Posted on 29 March 2012
Tags: BOSTON, CNN, DADT, democrat, human rights campaign, lgbt rights, MA, marriage equality, piers morgan, Rebublican, U.S. Sen. Scott Brown
BOSTON, MA – Last week, U.S. Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA) told CNN’s Piers Morgan that the gay marriage debate has been “settled” in Massachusetts, and said that opponents of marriage equality should “move on” and focus on economic matters.
“It’s settled law in Massachusetts. Quite frankly, everybody’s moved on,” said Brown on the March 19 broadcast of “Piers Morgan Tonight.”
In the past, Brown has said that he opposes marriage equality, but he has never made it a campaign theme. The Republican split with his party in supporting President Obama’s repeal of the Pentagon’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT) policy.
“We’ve moved on. I encourage everyone else to move on,” Brown told the CNN host. “It should be decided state by state basis. I’m focusing on those other things.”
Democrats say that Brown’s record on LGBT rights leaves much to be desired. They point to his opposition of non-discrimination legislation for LGBT persons, and his refusal to take part in an anti-bullying video.
“If Scott Brown thinks marriage equality is settled law in Massachusetts, he should talk to the thousands of gay couples whose marriages aren’t recognized by the federal government,” said Kevin Franck, spokesman for the Massachusetts Democratic Party.
Brown is in a re-election race for his U.S. Senate seat, the one formerly held by the late Ted Kennedy.
His presumed Democratic opponent, Harvard law professor and former U.S. Treasury Department official Elizabeth Warren, has been endorsed by the Human Rights Campaign.
Posted on 09 March 2012
Tags: actor, atlanta, GA, GLAAD, Growing Pains, homosexuality, Kirk Cameron, piers morgan, Unnatural
ATLANTA, GA – Former teen idol Kirk Cameron is at the center of controversy over remarks he made last week during an interview on CNN in which he called homosexuality “unnatural” and detrimental.”
The former teen star of “Growing Pains” was a guest last Friday on the cable network’s “Piers Morgan Tonight,” discussing his views on marriage equality and consensual homosexual behavior. “I think that it’s unnatural,” said Cameron, 41. “I think that it’s detrimental and ultimately destructive to so many of the foundations of civilization.”
Cameron, a Christian evangelist and promoter of The Way of the Master ministry, was equally disapproving of marriage equality, citing Biblical sources. “Marriage is almost as old as dirt, and it was defined in the garden between Adam and Eve. One man, one woman for life till death do you part. So I would never attempt to try to redefine marriage. And I don’t think anyone else should either. So do I support the idea of gay marriage? No, I don’t.”
Officials of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) condemned Cameron’s remarks, as out of step. “In this interview, Kirk Cameron sounds even more dated than his 1980s TV character,” GLAAD spokesperson Herndon Graddick wrote. “Cameron is out of step with a growing majority of Americans, particularly people of faith who believe that their gay and lesbian brothers and sisters should be loved and accepted based on their character and not condemned because of their sexual orientation.”
Graddick also took issue with the actor’s inaccurate portrayal of marriage equality and his assertions about the definition of marriage: “With an increasing number of states recognizing marriage equality, Americans are seeing that marriage is about committed couples who want to make a lifelong promise to take care of and be responsible for each other and that gay
and lesbian couples need equal security and legal protections. That’s not ‘redefining’ anything.”
Posted on 24 June 2011
Tags: Chris Christie, piers morgan
TRENTON, N.J. – New Jersey’s Republican Governor Chris Christie said that he believes that gays are not sinners when he was asked by CNN’s Piers Morgan if he believes homosexuality is a sin.
“I’ve always believed that people are born with the previous disposition to be homosexual. So I think if someone is born that way it’s very difficult to say that it’s a sin,” said Christie.
Christie then added that he doesn’t believe that gays should be given the freedom to marry: “I believe we can have civil unions that can help to give the same type of legal rights to same-sex couples that marriage gives them.”
Posted on 26 May 2011
Tags: gay sex, piers morgan, ted nugent
NEW YORK, NY – CNN’s Piers Morgan got singer Ted Nugent to discuss his thoughts on gay sex on his national show.
“I’m repulsed at the concept of man-on-man sex; I think it’s against nature.
I think it’s strange as hell, but if that’s what you are I love ya… I’m not going to judge another’s morals… I say live and let live. Gay? Go nuts. Martians? Cool… Ultimately, all that stuff is inconsequential for the spirit of an individual… I have friends that are gay.”