Tag Archive | "St. Petersburg Nightlife"

Tampa’s gay scene a world of undiscovered cities, people

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The Bay area’s gay scene offers great dining and plenty of nightlife action

Tampa Bay is a world hidden in plain view. Kindness is the rule here, and it doesn’t seem to run out. Tampa and St. Petersburg conceal a busy and unpretentiousness gay community, and every month advocate groups come together to support worthy gay causes. They are focused and can be very sophisticated but maintain their innocence. Guys are sweet, friendly and pleasant. Words like “sincerity,” “downto- earth” and “reality” have meaning here, yet the outside world doesn’t seem to take notice.

Ybor City and St. Petersburg Nightlife

Every week an anxious crowd gathers in front of the Honey Pot (Friday) and G-Bar (Saturday) waiting for the doors to open. They stand smiling in good cheer, even on the days that odd groups of bigots spew hatred from megaphones across the street. Eyes twirl upon hearing crazy megaphone magnified speeches spreading words of nonsense, yet no one speaks ill-will in return.

The gay nightclubs are all located near each other, close to the main drive of Seventh Avenue. Hundreds of lively nightclubs and restaurants line the bright street for nearly a mile and thousands of people frequent the clubs each week.

On a recent weekend, NOH8, a powerful antidiscrimination organization with a big presence in Ybor City, had a fundraiser at the Honey Pot. During the event, NOH8 tattoos were applied to the donators’ cheeks, and duct tape was placed across the lips. It looked like a hostage crisis. Newly created “victims without say” were photographed. It was so crowded that lines backed up for the pictures.

Steve Moss, owner of the Honey Pot and G-Bar (two mega mainstream gay bars), is friendly, fun and sees to everyone’s festivities. The staff is top notch, and drinks are $1 before 11 p.m.

“I like everyone to be included”, said Moss of his bars and the community.

Ybor is also home to Streetcar Charlie’s, a beautiful bar and restaurant whose manager, Charles Moresci, is as laid back as the scene itself. “You can say anything you want as long as it’s nice,” said Moreci.

The thing is, there really are only nice things to say about Streetcar Charlie’s. The food is great, and the bartenders really know how to take care of their customers.

The Eagle, Ybor City, is the area’s premier leather bar. But, on Thursday nights it hosts a popular event called “Social Cub,” which is in essence a college night. The club also features various performers on the weekend.

According to a promoter, The Eagle will have an Indy pop-rock night, and the Cataracts Band has already performed at the club.

In St. Petersburg, Georgie’s Alibi is as popular as it is in Ft. Lauderdale. The difference is that parking is never an issue. Huge lots surround the club.

Thursday, as usual, is popular Long Island Iced Tea night. Its patrons are friendly, and you’ll find an absence of attitude here.

On Dec. 2, the Alibi will host Morgan McMichaels – a Rupaul sensational drag show, and on Dec. 17 the venue will host Pandoras Box drag show.

Additionally, don’t forget to mark Jan. 28-30 on your calendar, which is El Gancho Party weekend. It is one of Ybor’s biggest circuit parties, held at the Castle on Friday night and at the Ritz Ybor Theatre on Saturday night.

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