The Frivolist – Florida Agenda – LGBT News Thu, 29 Sep 2016 17:11:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Frivolist – Florida Agenda – LGBT News 32 32 5 Things You Need to Do If Someone You Love Is Deeply Depressed Thu, 22 Sep 2016 16:11:03 +0000

September is National Suicide Prevention Month. As someone who has experienced the devastation of suicide in mourning the loss of friends who have taken their own lives, it’s important to me to recognize this annual awareness campaign. In addition, like many of you, I’ve battled with my own demons and depression over the years, which […]

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September is National Suicide Prevention Month.

As someone who has experienced the devastation of suicide in mourning the loss of friends who have taken their own lives, it’s important to me to recognize this annual awareness campaign. In addition, like many of you, I’ve battled with my own demons and depression over the years, which has included suicidal thoughts. While no one can or should tell another how to think or feel, it’s critical to remember, however – especially in down times – that suicide is preventable. Someone loves and misses you this very moment, and help is available – whether you believe that or not. Furthermore, if you know someone who is deeply depressed because you’ve recognized the warning signs, it’s your humanitarian responsibility to reach out and offer an ear that will listen, a shoulder to cry on, or a hand to hold. Here are a few other ways to help.


  1. Educate Yourself on Depression


While you may be able to spot signs of depression in a loved one, are you confident that you’re well informed on the matter? Depression is a tricky and sensitive disorder, and it will benefit both you and the person suffering from depression if you educate yourself on the potential causes and effects. For instance, onset of depression may be triggered by a specific event or a series of events, like a string of bad luck, and it also may be linked to a brain-chemistry imbalance not connected to an event, according to Psychology Today. Thus, knowing what you’re dealing with before entering the trenches is recommended.


  1. Show You Care By Asking Questions


When we’re depressed, we experience feelings of loneliness or perhaps that no one cares about our predicament. But that’s not the case. In fact, friends and family are often eager to help those who are depressed, and one of the first steps to showing your support in your loved one’s time of need is to ask questions.


“Your friend may be so desperate that she’s had a suicide plan in action for weeks, or she could just be under a lot of stress at work,” writes Therese Borchard at “She could be having a severe episode of major depression, or just need a little more vitamin D. You won’t know until you start asking some questions.”


Some questions to ask may include:


  • When did you first start to feel bad?
  • Can you think of anything that may have triggered it?
  • Do you have suicidal thoughts?
  • Is there anything that makes you feel better?
  • What makes you feel worse?
  • Do you think you could be deficient in vitamin D?
  • Have you made any changes lately to your diet?
  • Are you under more pressure at work?
  • Have you had your thyroid levels checked?


  1. Provide Support Without Judgment


The last thing someone who’s already at their lowest needs is to be judged for how they’re feeling or acting. Dealing with a depressed person is not always easy, granted – they’re irritable and sometimes lash out – but it’s in those moments that you should try to put yourself in their shoes. You don’t know what’s going through their head, what stresses they’re facing that brought them to this breaking point, or the painful physical manifestation of depression they may be experiencing. So, just be there for them – without any restrictions or conditions. Let them talk, vent, cry if they need to – all the while being a soothing, reassuring voice and pillar of strength to which they can cling.


  1. Suggest Seeking a Professional Who Can Help


While providing nonjudgmental support is critical to someone who is depressed, you should together recognize that you, as a friend and likely nonmedical professional, can only do so much. If the depression is mild to severe – that is, it’s more than just a “bad week” – suggest seeking professional help. Ask family and friends for psychologist and psychiatrist recommendations – while being considerate to the person in need by keeping them anonymous – and return with those recommendations and your availability to accompany your loved one to the first appointment, if they’re open to the idea.


  1. Take Matters Into Your Own Hands If You Have To


If your loved one’s depression is so severe that you’re afraid they may do something drastic, like commit suicide, you have every right to step in and call the proper authorities. Your friend or family member may not like you very much at that moment – in fact, you may become mortal enemy No. 1 for a while – but when the depression is properly treated and that black cloud dissipates, they will recognize that you were acting purely out love and concern and in their best interest. You can call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline for advice at 800-273-8255, but if it’s an emergency situation dial 911.


Mikey Rox is an award-winning journalist and LGBT lifestyle expert whose work has been published in more than 100 outlets across the world. He splits his time between homes in New York City and the Jersey Shore with his dog Jaxon. Connect with Mikey on Twitter @mikeyrox.


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4 Scientific Reasons You Should Laugh More in Bed Tue, 23 Aug 2016 19:06:37 +0000

 by Mikey Rox This may sound odd to you, but I love laughing during sex. No, I’m not laughing at my partner (well, maybe sometimes I am), but rather, we’re usually laughing together. Maybe we missed each other’s mouths while kissing in the dark, or perhaps a hand went someplace unexpected (but probably welcomed). I […]

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 by Mikey Rox

This may sound odd to you, but I love laughing during sex. No, I’m not laughing at my partner (well, maybe sometimes I am), but rather, we’re usually laughing together. Maybe we missed each other’s mouths while kissing in the dark, or perhaps a hand went someplace unexpected (but probably welcomed). I enjoy laughing in bed because I don’t take sex seriously. Sex should be fun and exciting and it should feel good – and as it turns out, laughing can contribute to all those things that make doing the deed so great. In fact, it’s quite common – and healthy. Here are a few educated reasons why.

  1. Laughing during sex makes couples feel safer

If you and your partner are laughing in the midst of the bump-and-grind, you’ve reached the ultimate relationship goal – in my opinion, at least – of being totally comfortable while you’re naked together. I don’t enjoy being guarded when I’m otherwise completely exposed, and I want my partner to be relaxed as possible too.

It stands to reason then, as a result of your superior senses of humor, a greater sense of security is established in the relationship – a positive byproduct of giggling at each other’s real-time sexual misfortune – according to licensed marriage and family therapist Lori Schade.

“When a couple can be playful and laugh together and it is accepted, the relationship feels safer, and then they feel safer to explore various options in their sexual relationship,” she says.

