Posted on 13 June 2012
Tags: what's inside
Maybe you were a smarter kid than I was, because until I was about 12, I really thought that Komonahwannalayuh was an actual Hawaiian monarch. The reality about our nation’s 50th state is far more exotic, charming—and gay, and jet-setting maven Robert Elias Deaton, takes us to the tasty archipelago that was once called the Sandwich Islands, inside this week’s Travel.
Father’s Day is the perfect time to take out your daddy, Papi, Pap-o—or even your actual father—for some delicious dining. I don’t know which part of me loves Italian cuisine more: the Italian part—I mean, c’mon, Fuhgeddaboudit!—or the Irish, which is hot for the Italian in me. Both halves were delighted to read this week’s Dining review from foodie Richard David Chamberlain, who takes us this week to Fort Lauderdale’s Fiore de Tedesco’s, on East Commercial Boulevard, for a look at one of the happening spots on the east side of town. (And with a menu item named after Old Blue Eyes himself—Pollo Sinatra—I mean, seriously, how can you go wrong?)
Want to know the “skinny” on what foods are good—and what foods are good to avoid? Nutrition expert Andy “The Core” Kress has the low-down on Super-Foods (and Not-So-Super-Foods). Are Jay-Z, Beyoncé, Chris Martin, and Gwyneth Paltrow really taking a Recreational Vehicle on a summer road trip around Florida? Grant James knows all and tells all—along with two new album reviews—this week in The SCENE. We also take you OUT (in Florida), to see what’s hot and happening around the Sunshine State this week, and Terri Schlichenmeyer reviews “Redefining Diva” in an all-new Bookshelf.
Happy Father’s Day!

Posted on 06 October 2011
Tags: Celebrity Silhouette, film festivals, issue #98, michele's dining, nutrition, protein, style, what's inside
In this week’s Style & Entertainment, Warren Day treats you to a sneak preview of the films being shown at Tampa and Fort Lauderdale’s Gay and Lesbian Film Festivals in Film; Paul Rubio takes us with him to Santorini and Rome with his “Port Highlights” of the Celebrity Silhouette cruise in Travel, and Jean Doherty shows us how to be the chef with a delectable recipe for Chili Con Carne in Recipe.
Andy Kress enlightens us on the pitfalls of excess protein in Nutrition; Bob Kecskemety takes to the streets and asks “What is your favorite gay-themed movie?” in The Q, and Richard Hack enjoys the sumptuous delights offered up by Michele’s Dining Lounge in
We also have your favorites, Out in Florida and our statewide Bar Guide.
Enjoy! H – AV
Posted on 28 September 2011
Tags: celebrity silhoette, Coq Au Vin, Drag, fountain of youth, Macaviti, what's inside
” href=”../2011/09/28/if-you-could-turn-back-time/” rel=”bookmark”>If You Could Turn Back Time!
In this week’s Style & Entertainment, we get up close and personal with super diva Macaviti, discussing his new single and his transition from drag performer to recording artist in Profile; Eric Christian sheds some light on this season’s most wearable trends and the best places to get them no matter your budget in Style; and we take a trip down memory lane with our new feature Remember When.
Paul Rubio takes us cruising on the luxury Celebrity Silhouette Cruise in Travel; Tom Bonanti shows us how to find that fountain of youth with some tips to “Turn Back Time” in Fitness; and Jean Doherty helps us create a classic with Coq Au Vin in Recipe.
We also have your favorites, Out in Florida and our statewide Bar Guide.
Enjoy! H – AV