Tag Archive | "nutrition"

Fighting Inflammation’s Painful Grip with Nutrition

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Inflammation of the joints and muscles is one of the most common causes of pain throughout the world. Most Americans have easy and ready access to modern day medicines to help fight off the affects of achy, painful swollen joints and muscles. Most people in this country believe that if you just pop a pill the pain will go away, but the fact of the matter is that they are not treating the real problem at hand. Some pain relieving medications do not even treat inflammation, which is the root of the problem for stiff and painful joints and parts. People who have arthritis know all too well about this. However, there are ways to work around inflammation without taking a bunch of pain pills.

Nature has provided some great alternatives to fighting inflammation the all-natural way. With a correct diet you can potentially prevent inflammation’s painful grip in the future.

Choosing a poor diet is an easy way to onset inflammation. Over-consumption of processed foods swell and clog everything in the body in time and can be a cause many arthritic and other inflammatory diseases.

Diets that contain heavy fats and processed food are the main culprit in inflammation and need to be greatly reduced. Choosing to eat healthier foods rather than an unhealthy diet of processed foods will greatly reduce pain throughout the entire body. Eating a healthy diet will also aid in the prevention of future occurrences from happening. Choosing a proper diet is one of the best ways of prevention of fighting all common diseases.

Cherries have compounds in them called anthocyanins, the same phytonutrients that give cherries their ruby-rich hue. The compounds contain powerful anti-oxidants that work in two different ways to slow down pain. These compounds help block inflammation and inhibit pain enzymes, which is a great way to prevent and treat arthritis. Eating just one small bowl of this miracle fruit can reduce inflammation by 25 percent. Ginger is a root that aids in curing multiple ailments, such as migraines, nausea, inflammation, arthritis and muscle soreness. Only a small amount, ¼ teaspoon, is needed daily to prevent most of these common problems.

Ginger can be used in a range of drinks and dishes from Asian dishes, teas, smoothies and juices, so be sure to get creative. Salmon, herring and Sardines are high in Omega-3 fatty acids and can help relieve inflammation around the neck and back area. These two areas depend on good blood flow and getting enough nutrients.

Diminished blood flow allows these two areas to degenerate quicker than normal, but the Omega-3 fatty acids in these three fish help prevent inflammation from happening in the blood vessels and nerves. Eating a mere two to three ounces of any of these three tasty fish weekly is enough to keep any inflammation at bay. Turmeric is a spice that has many uses for different ailments, such as achy joints and colitis (inflammation of the colon). Using turmeric not only aid in the prevention of joint inflammation, but it protects against tissue destruction and preserves good nerve cell function, as well. Just one tablespoon daily is all it takes to obtain all the wonderful benefits of this spice. If you are not a big fan of turmeric, try putting it with pepper, these two tastes go hand and hand.

Adding these few items into your diet will greatly improve your chances in preventing future inflammation. These items are also helpful when trying to recover from various sprains and injuries.

Andy Kress is a certified fitness trainer, yoga instructor and nutritional counselor in Fort Lauderdale, FL.
For more nutritional tips or inspired exercise routines, reach him at 954-789-3930 or via email at andyfitnesstrainer@gmail.com

Fighting “MAN BOOBS” with Nutrition

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Throughout America there is a growing and unsightly trend popping out—literally—among men. The growing condition is called “Man Boobs,” or its proper name gynecomastia. This condition causes swelling or enlargement of the male breast, and effects one in four men, especially after age 50. With the rise in obesity, expect to see even more “Man Boobs” among your friends, or even you, if you’ve packed a few pounds and failed to take them back off. This condition can start as early as a male’s teenage year when puberty’s hormonal changes turn boys to men. While teenage chests usually stabilize and the condition dissipates after a few years, the same reversal isn’t true as we naturally age.

Nutrition and diet are two of the simplest ways to escape this growing problem. There are certain kinds of foods that promote this condition in men of all ages. For instance, over-consumption of soy products is known to aid in this problematic disease by raising estrogen and estradiol levels far past their normal ranges. Men having too much estrogen and a lack of testosterone will find this is a major contributing factor in the development of “Man Boobs.”

Eating more foods that boost testosterone is very beneficial to fighting this problem, including an increase in the consumption of lean cuts of red meat, as well as organic free-range eggs. These two foods contain cholesterol, which plays a crucial role in the production of testosterone in men. There are quite a few other foods that will help boost your testosterone levels as well, such as oysters, asparagus, figs, almonds, nuts, brown rice, salmon and avocados.