Which is just one more reason for your wall-to-wall neighbors to be envious.

  1. It relieves the pressure to ‘perform’

We’ve all had those nights – thank you, Thirsty Thursdays – when we’re not in the right frame of mind when it’s time to show that bar trick what’s good. That’s because we’re so concentrated on performing well – and striving for climax – that the anxiety we’ve caused ourselves overshadows the carefree romp we should be having.

“When couples get fixated on goal-oriented behavior in bed (i.e. orgasm), it often generates pressure and anxiety, which are counter to performance,” Schade reveals. “When they instead are just experiencing each other in the moment and can laugh together, they are more likely to increase the quality of the sexual interaction.”

The takeaway? Let out a few belly laughs in bed to blow a better load.

  1. Laughing helps you relax your muscles for a more pleasurable tryst

Sex feels great – or at least it should – but there are exercises we can do before getting down to the nitty-gritty that can heighten the experience for even more pleasure. You won’t break a sweat, either – because all you need is a robust chuckle.

Scientifically speaking, laughter can release endorphins that promote stress reduction and pain for an overall more satisfying outcome, says licensed sex and relationship therapist Courtney Geter,

“During sexual activity, our bodies may be tense and tight from stress during the day or anxiety about the sexual activity,” she explains. “Laughing before or during sexual activity is one way to help relax muscles to prevent pain or possible injury during sex. For clients experiencing anxiety during sexual activity, I help them incorporate ways to ‘play,’ including laughing with each other long before the sexual activity. This helps prep the brain and body for activity.”

4) Mutual laughter between partners means you’re both in touch with the dynamics of your relationship

Any couple who have been together for a length of time, let’s say two years or more, knows that sex can become routine, commonplace and, dare I say it, boring – because, as Schade admits, “Sexual experiences and relationships wax and wane.”

Hope is not lost, however.

The first thing you need to know is that it’s totally normal; every relationship deals with this at some point. Secondly, being able to laugh about it to keep the affection running steady when the physical aspect of your sexual relationship experiences hills and valleys is a sign that you’re in a good place.

“Laughing implies acceptance of a variety of levels of desire and performance,” Schade adds.

Your relationship may not be perfect, but your ability to laugh with each other suggests that there’s a level of openness and honesty that many other couples lack. Hold tight on that revelation when things get wonky down there and you’ll be A-OK.

Mikey Rox is an award-winning journalist and LGBT lifestyle expert whose work has been published in more than 100 outlets across the world. He splits his time between homes in New York City and the Jersey Shore with his dog Jaxon. Connect with Mikey on Twitter @mikeyrox.



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5 Pieces of Financial Advice for Living With a Roommate Tue, 09 Aug 2016 15:41:30 +0000

 by Mikey Rox Splitting rent with a roommate saves money – and it can be the ticket out of your parents’ house (which means no more sneaking those Grindr tricks in through the basement window, much to his delight). But while living with a gay brother from another mother can be rewarding, it’s important to […]

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 by Mikey Rox

Splitting rent with a roommate saves money – and it can be the ticket out of your parents’ house (which means no more sneaking those Grindr tricks in through the basement window, much to his delight). But while living with a gay brother from another mother can be rewarding, it’s important to protect yourself and make decisions that don’t hurt your finances. To make this living sitch work with few financial disagreements, here are five money tips for bunking with your bestie.

  1. Have a separate roommate agreement

If you’re renting an apartment, you and your roommate will have a lease agreement with the landlord. But in addition to this agreement, you should also establish a roommate agreement between the two of you. Before moving into the apartment, you obviously sat down and discussed how to handle expenses – or at least you should have. Since money can be a touchy topic, the agreement you come up with shouldn’t be a verbal one. Even if you walked away from the discussion on the same page, you need to get everything in writing so there are no misunderstandings down the road. Some roommates choose to split all expenses evenly down the middle, but you and your roommate may come up with a different agreement – perhaps a 70–30 split, for instance. If you don’t get anything in writing, the person paying more may later claim that he’s being taken advantage of. Creating a separate roommate agreement may seem like an unnecessary step, but it can save you from a lot of heartache and stress.

  1. Buy your furniture separately

When furnishing the new place, some roommates decide to purchase furniture together so it’s not a burden on one person. But in all likelihood the two of you will not live together forever – and even if you don’t realize it today, buying furniture together can create problems once you make the decision to part ways. This can start disagreements about who gets what items, and if you and your roommate part on bad terms, these disagreements do nothing but add fuel to the fire. To make it easy on yourself, agree that everyone buys their own furniture pieces. Once you’re ready to move out of a shared apartment or house, each person leaves with what they brought into the living arrangement.

  1. Dont be afraid to be a landlord

When you and your roommate apply for an apartment together, it’s the landlord’s responsibility to confirm your employment and income. But if it’s your home and you bring in a roommate, it’s your job to act as a landlord. This can be awkward and uncomfortable, especially if you don’t have landlord experience. You may not feel comfortable asking a stranger or a friend for their financial information. But if you want to avoid potential problems, never choose a roommate based solely on what they say they earn. If you don’t confirm this information, you could end up with a roommate who’s not capable of covering their expenses. You don’t have to get too personal, but you should at least call your roommate’s employer to confirm they work for the company, and get a copy of their most recent paycheck stub. Don’t feel bad; you’re doing what any landlord would do, which is ultimately protecting yourself.

  1. Maintain a financial cushion

Although getting a roommate can improve your finances and help you save money, you shouldn’t blow all your extra cash. It’s important to maintain a financial cushion – just in case your roommate bounces. If your roommate moves out before the end of the lease, and you move out because you can’t afford the rent by yourself, you’re also in breach of contract. This can trigger litigation and credit damage. But if you prepare for the worst-case scenario and build a “just in case” fund, you can possibly save enough to cover the rent until the end of your lease.

