The Health and Community Services Programs in collaboration with Black Gay Pride South Florida hosted a very well attended celebration of unity, art, culture and community for Kwanzaa. The African-American community was encouraged to know their HIV/AIDS status and invited to make the Pride Center at Equality Park their resource for counseling,
testing, and referrals.
The Pride Center at Equality Park Sponsored the 12 Annual Black Gay Pride South FloridaCelebration, a weekend celebrated through the performing, visual and cinematic arts. Theopening evening was capped off with a proclamation declaring February 26th Black GayPride Day in the city of Wilton Manors by Commissioner Julie Carson.
The Pride Center hosted the first Latino HIV/AIDS Leadership Summit. More than 180 com-munity leaders discussed how to mobilize within the Latino community. The Summit wasorganized by a partnership between Latinos en Acción of Broward County, the FloridaLatino HIV/AIDS Advisory Group, and the Florida Department of Health Statewide LatinoAIDS Coordinator with the capacity building assistance program at the Latino Commissionon AIDS. Participants shared experiences in community mobilization and practiced inaction planning workgroups.
PALS volunteers organized a very successful WinterWonderland party for graduates, friends, family mem-bers and community supporters of the LIFE Program.Over 100 people attended this reunion event. Sponsorsincluded Panache Style, Stork’s Bakery, Mama’s Cakes,To The Moon, Java Boys and Andrews Diner.
Enhanced Fitness focuses on physical activity and is designed to help olderadults at all levels of fitness to become more active, energized and empow-ered to live independent lives. The Enhanced Fitness program at the PrideCenter draws over 30 seniors per class. The Center offers six classes per week.
“Coffee and Conversation” is just one component of the Pride Center’ssenior programming. Over 60 LGBTQ seniors meet weekly for conversa-tion, food, programs and friendship. The senior group gathers in numbersexceeding 120 for special holidays.
Monthly cocktail reception for major financial supporters of the Center. Sponsors for Stars of the Rainbow enjoyed a martini tasting before the event. Have you considered becoming a Founders Circle member?
The Pride Center continuesto provide a busy, popularflea market the firstSaturday of every monthon the Equality Park cam-pus in Wilton Manors.Over 100 vendors offercrafts, plants, furniture,antiques and clothing. Allproceeds support the mis-sion-driven work of theCenter. Come visit!
To address the total health and well-being of LGBT youth in the wake of anumber of LBGT youth suicides, the Health and Community ServicesPrograms partnered with Safe Schools South Florida to train, equip andempower educators to help keep
LGBT youth safe in our schools.
Monthly cocktail reception for major financial support-ers of the Center. Guests were encouraged to bring atoy for disadvantaged children. The funds donated byFounders Circle members underwrite vital programsand services to the community.
The works of 10 local women who served an important role in the artisticcommunity were featured at The LBT Women Art Expressions GalleryOpening and Reception. The collection was as eclectic and unique aseach of the women who shared a part of herself with every creation.
Inspired by Annie Lennox’s campaign, Pride Center vol-unteers spearheaded an effort to provide t-shirts pro-claiming “HIV Positive” for World AIDS Day. Regardlessof health status, gender, sexual orientation, race or cul-ture, Pride Center staff, volunteers and friends walkedin solidarity through Wilton Manors. On this day, allembraced a positive mindset to combat stigma andadvocate for vital services for people living withHIV/AIDS.