Try using condiments like flax seed oil and hemp seed oil in your food. This will increase your levels of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids, which also help the production of testosterone.

Eating more cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale and Brussels sprouts are beneficial to lowering chest fat, as well as eating foods with high-fiber complex carbohydrates such as oatmeal, whole grain rice, bran cereal, quinoa, spelt and buckwheat.

These types of food provide more sustained energy without the insulin and sugar spike induced by other refined carbohydrates, which cause your body to store fat and encourage development of the dreaded boobs. Having high-fiber carbohydrates also aids the digestive system and promotes efficient expulsion of waste products, helping the body be more efficient.

Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables, such as avocados, apples, apricots, bananas, blueberries, papayas, raspberries, beet greens, bok choy, carrots, collard greens, green beans, celery, sweet peppers, spinach, tomatoes, squash and zucchini. These are high in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and disease-fighting free radicals which help your body function optimally.

Doing regular exercise is another helpful way to fight drooping pec muscles, which compounds the appearance of gynecomastia. Using lighter weights and higher repetitions will give you your best results, for doing chest exercises in this fashion will help keep chest muscles looking very defined and lean. Be sure to switch up your exercise program often. This will guarantee to shock and confuse the muscles, giving you better results and keeping exercise new and exciting.

Using these two simple techniques will help tremendously in the fight against an unflattering, fat, and sagging chest. While it’s true we’re all getting older, it’s just as true that there is absolutely no reason why you have to give in to Mother Nature. Use her to your advantage, and then just stand back and wait for the compliments.

Andy Kress is a certified fitness trainer, yoga instructor and nutritional counselor in Fort Lauderdale, FL. For more nutritional tips or inspired exercise routines,reach him at 954-789-3930 or via email at andyfitnesstrainer@gmail.com

Alcoholism – Fighting Back With Nutrition

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“Any treatment [for alcoholism] must be directed first toward behavior modification— including a diet that is alcohol free”

By Andy Kress

Alcoholism is a chronic disorder, and a growing issue within the LGBT community. Since this is a progressive disease, there is a fine line between being a heavy drinker and a compulsive one—the textbook definition of an alcoholic. The World Health Organization has listed alcoholism as one of the three most deadly killer diseases of the 20th century.

Alcohol, by its very nature is foreign, since it is not a product found in nature. It results from decomposition of fruits, grains and vegetables, and as such belongs to a family of poisons. Ethyl alcohol, the main intoxicating ingredient in wine, beer, and distilled liquor is a toxic drug that depresses the brain and nervous system. Although alcohol is fattening, it isn’t a food and is not changed or digested in any way. It is quickly absorbed in the blood stream and then travels to every part of the body, adversely affecting vital organs like the brain and liver.

There are a few tell tale signs of a true alcoholic, a puffy face and red blood-shot eyes among them. The alcoholic’s voice will be very hoarse and raspy, and they tend to have a rapid pulse, due to the alcohol’s thinning effects on the blood. Often irritable and over-emotional in their actions, many tend to be very suspicious of others. Bouts of delirium and black-outs of time are another chronic symptom. So, too, is repeated vomiting throughout the day.

Since the true alcoholic would rather drink than eat, it is easy for them to become very emaciated, with their skin becoming dehydrated and wrinkled. Because alcoholism is principally a psychological disease, any treatment must be directed first toward behavior modification— including a diet that is alcohol-free. In its place, the drinking of orange juice multiple times a day serves three purposes: One, the habit of drinking is satisfied; two, the juice helps rehydrate the body; and three, orange juice provides needed vitamins and minerals. A simple multivitamin taken with massive amounts of leafy vegetables are essential, as well, to provide fiber and reintroduce the stomach to processing solid food.

Legumes, starches, pastas and other carbohydrates provide long-lasting energy between meals. Enriched cereals and breads fill the stomach and are a good source of foliate and thiamine. Poultry is low in saturated fats and is a good source of lean protein to help build and repair muscles that have been damaged through inactivity. Poultry is often mild in taste and easy to digest.

Seafood is another protein that is lower in fats and cholesterols; this will help aid in the body’s muscle retention. Seafood is also loaded with many vitamins and minerals lost in the over consumption of alcohol. Lean pork is another fine choice when fighting the effects of alcoholism. Pork has a variety of different vitamins and minerals than chicken or seafood, as well as being a good source of healthy protein.

