In response to the Editorial, “Wilton Manners” in the Florida Agenda, September 1, 2011.
Dear Editor,
Thank you so much for your piece on Manners, it is so true and you nailed the subject on it’s head. Manners are just no longer of high pri ority anywhere anym
ore, not in the supermarket, or the bars or even with our friends. It is a shame.
C G Michaels
Dear Editor,
Your piece on manners though true in a way came across as extremely condescending, you would do well to remember that manners aren’t just about opening doors, or waiting patiently in line, but in the way in which you address an audience.
In response to the Style feature, “Back to Black” in the Florida Agenda, September 1, 2011.
Thank you for this piece, we need more fashion in South Florida. I enjoy these fashion pieces very much, as I would rather spend money on clothes than having to fork out the ridiculous amount charged for magazines these days and appreciate what you guys do for the community.
Allan Cray
In response to the Theatre review, “Angels In America” in the Florida Agenda, August 25, 2011.
I don’t think your newspaper should be promoting plays about AIDS. We have had too much talk about that in the GLBT community and it just scares people.
In response to the Tiger’s Growl, “Assuming Being Gay is a Choice” in the Florida Agenda, August 25, 2011.
I read with great interest the piece about making being a gay a religion. It is such an interesting take on the fact people believe it is a choice and as Dave Tigercub pointed out making being Gay a religion would circumvent a lot of the issues that plague the community. I look forward to hearing more on the subject and sign me up to the church!
In response to Word Play, “To Poke, or Not to Poke” in the Florida Agenda, September 1, 2011.
As a fellow technophobe I totally feel for Christian in his to poke or not to poke dilemma, having recently joined Facebook (I know about 10 years too late) I have also been inundated with poke requests from people I really barely know but are friends of friends, and, now I have thought about it, I am sure it’s not socially acceptable to be poking all your friends friends!
Rob Patton