Florida Agenda » School Stun Gun Incident http://floridaagenda.com Florida Agenda Your Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender News and Entertainment Resource Wed, 21 Nov 2012 20:41:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.4.2 Gay Teen Sues School for Inadequate Bullying Protections http://floridaagenda.com/2012/09/06/gay-teen-sues-school-for-inadequate-bullying-protections/ http://floridaagenda.com/2012/09/06/gay-teen-sues-school-for-inadequate-bullying-protections/#comments Thu, 06 Sep 2012 14:25:21 +0000 FAdmin http://floridaagenda.com/?p=16270 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA – An openly gay student who was expelled this year after defending himself by firing a stun gun, has filed suit claiming that school officials failed to protect him from “relentless, severe harassment.”

Darnell “Dynasty” Young and his mother, Chelisa Grimes, are seeking unspecified damages. Young became the target of bullies after transferring last year to Arsenal Technical High School. The openly gay 17 year old was harassed by classmates who followed him home, spread rumors about his sexual activities, and threw bottles at him.

Young’s mother reported the harassment to school officials several times, but was told that administrators were powerless to act because her son wasn’t able to identify his tormentors. School principal Larry Yarrell is reported to have said, “If you wear female apparel, then kids are kids and they’re going to say whatever it is that they want to say. Because you want to be different and because you choose to wear female apparel, it may happen.”

Grimes gave him the stun gun for his protection. On April 16, after a group of students threatened to attack him, Young, frightened for his life, fired the weapon into the air, drawing the attention of school security personnel, who arrested him. In May, an arbitrator ruled in favor of expulsion, effective through January 2013. The district later reduced the penalty to allow Young to start classes in the fall, which must be attended at an alternative school.

The suit claims that the Indianapolis Public Schools discriminated against Young because, despite repeated complaints, they failed to protect him from bullies, who taunted him because of his sexual identity. “Rather than take effective measures to protect him, school staff told him that he was to blame for the harassment because of his appearance, and told him to change his dress and behavior to conform to stereotypical ideas of masculinity and to be less ‘flamboyant,’” the suit states.

http://floridaagenda.com/2012/09/06/gay-teen-sues-school-for-inadequate-bullying-protections/feed/ 0
Bullied Gay Teen Expelled after School Stun Gun Incident http://floridaagenda.com/2012/05/11/bullied-gay-teen-expelled-after-school-stun-gun-incident/ http://floridaagenda.com/2012/05/11/bullied-gay-teen-expelled-after-school-stun-gun-incident/#comments Fri, 11 May 2012 11:20:33 +0000 FAdmin http://floridaagenda.com/?p=14229 INDIANAPOLIS, IN – An openly gay student who was threatened by bullies was expelled this week as a consequence of attempting his own defense by firing a stun gun.

Darnell “Dynasty” Young became the target of bullies after he transferred to Arsenal Technical High School last year. The openly gay 17 year old was harassed by classmates who followed him to his house, spread rumors about his sexual activities, and threw bottles at him. He told the Star that he contemplated suicide but decided against it.

Young’s mother reported the harassment to school officials several times, but was told that administrators were powerless to act because her son wasn’t able to identify his tormentors.

School principal Larry Yarrell is reported to have said, “If you wear female apparel, then kids are kids and they’re going to say whatever it is that they want to say. Because you want to be different and because you choose to wear female apparel, it may happen.”

The teen’s mother gave him the stun gun for his protection, a situation that became all too real for the teen on April 16, when a group of students threatened to attack him. Young, frightened for his life, fired the weapon into the air, drawing the attention of school security personnel, who arrested him.

“While the district does not condone bullying, it also does not allow weapons to be brought on our school campuses for any reason,” an Indianapolis Public Schools spokeswoman said. “Students who violate this rule will be held accountable.” Young will be eligible to return to classes in January.

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