The idea of gays fawning over their pets is as stereotypical as limp wrists, running mascara and drag queens. More than just the stuff of legends, there is a solid foundation in this tale, confirmed by none other than the prestigious Harris Polling Service.
According to the folks at Harris, 71 percent of gays own pets (compared with 63 percent of heterosexuals). We love cats as much as dogs, with fewer of us owning birds (seven percent), fish (14 percent), while the “other” category accounts for such unusual pets as ferrets, iguanas, hamsters, snakes, spiders and turtles.
Pet supplies and care is a $52 billion industry. The average LGBT pet owner spends over $3,000 per year on grooming services, special pet walkers and sitters, food, gifts, clothing, veterinary services and medication.
Our staff at the Agenda are pet lovers all. A trip to our offices will confirm that point as dogs are as welcome as our cover models and advertisers. This Special Pet Issue stands as testament to the affection we share with our own pets and yours. Enjoy!