  1. Keep your finances separate

Regardless of whether your roommate is a best friend, never combine finances. This person is not your spouse, so there’s no need to combine your bank accounts. Some roommates have one joint bank account exclusively for household bills, and each person deposits their share into this account. To each his own. Just know that this approach can lead to problems, especially if one person isn’t as responsible with money. This person may dip into the account to cover personal expenses or fail to deposit his share, which forces the other roommate to pick up the slack. A better, safer approach is each person writing a separate check from their own checking accounts, and then including both checks in an envelope to the landlord or a utility company. Or if you’re paying bills online, one person can give the other cash to cover his share. Your landlord and utility companies don’t care how you pay a bill, as long as you pay it.

Mikey Rox is an award-winning journalist and LGBT lifestyle expert whose work has been published in more than 100 outlets across the world. He splits his time between homes in New York City and the Jersey Shore with his dog Jaxon. Connect with Mikey on Twitter @mikeyrox.



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7 Hard Truths the LGBT Community Must Address in the Wake of the Orlando Massacre Wed, 15 Jun 2016 11:19:57 +0000

By Mikey Rox For the past few years that I’ve penned this column, I’ve kept it light and fluffy. It’s called The Frivolist after all, and my goal is to entertain with innocuous content that focuses on the fun stuff in life. I’ve written about movies, music, fashion and fitness here – all of which, […]

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By Mikey Rox

For the past few years that I’ve penned this column, I’ve kept it light and fluffy. It’s called The Frivolist after all, and my goal is to entertain with innocuous content that focuses on the fun stuff in life. I’ve written about movies, music, fashion and fitness here – all of which, in the grand scheme of things, are rather inconsequential.

Then Orlando happened.

Forty-nine of our LGBT “family” members were gunned down simply for being LGBT, along with another 50-plus injured, and in reflection of June 12’s early-morning events I didn’t think it appropriate to use this space to reveal the latest summer gadgets. Instead, I’m using my editorial allowance this time to dissect the aftermath of the largest mass shooting in U.S. history and our loved ones’ reaction to it; the response by the media; and how we, as a unified people, must take a stand to tell those who oppress us that enough is enough. We are in this together until we are not, and that fate should never be up to another human being. Thus, here are a few bitter pills to swallow if you don’t want to be a statistic.


  1. Theres Still Little Focus on Mental Illness


Sane people don’t walk into a nightclub with a capacity crowd in the middle of the night and open fire a la Tony Montana. Yet the three major talking points on both mainstream and social media following the massacre were gun control, terrorism by Muslim extremists and lax immigration laws – even though the latter is moot because the gunman, who I will not glorify by name, was born in the United States. We must start addressing our country’s epidemic of mental illness, no matter how difficult the conversation is, so we can effectively diagnose and treat it before it’s too late. That’s not to say that the other soapboxes are irrelevant – they aren’t – but mental illness played a part in this tragedy, and we can’t keep brushing it under the rug.


  1. There Are People in Power in This Country Who Want Us Dead


It’s not hard to find an American member of the clergy who has at one time or another – maybe during a Sunday sermon or perhaps in a video that’s surfaced online – called for the condemnation and, in some cases, execution of LGBT people. They exist. Despite their seeming abundance, however, they’re relatively few in numbers, and they’re often viewed as fringe members of the religious community. Who we should be more concerned about, however, are the elected officials who we’ve put in power that are facilitating a deep-seated disdain and hatred toward LGBT people and other minority groups. People like the Trumps, Ted Cruzes and Dan Patricks of the world are a problem, and they cannot be absolved of their bloodstained rhetoric any longer.


  1. Bitching About Gun Control on Social Media Is Useless


If gun reform is important to you, push your issue with policy change. Updating your status about how this never would’ve happened if AR-15s and similar assault weapons weren’t readily available and legal to obtain makes zero difference – especially to those who have been and will be buried by their families because their bodies are full of bullets.


  1. The Silence of Your Non-LGBT Friends Is Deafening But Also a Wake-Up Call


You might have noticed something disturbing the day of and after the Pulse nightclub attack: Your LGBT friends and allies mourned this tragedy while much of the rest of your network either remained silent or skirted the issue of decades of villainizing our community. If they did have an opinion, it was about guns and Muslims and terrorists. This in itself should be a wake-up call to you that you know and love people who do not care if gay people are murdered in mass – and you need to start separating yourself from their deadly ideology.


  1. It Doesnt Get Better And We Need to Stop Pretending It Does


Dan Savage’s rainbow-tinted “It Gets Better” approach to LGBT discrimination helped ease our pain a few years ago when LGBT suicide was a top story in the news cycle, and while that nonprofit marketing gimmick wasn’t even true back then, it’s practically nonexistent now. No matter how much progress we make in terms of legislation for our civil liberties, the conservative right and its radical cohorts continue to establish us as demons. As a result, there are proverbial bounties on all our heads – and we need to get our heads out of our asses about it. We are Orlando; this could’ve happened to any one of us – and if we don’t wise/rise up, it will._


  1. Allowing Anyone to Marginalize You Must End Now


You don’t need to apologize for who you are anymore. Like, ever. If somebody doesn’t like who you are because you’re gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender, that’s their problem, not yours. Stop apologizing to your relatives, friends, coworkers and pastors. You don’t owe anybody anything, but you should start demanding respect. Otherwise, cut them out of your life. Their political and religious views are poison, and it can kill you.


  1. We All Need to Take a Course on How to Survive a Mass Shooting


There’s no end in sight for America’s scourge of mass shootings. It will happen again and again and again. And until every assault weapon is melted down, you are in danger. If the government won’t protect you, you have to protect yourself – and step one is enrolling in a course on how to survive a mass shooting. They’re growing in abundance, because, well, that’s our reality now, and it’s in your best interest to be prepared. Your life may depend on it.


Mikey Rox is an award-winning journalist and LGBT lifestyle expert whose work has been published in more than 100 outlets across the world. He splits his time between homes in New York City and the Jersey Shore with his dog Jaxon. Connect with Mikey on Twitter @mikeyrox.

The post 7 Hard Truths the LGBT Community Must Address in the Wake of the Orlando Massacre appeared first on Florida Agenda - LGBT News.

