Tag Archive | "Safe Schools South Florida"

Outlet: Plugging Women into the Arts

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A Conference for and by Young LBTQ Women and Their Allies

By Bob Kecskemety

The Aqua Foundation for Women and Safe Schools South Florida is presenting their second Outlet: Plugging Women into the Arts conference this Saturday, June 12, 2010 at GLCC/Pride Center starting at 9 p.m. The conference is by and for young LBTQ women and is the second conference, the first having been held in April 2009. The purpose of Outlet for Young Women is to inspire, empower, support and encourage all women, but

in particular women in the LBTQ community through arts and education.

“We’re really excited about this year’s conference,” said Dee Palazzo, board member and treasurer and “Outlook” coordinator for Safe Schools. “We have 12 workshops and a presentation from key note speaker, Rachel Robinson [from MTV’s “Road Rules”], we’re closing with Dr. Marilyn Volker and have a final performance by Drag it Out.”

Outlet: Plugging Women into the Arts is dedicated to ensuring that women (in particular young women, but all women in general) gain awareness about what violence is and how to take a stand against violence and for inclusivity and peace-filled relationships and communities. The organization defines violence as “any action or structural arrangement that results in physical or non-physical harm to a human or living thing.”

They give examples of “violence” such as verbal and physical abuse in relationships, sexual harassment and homophobic comments, hate crimes, war and violent conflict, and even environmental destruction. They also include policies like Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, prohibitions on gay marriage and adoption and the failure to enact legislation prohibiting discriminatory hiring and firing practices.

Some of the workshops include: “What to Say to Homophobes”, “Dance & Don’t Die, Stay Alive: The Art of Kicking Ass” and “What’s Eating You, Our Bodies, Our Selves, Our Love”.

For more information on Outlet: Plugging Women Into the Arts and to register, visit www.outlet4youngwomen.com

Sexologist Volker to speak at day conference

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Safe Schools South Florida in partnership with Miami-Dade County Public Schools Student Services and United Teachers of Dade Rainbow Caucus presents “Transgender Issues in the Classroom: What Teachers, Counselors and Administrators Need to Know” workshop from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. on Saturday June 19 at Coral Gables Congregational Church, 3010 De Soto Blvd., Coral Gables 33134 (across from the Biltmore Hotel).

The workshop is open to all teachers, administrators, counselors and other instructional personnel who work for the Miami-Dade County Public School system. Those interested in participating can register at www.dadeschools.net.

The workshop will include eight free master plan points, continental breakfast and free lunch.

A panelist of transgender adults and family members will discuss issues and a special presentation will be conducted by internationally recognized sexologist Marilyn Volker.

Dr. Volker is a consultant and host of “Sex With Marilyn, on XM satellite radio. She has been a sexuality educator for the past 28 years and is a diplomat of the American Board of Sexology and an Associate Fellow of the American Academy of Clinical Sexologists. She is on the faculty of the University of Miami, Barry University, St. Thomas and Lynn Universities. She teaches medical, nursing and counseling students about sexuality and HIV/AIDS issues.

Dr. Volker teaches classes about sexuality in recovery for the University of Miami’s Center for Addiction Studies and Education (CASE), the Addiction Training Institute (ATI), and the Florida Alcohol and Drug Association (FADA).

Dr. Volker has served as sexuality consultant for a variety of addiction treatment facilities and has written many articles for publications addressing sexuality issues in recovery.

For more information visit www.SafeSchoolsSouthFlorida.org

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