Marriage equality in the US, the increase of gay affirming religious denominations, and some...
Author - Durrell Watkins
Sacred Rainbow People
Most of us have probably heard of the biblical story of Joseph and his multi-colored coat. If we...
Fundamentalism is Fear
[Christian] Fundamentalism grew in opposition to the discoveries of the 19th and 20th centuries. ...
The Gospel Truth
In the Christian bible there are four gospels: Mark, Matthew, John, and Luke (their chronological...
We’re Not Done Yet
In my lifetime, I have seen the first woman Supreme Court justice appointed (Sandra Day...
Sharing Our Truth
When religious conservatives go on the attack, the Queer community often responds defensively, and...
Pentecostal Musings
In Western Christianity, we are approaching the celebration of Pentecost (May 15th this year)...
Kindness Really Can Make A Difference
When I was in seminary in New York City there was a woman in my class from a very conservative...
The Gift Of Questioning
I grew up believing certain things. I believed them because in my rural, southern environment, such...
Hate The Sin Of Homophobia, Not The Homophobic Sinner
We knew that those who oppose marriage equality would not just go away. Legislatures and political...