5 Reasons Why Being a Gay Extrovert Is Sometimes The Pits Mon, 30 May 2016 01:30:00 +0000

By Mikey Rox Being gay and an extrovert seems to go hand-in-hand. Many of us have an innate ability to connect with others that makes being outgoing look effortless, but the truth is, sometimes we need a break just like the rest of the world. Take a breather and reflect on everyone else’s obsession with […]

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By Mikey Rox

Being gay and an extrovert seems to go hand-in-hand. Many of us have an innate ability to connect with others that makes being outgoing look effortless, but the truth is, sometimes we need a break just like the rest of the world. Take a breather and reflect on everyone else’s obsession with you with these five reasons why being an extrovert is sometimes the pits–even though you wouldn’t have it any other way.


  1. You’re Expected to Be ‘On’ From the Minute You Pop Out of Bed


I wouldn’t say that I’m not a morning person–I like to think I’m fairly agreeable when I wake up–but I also work from home on a regular basis and generally take my time getting ready for the day, which probably contributes to my upbeat demeanor. But even when I have an off day, people notice, and I’m sure you’ll recognize the same. Just try keeping to yourself during the first couple hours at the office and see what happens. By noon, an all-hands meeting will be scheduled to discuss how your personality is affecting productivity, your cube mate will have a doctor’s appointment on your calendar, and your mother will be blowing you up on text because your boss called with concern. Alas, this crisis can be avoided; you just have to grin and bear it on life’s rainy days too.


  1. Your Straight Pals Rely On You to Be Their Social Director


When I go out on the town, I’m usually the axis of my group. It’s not that I surround myself with wallflowers either; all my friends are perfectly social, yet they seem to like it when I take the wheel. We go to sporting events, shows, bars, restaurants–all the typical things you do with friends. Not only am I the one planning the activities, but it also happens that I’m literally and physically the center of attention. I’m smack dab in the middle of the situation so everybody can benefit from my wit and charm equally while not worrying about having to work so hard for laughs themselves. It’s tiresome, and it’s resulted in canceled plans more than once when I’m not up for being everybody’s tour guide/comedian/camp director.


  1. The Fate of Your Friends’ Weddings Is in Your Hands


I’m asked one specific question by nearly every bride to whose wedding I’m invited: “You’re gonna dance, right?” You see, over the years I’ve built a reputation of being a mover and shaker on the dance floor–so much so that that reputation precedes me, and even before I accept the invitation I’m expected to be part of the evening’s entertainment. There have been a few weddings, however, where I just wasn’t feeling the boogie. Perhaps the music wasn’t right, maybe I was a little hungover from the previous night’s festivities, or, and this is the most likely scenario, I didn’t feel like being a show monkey for a free buffet and a slice of stale cake. Just let me be. Just once I’d like to select a couple overpriced kitchen items from the gift registry like the rest of the guests and be allowed to sit at my assigned seat while getting blitzed on the open bar as I cry inside about how I’ll never find someone to love me. You know, like a normal person.


  1. People Are Worried About Your Health and Safety If You Take a Break from Social Media


True story: I’m currently traveling as I write this column and I haven’t had time to post my quippy and, oftentimes, hourly observations on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as much as my friends and followers are accustomed. Hand to God, earlier today I received a message from one of my social media contacts asking me if I’m OK because I “haven’t posted in days.” In reality, I updated my status about 24 hours ago, but he’s about to call in a missing person’s report because I’m enjoying my vacation. Next time, I’ll send out announcements so people can prepare.


  1. Basically If You Don’t Have Rainbows Shooting Out of Your Butt at All Times, the World Might End


Don’t get me wrong here. Even though I’m probably sounding a little complain-y, I’m glad I’m an extrovert. I mean, I can’t imagine what it’s like being a gay introvert who inevitably gets treated like the extrovert everyone else wants you to be because me and the rest of the constant attention seekers in the LGBT community have ruined anonymity for you. But even though it seems easy being us, we have a lot of the same insecurities, feelings of isolation, and even loneliness. We’re just better at hiding it, mostly by bending over backwards to please other people–or else. Frankly, I wish rainbows did shoot out of my butt just so I didn’t have to talk so damn much. Wouldn’t that be nice? I’m sure my hangers-on would agree–if they could ever get a word in edgewise.


Mikey Rox is an award-winning journalist and LGBT lifestyle expert whose work has been published in more than 100 outlets across the world. He splits his time between homes in New York City and the Jersey Shore with his dog Jaxon. Connect with Mikey on Twitter @mikeyrox.

The post 5 Reasons Why Being a Gay Extrovert Is Sometimes The Pits appeared first on Florida Agenda - LGBT News.

Government Cheese: 9 Gay Ways To Spend Your Tax Refund Fri, 25 Mar 2016 13:57:11 +0000

by Mikey Rox Getting a well-deserved kickback from the IRS this year? Spend your tax refund gay-ly with these fey ways to enjoy that new stash of cash. Spend the weekend at a ‘family’-style campground Your idea of gay camping is likely that one time you and your dude banged it out a la _Brokeback […]

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by Mikey Rox

Getting a well-deserved kickback from the IRS this year? Spend your tax refund gay-ly with these fey ways to enjoy that new stash of cash.

  1. Spend the weekend at a ‘family’-style campground

Your idea of gay camping is likely that one time you and your dude banged it out a la _Brokeback Mountain_ under a tent at a local KOA, but there are actually entire campgrounds and sprawling wilderness resorts dedicated to hosting LGBT people for weekend getaways. You can find gay- and lesbian-only and even mixed-crowd sites across the country – some of which are clothing optional – by visiting Gay Camp USA online. The directory distinguishes between male- and female-exclusive locations, and lets you know which grounds are simply gay-friendly, if you prefer a little more inclusion.

  1. Venture to Vegas for Britney, Mariah, Celine or J. Lo

With four of the biggest names in pop music on the bill in Vegas, the decision is not whether to book a trip to Sin City but rather who to see – first. Between shows, pop over to Luxor for its Temptations Sunday gay pool party, which runs from May 15 to September 25; grab a bite in the glittering Cosmopolitan (affordable French restaurant Comme Ca is always a solid choice); or make it rain on go-go boys at off-the-Strip Share, a local favorite for flirty dancers and reliable DJs.

