Just last week North Carolina passed an egregious law stipulating that you can only use the restroom of your assigned gender at birth. This law effects gender nonconforming individuals and specifically the transgender community making it illegal for them to use any public restroom of their expressed gender.
Question: How could we, the LGBT community, have allowed this law to pass and become law? Where were our activists at the time and our protesters and outrage?
Mia Patricyk St. Louis
“As a community, we need to rally together to fight discriminatory laws against ANY member of our community (LGBTQ) and stand our ground for what’s right,” Mia Patricyk St. Louis, a server and entertainer, said with vigor. “We need to push harder and actually go out and vote on these issues. And focus on what’s really important.”
Vasti Love Montana
“I feel that the LGBTQ community did not stick together as one on this but yet the law did pass very quickly. I believe that’s why the LGBTQ community is divided and didn’t stick together to fight this law,” said Miss Golden State Closet Ball 2015 and 2016, Vasti Love Montana. “Personally, I’m very uncomfortable entering a men’s restroom. It’s wrong that we cannot use the restroom that we feel comfortable using.”
Aryah Lester
“The atrocious law of HB2 harkens back to the days where those of color had to use separate facilities, judged to be ‘of color’ by the prejudicial public,” mentioned Aryah Lester creator and director of TransArt. “This law, passed in the darkness while we were distracted by political divisiveness, effects not only transgender individuals but all people displaying gender nonconforming characteristics. We must stand against such an affront to our inalienable rights as American citizens!”
Angel Lopez
“I think the law is preposterous, but really who is going to check your genitals to really determine your biology,” questioned Angel Lopez, a licensed mental health counselor. “I can’t comment on the actions of the LGBT community in North Carolina but chances are the heteronormative, conservative, lower-educated, prejudiced people prevailed on this one. We’ll see how long the law lasts and whether other states are able to accomplish the same thing.”