Tag Archive | "spinach"

Fresh Spinach Pasta

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The cartoon character Popeye is portrayed as having a strong affinity for spinach, becoming physically stronger after consuming it. A frequently circulated story claims that this portrayal was based on faulty calculations of the iron content. In the story, German scientist Emil von Wolff misplaced a decimal point in an 1870 measurement of spinach’s iron content, leading to an iron value 10 times higher than it should have been and this faulty measurement was not noticed until the 1930s.

Spinach first appeared in England and France in the 14th century, probably via Spain, and gained quick popularity because it appeared in early spring, when other vegetables were scarce and when Lenten dietary restrictions discouraged consumption of other foods.

In 1533, Catherine De’Medici became Queen of France and fancied spinach so much that she insisted it be served at every meal. To this day, dishes made with spinach are known as “Florentine,” reflecting Catherine’s birth in Florence.

• 1 1/4 cups torn spinach leaves (frozen spinach works well too, but make sure to drain it well)

• 2 tablespoons water

• 1 egg

• 1/2 teaspoon salt

• 1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour


Combine spinach and water in a saucepan. Cover, and cook till spinach is very tender. Cool slightly. Place the spinach and liquid in your blender. Add the egg and salt. Cover, and blend until smooth. Transfer to a bowl. Add enough flour to make a stiff dough. Turn dough out onto a lightly floured surface. Knead for 1 minute. A pasta machine is the pasta maker’s BFF.

Just follow these tips for a perfect dough: Use the machine for the final kneading. Run the dough through the widest setting on the machine, fold into thirds, and roll again. Continue this process until the dough is shiny and elastic. Work the dough through the settings of the machine until the desired thickness is reached. You are a chef !


Jean Doherty is the Chef and Owner of Le Patio Restaurant in Wilton Manors (954) 530-4641

Eating at the Bar-The Restaurant Bar Has Come Into It’s Own

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In years past, the bar in a restaurant was often a place merely to hang out while waiting for your chance at a table. It was sort of akin to a “waiting room”. Restaurant bars often lacked identity or ambience, and frequently seemed to be mere holding rooms for hungry, anxious restaurant patrons. In recent years, however, all that has changed. The bar has become an integral part of a restaurant’s marketing and customer base. Current restaurant design puts as much thought into the ambience at the bar as the ambience in the dining room. Some restaurants clearly put a separation between the bar and the main dining area, while others attempt a seamless flow from bar to dining room, without a clear cut distinction between one and the other. Simply put, the restaurant bar has definitely come into its own.

Reasons for choosing to eat at the bar are as varied as the customers who patronize any particular establishment. Undoubtedly, some choose a seat at the bar because it’s available right away rather than waiting for a table, but that seems to be a clear minority option now. When dining alone, some feel more comfortable eating at the bar rather than taking up an entire table. In addition, bar patrons are often likely to strike up a bit of banter, so if you feel like conversation, the bar is a great option. If nothing else, a customer can always engage the bartender in a bit of schmoozing. Others may like the higher energy of the bar area; the bar is generally a bit louder, noisier, and many thrive on that energy level. Some restaurants even offer special “bar menus,” often called “bar bites,” with food choices that are not available in the dining room. If you find a favorite “bar bite” bistro, then you might definitely opt for bar dining. Of course, there are those who enjoy watching a bartender do his or her thing. It’s fun to watch a talented bartender in action – after all, mixing cocktails is an art, and some in the profession do it very well.

Some bartenders even have their own unofficial “fan clubs,” patrons who come in regularly to chat and watch them perform their magic with an array of spirits. It should be noted as well that most restaurants that offer bars are happy to let you order dinner entrees from the dining room menu while seated at the bar.

Many of the restaurants we have spotlighted in recent months have fun, unique, energetic bar scenes that are worth checking out. Michele’s Dining Lounge, for example, has a beautifully appointed bar that offers delicious bar bites, with special Happy Hour pricing everyday. J. Marks, of course, has to be one of the hottest bar scenes in Fort Lauderdale; it draws a diverse mix of professionals who enjoy its high energy vibe. Worth noting is that fact that the bar at J. Marks serves a late night menu with selected appetizers and entrees at special pricing. Similarly, Mojo offers a special bar menu with amazing specials to accompany their delicious cocktails. (Try Mussels Monday for delicious mussels in a choice of broth to accompany your cocktail of choice. You’ll need extra bread for the sauce!)

Market 17 on the 17th Street Causeway has a beautifully curved bar with a menu of signature cocktails to accompany their bar snacks. Worth noting here as well is the amazing wine list that features several unique, more limited production varietals.

At Johnny V, the smooth marble bar is an integral part of the dining room. Order appetizers from the main menu or select an array of cheeses from their cheese menu to nibble on as you sip your favorite libation or glass of wine.

Dining at the bar can be a fun option. I have often found myself in interesting, lively conversations with people after just one sip of my cocktail. Some have even gone on to become friends. A word of caution, however: While dining at the bar can be fun when dining alone or with a friend or partner, it is often awkward in larger groups. The linear design of most bars can make conversation with three or more people a bit challenging. Next time you walk into a restaurant and take note of its lively, beautiful, vibrant bar area, take a chance — if you have not already done so — and eat the bar. You never know, I just might be sitting next to you!

Photo: Summer Baby Spinach Salad:  Bushbaby green beans, hearts of palm, sweet and spicy pickled starfruit, saffronorange vinaigrette salad from Market 17

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