  1. Pick up a few great LGBT books for spring reading

A couple Frivolists ago I recommended a double handful of LGBT-themed or -written books for your spring reading list. Pick up a few of those, or strike out on your own to find a few underrated titles that support our community of incredible authors.

  1. Pamper yourself from head to toe, boo

Get your hair did, nails buffed, booty massaged. You probably need a little dusting off after a long winter, anyway.

  1. Rent a hotel room for a naughty nearby getaway

Book a room at fine accommodations for you and old boy – or a new on-the-go beau (or both!) – to shake up your sex life. Pack a few toys, create a sexy playlist, and go at it like two grizzly bears in heat since you don’t have to wash the sheets.

  1. Pick a new Pride celebration to attend this summer

If you take your gay pride seriously, show it off in a different city this year. Pride parades and other festivities are held all over the country – in municipalities large and small – to help you get in the spirit of telling whoever’s watching that you’re queer and you’re here. For a few under-the-radar ideas, check out this list of “Big Prides in small regions” I compiled last year.

  1. Hire a hot handyman to play Mr. Fix It

Have a few “honey-do” projects around the house but don’t have a honey to do them? Farm the work out – hunky college students are generally willing to strap on a tool belt for a few hours for a decent wage – to start crossing items off your list. Don’t forget to tip.

  1. Splurge – and do a little redecorating

Cover a wall with exquisite paper, paint a room a vibrant color, sell off old art and buy new works, and swap out worn furniture for a few fresh pieces. I recently did a bit of redecorating myself, and I’ll let you in on a little secret: If you’re making an expensive purchase (like multiple pieces of furniture), buy the items in store opposed to online. I saved more than $500 in shipping fees and surcharges – and received 20 percent off two pricey items in store that didn’t qualify for the deal online – by shopping in person.

  1. Gather your besties for a ballgame

One of my favorite all-time activities is going to the ballpark – mostly due to the baseball players’ ample butts (I’m lookin’ at you, Baltimore Orioles shortstop J.J. Hardy!) – because there’s nothing quite like kicking back and enjoying a beer, a brat and a few hours of America’s pastime with my buddies. I have a goal to visit all the Major League stadiums and parks (there’s a difference) before age 40, and this summer I’ll be halfway there. Take a portion of your tax refund and support your local team (major or minor; AAA clubs need your love, too) this season. Say hi if you see me; I’ll be the guy flying my phone number in paper airplanes out onto the field.

Mikey Rox is an award-winning journalist and LGBT lifestyle expert whose work has been published in more than 100 outlets across the world. He splits his time between homes in New York City and the Jersey Shore with his dog Jaxon.

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Spring Into These Calorie-Burning Activities To Shed Your Winter Padding Thu, 17 Mar 2016 17:03:04 +0000

by Mikey Rox Hard time keeping your hands out of the cookie jar this winter? Polish off those last few Oreos then set your sights on spring with these easy-to-integrate activities that’ll have you sweating and shedding in no time. Train for a Foot Race A few weeks ago I decided for the first time […]

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by Mikey Rox

Hard time keeping your hands out of the cookie jar this winter? Polish off those last few Oreos then set your sights on spring with these easy-to-integrate activities that’ll have you sweating and shedding in no time.

Train for a Foot Race

A few weeks ago I decided for the first time to compete in a half-marathon race. My gym was advertising the event, and on the advertisement was a URL for a 12-week, increasingly rigorous conditioning regimen that I could follow to get into race-ready shape. I’m nearly halfway through the program and I’m proud to say that I haven’t missed a goal yet. This may be an intimidating feat for some, but it’s absolutely achievable if you commit yourself to it. To help yourself stay on track, invite a friend to join the race with you; you two can work out together and provide support in times of doubt and fatigue.

Participate in an Obstacle Course

In addition to the half marathon this spring, I’ve also signed up for a challenging obstacle course called Rugged Maniac, which I expect will test my strength and endurance over its 5K course. Some of the obstacles include scaling a warped wall a la Ninja Warrior, jumping over fire, climbing ladders, hopping barricades, trudging through mud and more. If you’re not confident that you can complete a course of this intensity, there are several other traveling fitness courses during the spring and summer months including ROC Race, Insane Inflatable 5K and Mud Factor that may set up camp near you.

Pop Into a Trampoline Park

Trampoline parks are all the rage right now – seems like a new location opens every month – but they’re not just for kids. Adults can get in on the action too by joining open jumps, playing ultimate dodgeball, dunking baskets or signing up for scheduled fitness programs that will work you out to the tune of 1,000 calories an hour in some classes.

Take New Classes at Your Gym

If you already belong to a gym but your routine has lost its luster or you’ve just slacked off because, well, winter, get back into the swing of things by trying something new. Personally, I’m not always a self-motivator when it comes to exercise, so I benefit from the group classes that my gym offers (which at most gyms are included in the regular membership), and the same strategy may work for you. Visit your facility’s website to view the class schedule and register for one or two that appeal to you. You may be surprised at how much you enjoy it.

Accept Challenges on Your Fitness Tracker

One of the cool ways I’m ensuring that I meet certain fitness goals I’ve set for myself, like on my Fitbit fitness tracker, is to accept and extend challenges between the friends with whom I’m connected through the device. Turning the wearable into a little friendly competition is fun, and I push myself a little further every day to stay ahead.

Incorporate Exercises Into Your Chores

Sneak in squats while you’re vacuuming the steps, bang out a few pushups when you’re putting storage items under the bed, and do a few curls with your grocery bags from the car to the house. It’s easy to turn your mundane chores into mini-exercises to keep your muscles moving.

Do More Manual Labor Around the House

Instead of hiring a handyman or gardener to tackle items on your spring-cleaning to-do list, try your own hand at what you’d normally farm out. If you’re capable of cleaning up the yard and laying your own mulch you should be doing it yourself anyway, but at least now you’ll get a decent tan and save a couple hundreds bucks while you’re at it.

