Tag Archive | "Trans Relativity"

Letters to the Editor- Nov. 24, 2011

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In response to the editor’s opinion “Marriage? Get Real!” in the Florida Agenda, November 10, 2011.

Thank you for your piece on the sanctity of marriage, you hit the nail on the head! We are happy to watch the desecration of the institution of marriage on tv, yet apparently we as a community cant take part. We aren’t perfect just like everyone else, so why shouldn’t we have the right to get married for 72 days in a multi-million dollar wedding and divorce. To be honest, divorce maybe a factor but I think celebrities are the biggest threat to marriage, look at the cover of any magazine and there is always some cheating spouse, I’m not saying by any stretch that gay people don’t cheat,  but so what if we do? We can’t do anything worse for marriage than the straights are doing!
L. David

In response to the opinion, “Trans Relativity” in the Florida Agenda, November 17, 2011.

Dear Editor,
I would like to thank Rajindra for shining a light on the fact that trans people have a history. I didn’t know that and feel blessed to know that we aren’t alone, and have just as much right to exist in society as everyone else. I hope that her piece reaches schools and the government so that people will not only understand that being trans is not a choice, but that we have been in place, and were accepted in society hundreds of years ago. People need to be educated.

It takes a brave person to come forward and to shine that light to guide others in finding truth, I applaud Rajindra for doing this. Thank You!
Angel Guettera

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