We all tend to worry about certain situations in our life. We tell our friends how we are fearful...
Author - James Miller | Lifeology
Closed doors
Throughout your life you will experience many situations that simply do not make sense. The person...
The Sky Is Falling
We all remember the folktale of Chicken Little who believed that the world was coming to an end. He...
When all hope is lost
There are times in our lives when we are blindsided by an event and we feel paralyzed. We feel as...
Who are you in your relationship?
We’ve all heard the phrase that relationships are hard work. We often confuse this...
Getting your life back on track
We all have ideas of our perfect life, the perfect job, partner, income etc. We begin life with...
Forgiving Yourself
When we were growing up we were taught to forgive others. We were told it’s the right thing...
The Importance of Expressing Emotions
One of the many great things about being human is our ability to feel. Our thoughts and emotions...
Setting Healthy Boundaries
We’ve all seen those medieval movies where the castle walls defend the townspeople from the...
When It Doesn’t Make Sense
Each life event, from the most influential to the mundane, will affect you. Often you may plan...