Rent Equipment to Try a New Fitness Activity

Last year I bought a couple kayaks to add extra activity into my spring and summer routine, and this year one of my goals is to learn how to standup paddle board. These boards are quite expensive to purchase, so renting is a great option for me, especially since I’m not sure I’ll like it. You can rent nearly any kind of sports and fitness equipment these days, from typical bicycles to more extreme equipment like kite-boarding kites. Whatever suits your fancy – and fitness level.

Join a Social Sports League

I’ve been part of a social sports league in some capacity for at least the past 10 years – and I can’t sing the praises of these groups enough. I’ve been a member of kickball, dodgeball and cornhole teams in the past, and currently I play on a couple bowling leagues and a shuffleboard league. I’m certainly not getting buff on these leagues, but they still keep me moving (some more than others), and they’re a great way to dust yourself off, get your blood pumping and make a few new friends as the cold weather makes way for sunshine and warmth.

Mikey Rox is an award-winning journalist and LGBT lifestyle expert whose work has been published in more than 100 outlets across the world. He splits his time between homes in New York City and the Jersey Shore with his dog Jaxon. Connect with Mikey on Twitter @mikeyrox.

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10 Oscar-Inspired Cocktails to Get the Party Started Fri, 26 Feb 2016 14:37:47 +0000

by Mikey Rox Thirsty for Oscar? Watch the 88th Academy Awards go down in history – and hashtags (#becausesomebodyshadworkdone) – with these quenching cocktail recipes inspired by this year’s nominees and Hollywood’s biggest night.   Red Carpet Ready   4 cups apple cider, chilled 2 cups cranberry juice cocktail, chilled 2 cups SPARKLING ICE Crisp […]

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by Mikey Rox

Thirsty for Oscar? Watch the 88th Academy Awards go down in history – and hashtags (#becausesomebodyshadworkdone) – with these quenching cocktail recipes inspired by this year’s nominees and Hollywood’s biggest night.


Red Carpet Ready


4 cups apple cider, chilled

2 cups cranberry juice cocktail, chilled

2 cups SPARKLING ICE Crisp Apple, chilled

1 can (12 oz) frozen orange juice concentrate

Apple slices for garnish

Rosemary cranberry sprig for individual garnish, or float fresh or frozen cranberries in punch bowl

In a large bowl, mix all ingredients and let sit overnight. Serve chilled, garnish with rosemary cranberry sprig. Add a splash of vodka or Prosecco for a cocktail modification.


Winter Vengeance inspired by The Revenant


Created at the oceanfront resort Terranea in Los Angeles.

3/4 oz Baileys

3/4 oz Averna Amaro

3/4 oz Cointreau Noir

Egg white

1 oz coconut milk

Garnish with coconut snow and rosemary.


Life on Mars inspired by The Martian


1 1/2 oz Ketel One Citroen

1/2 oz Suze liqueur

1/2 oz Carpano Antica Sweet vermouth

3/4 oz fresh squeezed blood orange

2 dashes Peychaud’s bitters

Garnish with blood orange slice and mint.

*created at Terranea


Fury Road inspired by Mad Max


2 oz Pelligroso Silver Tequila

3/4 oz Heering Cherry liqueur

1/2 oz lemon juice

1/2 oz lime juice

1/2 oz agave nectar

2 dashes angostura bitters

1 bar spoon harissa chili paste

Muddled grilled pineapple that has been soaked in mezcal

Pinch of salt

Garnish with grilled pineapple slices/cayenne pepper/salt

*created at Terranea


The Irish Goodbye inspired by Brooklyn


Created by Keith Villanueva, bartender at Seattle’s Sazerac restaurant.

2 oz Tullamore Dew Irish Whiskey

1/2 oz dry vermouth

1/2 oz sweet vermouth

1/2 oz maraschino

1/4 oz Amer Picon

Stir, strain and serve up. Garnish with lemon peel.




Created by Andrew Call, bartender at Portland’s Bacchus Bar.

1/2 oz Angostura bitters

1/2 oz Soldera sherry

1 oz lime juice

3/4 oz rosemary simple syrup

Combine and shake over ice. Strain into a wide coupe glass and top with “creamed wine” (Oregon pinot, lemon and egg whites in a whipped cream canister). Notes: wine and rosemary are both used in religious ceremonies, so this is like an amped up version of holy wine, served in a glass with a spotlight-like rim.


The Big Short


Created by Bryan Galligos, bartender at Portland’s Bacchus Bar.

1 oz Templeton Rye

1/2 oz Campari

1/2 oz dry Curacao

1 bar spoon Fernet Branca

2 dashes Peychaud’s bitters

1 dash Angostura bitters

Combine and shake over ice. Strain into Nick and Nora glass and garnish with a large orange wheel. This packs big flavor into a small glass, hence “The Big Short.”


Luck in East Berlin inspired by Bridge of Spies


1 oz Luksusowa Vodka

1/4 oz Lemon Juice

1/4 oz Crème de Cassis

Shake and strain into a flute. Top with Prosecco. Garnish with a lemon peel.

*created by Keith Villanueva


Something Wicked This Way Comes inspired by Room


Created by Chad Phillips, head bartender at Seattle’s Pennyroyal bar.

1 1/2 oz Four Roses Yellow Label Bourbon

1/2 oz Green Chartreuse

1/4 oz Fernet Branca

3/4 oz Lemon Juice

1/4 oz Simple Syrup

8 Arugula Leaves

Combine all ingredients in a mixing tin and shake. Strain over rocks. Garnish with an arugula leaf.


The Old Hollywood


1 oz Amaro Lucano

1/2 oz fresh lemon juice

2 oz San Pellegrino Limonata

Bisol Jeio Prosecco

Lemon wheel for garnish


Mix Lucano, fresh lemon and San Pellegrino. Add 3 1/2-ounce mix to wine glass, fill with ice, top with Prosecco, and garnish with two lemon wheels.


