Florida Agenda » rnc http://floridaagenda.com Florida Agenda Your Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender News and Entertainment Resource Fri, 16 Nov 2012 15:16:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.4.2 Republican Platform Takes Hard Line Against Gay Marriage http://floridaagenda.com/2012/09/06/republican-platform-takes-hard-line-against-gay-marriage/ http://floridaagenda.com/2012/09/06/republican-platform-takes-hard-line-against-gay-marriage/#comments Thu, 06 Sep 2012 14:31:21 +0000 FAdmin http://floridaagenda.com/?p=16266 TAMPA — A strongly-worded platform approved last week by the Republican National Convention (RNC) would ban federal recognition of marriage equality through a constitutional amendment, along with outlawing all abortions and changing the nature of delivery of Medicare benefits. With a warning that the “American Dream is at risk,” the platform opens with a pledge that a Republican Party in power will “begin anew, with profound changes in the way government operates; the way it budgets, taxes and regulates.”

“This ambitious blueprint projects a sea change in the way that government works,” said Gov. Bob McDonnell (R-Virginia), chairman of the RNC platform committee. “It offers a solution for workers without jobs, families without savings, and neighborhoods without hope.”

In spite of the efforts of gay delegates, including Log Cabin Republicans, and libertarian-leaning members (Ron Paul supporters among them), the RNC platform champions the rights of states and the federal government not to recognize gay marriage, and calls for a constitutional amendment that defines marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, a prominent Hispanic Democrat, called parts of the platform “draconian” and “extreme,” and said of Romney, “What you have seen from him is that he does one thing, he says another.”




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