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80-year-old arrested for using glory hole in Florida National Park

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PENSACOLA, Fla. – While on a trip Naval Live Oaks National Park in Pensacola, Fla., one elderly gentlemen went a little too f

ar trying to explore the trail off the beaten path.

Richard Laiko, 80, of Lillian, Ala., was arrested for indecent exposure, bribery and resisting arrest without violence when he inserted his penis through a glory hole restroom and the person on the other side happened to be a park ranger.

Laiko was immediately arrested and not allowed to pull his pants up. The arresting officer said that Laiko would not cooperate with him, so he had to take him down to the ground.

According to the officer, Laiko kept repeatedly apologizing and asking if he could trade landscaping services for the right to get out of the arrest.

According to the Naval Live Oaks National Park Service, the bathrooms in this particular area are a well-known spot for “deviant acts.” They had had to repair several glory holes created in the bathrooms in the past.

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