Mikey Rox is an award-winning journalist and LGBT lifestyle expert whose work has been published in more than 100 outlets across the world. He splits his time between homes in New York City and the Jersey Shore with his dog Jaxon. Connect with Mikey on Twitter @mikeyrox.

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Chug-A-Lug 2016: TV Drinking Games Guaranteed To Keep You Toasted Wed, 06 Jan 2016 16:55:23 +0000

 by Mikey Rox ‘Round my parts in New York City, winter’s been a breeze so far. Seventy degrees on Christmas Eve? I’ll take it. But I don’t expect the New Year to be as cooperative. When the post-holiday season throws us a storm or three, give it a good what-for with booze. Settle in for […]

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 by Mikey Rox

‘Round my parts in New York City, winter’s been a breeze so far. Seventy degrees on Christmas Eve? I’ll take it. But I don’t expect the New Year to be as cooperative. When the post-holiday season throws us a storm or three, give it a good what-for with booze. Settle in for a DVR’s worth of critically acclaimed TV and these seven new drinking games to help smooth that slow transition to spring.

  1. The Golden Globes (NBC)

Take a sip of beer or wine when:

  • A celebrity name-drops the designers they’re wearing on the red carpet. Fingers crossed for more Christian Siriano.
  • Host Ricky Gervais makes the audience squirm with his too-close-for-comfort comedy. Shots will be fired in the first 60 seconds.
  • The films Carol, Room, The Big Short or The Danish Girl win an award – for anything. Excellent films all of them, and awesome LGBT representation in the mix.

Take a shot when:

  • Anybody takes a shot at Donald Trump. In which case, you may want to pick up a bottle of the good stuff.
  • The “In Memoriam” segment inevitably forgets somebody it shouldn’t have. Twitter will let you know who it is, like, 30 seconds later.
  • Amy Schumer and Jennifer Lawrence play up their cutest-new-besties-ever love affair for the cameras.
  1. Younger (TVLand)

Take a sip of beer or wine when:

  • The numbers 26 and 40 are spoken. It happens A LOT.
  • The words “lesbian” and “vagina” are spoken – or getting it on.
  • There’s any mention of social media platforms, like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Tinder, Grindr, et al. Hey, it’s modern-day Brooklyn – what do you expect?

Take a shot when:

  • Liza (Sutton Foster) and Josh’s (Nico Tortorella) relationship seems like it’s in peril.
  • Liza’s tries to keep her real age – or her college-aged daughter – a secret.
  • Liza’s boss Diana (Miriam Shor) gives the stink-eye – while wearing a chunky necklace.
  1. Life in Pieces (CBS)

Take a sip of beer or wine when:

  • Grandpa John (James Brolin) is a sexy beast. Move over, Sean Connery!
  • Grandma Joan (Dianne Wiest) psychoanalyzes her children and/or their spouses.
  • Parenting skills come into question.

Take a shot when:

  • Brothers Matt (Thomas Sadoski) and Greg (Colin Hanks) show signs of sibling rivalry.
  • Tim (Dan Bakkedahl) embarrasses his family, especially son Tyler (Niall Cunningham).
  • Sophia (Giselle Eisenberg) masters the art of sarcasm at the wise old age of 6.
  1. Shark Tank (ABC)

Take a sip of beer or wine when:

  • An Entrepreneur cries.
  • An entrepreneur overvalues his or her business and gets taken to task for it by the Sharks.
  • Wonderful (Kevin O’Leary) refers to an entrepreneur as an insect or animal, like a cockroach or rat, for instance.

Take a shot when:

  • Barbara Corcoran wears any neon article of clothing. She’s pretty much the queen of dayglow yellow.
  • Lori Greiner mentions QVC or one of her many patents.
  • Mark Cuban refers to the Dallas Mavericks.
  1. Black-ish (ABC)

Take a sip of beer or wine when:

  • Dre (Anthony Anderson) seeks family advice from his mostly white co-workers.
  • Dre’s mother Ruby praises the Lord, God or Black Jesus.
  • Bow’s (Tracee Ellis Ross) light-skinned, hippie heritage is food for fodder – particularly her knack for more “natural”

Take a shot when:

  • Diane (Marsai Martin) drops a zinger.
  • Miles (Jack Johnson) plays up the adorable-little-boy act to his advantage. Another one if he busts a move.
  • Zoey (Yara Shahidi) and Andre Jr. (Marcus Scribner) make their father question their ‘black-ness.’
  1. The Americans (FX)

Take a sip of beer or wine when:

  • There’s a reference to 1980s politics. Two if there’s talk of Ronald Reagan or the Soviet Union.
  • Someone is murdered.
  • There’s mention of another country outside of the United States. Three if they’re part of the Eastern Bloc.

Take a shot when:

  • A bomb detonates.
  • A gun pops off.
  • Someone is sleeping with the enemy.
  1. Teachers (TVLand)

Take a sip of beer or wine when:

  • The kids talk back.
  • The teachers say something wildly inappropriate.
  • The kids are at recess.

Take a shot when:

  • The teachers make up a mean-spirited game, or a game to benefit their current condition, like being hungover.
  • There’s a parent-teacher conference.
  • The teachers play “Truth or Dare” in the faculty lounge.

Mikey Rox is an award-winning journalist and LGBT lifestyle expert whose work has been published in more than 100 outlets across the world. He splits his time between homes in New York City and the Jersey Shore with his dog Jaxon. Connect with Mikey on Twitter @mikeyrox.

The post Chug-A-Lug 2016: TV Drinking Games Guaranteed To Keep You Toasted appeared first on Florida Agenda - LGBT News.

