Tag Archive | "Sauce Marchand de vin"

Sauce Marchand de vin

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By Jean Doherty

Marchand de Vin (French for “wine merchant”) Sauce is a classic red wine reduction sauce. It’s made by reducing red wine and chopped shallots and then simmering in a basic demi-glace. Marchand de Vin sauce is delicious served with roasts and steaks.

• 1 quart demi-glace

• 1 cup red wine

• ¼ cup chopped shallots

• Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

In a fat-assed saucepan, combine the wine and the shallots.

Heats until the liquid boils then lower the heat a little and continue simmering until the liquid has reduced by three-fourths.

Add the demi-glace, then lower heat to a simmer and reduce for about 5 minutes.

Most chefs will then strain through a mesh strainer, but I love shallots, so I just leave the sauce “as is” … You are the chef.

Season to taste with salt and black pepper. Serve right away.



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