdated and irrelevant policy. And then, finally,...