The Frivolist Awards: 2015’s Biggest Haters Mon, 28 Dec 2015 17:59:22 +0000

 by Mikey Rox Despite our continued march toward complete LGBT equality, we’re still faced with haters trying to hold us back – and some people work harder than others. This retrospective of the year that almost was recognizes the vilest of the vile for their anti-accomplishments in the first-ever Frivolist Awards. Behold my picks for […]

The post The Frivolist Awards: 2015’s Biggest Haters appeared first on Florida Agenda - LGBT News.


 by Mikey Rox

Despite our continued march toward complete LGBT equality, we’re still faced with haters trying to hold us back – and some people work harder than others. This retrospective of the year that almost was recognizes the vilest of the vile for their anti-accomplishments in the first-ever Frivolist Awards. Behold my picks for the biggest dicks of 2015, then make your own nominations by reaching out on

And the sinners are…


Dolce & Gabbana

Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana – gay designers and former lovers – don’t mind rolling around their Milan villas in the truckloads of cash they earn from the LGBT community who buy their line of high-priced goods, but they’re totally against us raising children. In the March 2015 issue of Italian magazine Panorama, the fashion has-beens said they opposed gay adoption because “the only family is the traditional one” – who have expensive taste, of course.


Kim Davis

The Rowan County, Kentucky clerk became the face of a movement opposed to same-sex marriage despite the repeal of DOMA by the Supreme Court when she defied law-of-the-land orders to issue licenses to gay and lesbian couples. For weeks she dominated the national news headlines for her antics – which landed her a five-day stint in the clink – before reversing course and allowing her office to issue the licenses so long as they didn’t include her signature. Time magazine considered Davis for its 2015 Person of the Year before remembering it had a reputation to uphold.


The Duggars

 TLC’s disgraced reality family The Duggars have a sordid history of anti-LGBT campaigning, including matriarch Michelle’s transphobic robocalling against a 2014 Arkansas LGBT rights ordinance. But poetic justice was served this year when proper perv Josh Duggar – former executive director of FRC, sponsored by gay hate group Family Research Council – shattered the clan’s chaste façade when a bombshell dropped that he molested several young girls, including two of his sisters, and cheated on his wife with the help of the hacked adultery site


Martin Shkreli

In September, Martin Shkreli – the 32-year-old entrepreneur with an alleged net worth of $100 million – went from “boy genius” to the “most-hated man in America,” according to CNN Money, when he raised the price of Daraprim, a drug used by some AIDS and cancer patients, from $13.50 a pill to $750 overnight. Social media vilified the Turing Pharmaceuticals AG CEO, who, in response to the public outcry, said he would lower the list price to something more affordable, but in November decided to offer hospitals volume discounts instead.


Ben Carson

Celebrated neurosurgeon and presidential candidate Ben Carson, who, as of press time, ranked fourth among Republican primary voters nationwide with 11 percent backing, has compared same-sex marriage to bestiality, said that LGBT parents are not of “equal value” to those in traditional marriages, and believes that LGBT rights are not the same as civil rights. Too bad he can’t give himself a lobotomy.


Caitlyn Jenner

 “Republican hypocrite” Caitlyn Jenner – who plans to vote for whatever anti-LGBT A-hole gets the go-ahead by the GOP to take equality a few steps back next year – revealed herself to be as out of touch with reality as the “reality”-juggernaut Kardashians from whom she escaped – and you know momma Kris’ claws dig deep – when she went on Ellen earlier this year to discuss her misaligned political views. The former Olympian continues to stick her stilettos in her mouth when representing the LGBT community, most recently when she urged her trans brothers and sisters to work harder when trying to “look the part” as to not make other people feel uncomfortable. Ya know, because everybody has a hair and makeup team on call.


Radical ‘Christians’

If it weren’t for the current election cycle, we might not have any idea just how much America’s so-called “Christian” faction – the radical portion, anyway – really, really_want us to burn in hell. Take Pastor Kevin Swanson, for instance, whose supporters include Republican presidential candidates Sen. Ted Cuz, Gov. Mike Huckabee and Gov. Bobby Jindal, and who regularly calls for the return of “biblical punishment” for homosexuality – death to both participants – because it’s the “in” thing to do when you live in glass houses.



For as much vitriol Christians spew about top-dog terror organization ISIS (ironic, isn’t it?), at least they’re not actually following through on their plans to execute us gays – unlike these mass murderers as well known for their savage beheadings of humanitarians and journalists as they are for executing suspected homosexuals by tossing them off buildings onto piles of cement blocks. The jihadist group has claimed responsibility for killing at least 30 gay men.


The Bigots of Oak Lawn, Dallas

Hate crimes in the Dallas “gayborhood” of Oak Lawn became such a common occurrence this year – at least a dozen incidents were reported – that local police had to put it on “lockdown.” “Survivors have been beaten with bats, stabbed with box cutters, pistol whipped and pummeled with fists,” according to Rally for Change, a local org who petitioned for the increased police presence to combat the rampant violence, as reported by Queerty. The bloody attacks became so frequent, in fact, that Mayor Mike Rawlings went door-to-door to assure residents that his administration was doing its best to address the issue.


Bristol Palin

When still-single mother-of-the-decade Bristol Palin (whose second child born out of wedlock is due sometime near the end of the year) isn’t touring the country as a teen-pregnancy-prevention spokesperson or lamenting same-sex marriage, she’s tackling important issues like the gayification of America’s java drinkers who are subliminally forced to get their fix from Starbucks’ war-on-Christmas cups that are clearly “trying to cater to the gay agenda in the country” with their “awful red color.” May God have mercy on her spawn.


Dr. John Wolf

Dr. John Wolf, a dentist in the Chelsea neighborhood of New York City, was arrested for allegedly providing drug dealers free root canals in exchange for meth. The FBI and DEA, which had been watching Wolf for several months, released a complaint that also revealed his penchant for kiddie porn and the time he told an undercover agent about how he had a nasty habit – as if smoking ice and diddling himself to sex vids of children weren’t enough – of poking holes in condoms to deliberately spread HIV to his sexual partners. Swipe left on this loser.

Mikey Rox is an award-winning journalist and LGBT lifestyle expert whose work has been published in more than 100 outlets across the world. He splits his time between homes in New York City and the Jersey Shore with his dog Jaxon. Connect with Mikey on Twitter @mikeyrox.


The post The Frivolist Awards: 2015’s Biggest Haters appeared first on Florida Agenda - LGBT News.