If you know or are related to an alcoholic, remember there is a good chance that they won’t be reading this article, since their word-mind association process is impaired by their disease. Share the information freely, knowing that you are helping to save someone’s life. You may even be saving lives more than you know, since drunk drivers are a major threat to innocent victims on our highways.

















Andy Kress is a certified fitness trainer, yoga instructor and nutritional counselor in Fort Lauderdale, FL. For more nutritional tips or inspired exercise routines, reach him at 954-789-3930 or via email at andyfitnesstrainer@gmail.com

Caffeine: The Pause that Invigorates

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Caffeine has been stimulating Americans with its get-up-and-go power for years. Up to 90 percent of Americans consume some sort of caffeine to get through their days. The U.S. has made caffeine a big part of its morning ritual, with that morning zip from coffee or energy drinks an essential part of the day. Without this morning stimulant to sharpen the mind and calm the nerves, most Americans would grumble at the start of their workday, or any day at all for that matter.

In reality, caffeine is a very powerful drug and can make most peoples’ minds crave its addictive influence. When consuming anything within your diet, moderation is the key. Overloading this substance in the body can have very adverse side effects, and create a possible addiction.

The recommended amount of daily caffeine consumption is 300 milligrams (about two cups of coffee). But most Americans consume on average 600 mg or more per day. If you are drinking four 8 oz. cups or more of coffee or energy drinks a day, you are in the upper ranges of abusing this drug.

The international medical community does recognize caffeine withdrawal as a medical syndrome, and drinking more than the recommended amount will put you into this category. These shocking facts may curb some of your over-indulgence when that next coffee craving or energy drink fix comes to mind, if your insomnia doesn’t get to you first. That’s right: Too much caffeine during the day causes insomnia at night, making that next morning start even tougher without our fix of the good stuff. Irritability can be another side effect of the withdrawal symptoms, making the brain crave caffeine to stay awake.

Coffee can have a varied range of caffeine in each 8 oz. cup. Ground coffee, using the home-brewed drip method, can have anywhere from 100 to 200 mg of caffeine per 8 oz. serving. The caffeine intensity can vary among famous brand coffees. Starbucks® and McDonalds® have much less than your home-brewed Maxwell House. These restaurant-bought coffees and lattés are on the lower end of caffeine for three to five times the price. (Only Starbucks® Pike Place has more than 330mg in a 16 oz. serving.), Caffeine-wise, you may want to worry about the coffee you make at home first.

Energy drinks and soft drinks can really throw you for a loop with their caffeine levels. Energy drinks seem to be all the rage, but surprisingly they’re also on the low end of the scale. Red Bull® has 80 mg in an 8.4 oz. can, whereas Monster® and Rockstar® have 80 mg in an 8 oz. serving. Topping the charts of the energy drinks is 5 Hour Energy® with 207 mg in a 2 oz. serving. Soft drinks do not follow far behind with their caffeine production. RC Cola tops the chart at 48 mg of caffeine per 12 oz. serving, followed by Coca-Cola® (even diet) with 47 mg. By comparison, Pepsi® contains far less, with only 37 mg, followed by Dr Pepper® at 36 mg.

Chocolate cannot be left off the list, holding as much as 70 mg in a 2 oz. serving of Baker’s chocolate. Sweet or dark chocolate is not far behind, with 40 mg for a 2 oz. serving, followed by 12 mg in a 2 oz. piece of milk chocolate.

Tea is also another caffeine culprit. The longer you brew tea, the more caffeine can be extracted from the leaf. A one-minute brewed tea can have 9 to 33 mg, whereas a three-minute tea can have 20 to 50mg. Now the next time your energy is feeling low, don’t be afraid to have some caffeine. Just remember to know how much is in the cup or glass before it becomes a problem.

Andy Kress is a certified fitness trainer, yoga instructor and nutritional counselor in Fort Lauderdale, FL.
For more nutritional tips or inspired exercise routines, reach him at 954-789-3930 or via email at andyfitnesstrainer@gmail.com

Water, Water, Everywhere

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You are not drinking enough water, plain and simple. How do we know? Because it takes 100 ounces of fresh water to adequately hydrate the human body. For years, nutritionists and researchers have advised us to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day. And even that dose seems extraordinary to most people. More recent research, however, has revealed that 64 ounces isn’t even close to the real needs of the average human body for adequate hydration.

Other than oxygen, water is the single most essential element in your daily diet. It’s easy to understand why, when you realize that about 60 percent of the human body is made up of the stuff. The brain has even more—70 percent! The most obvious source of water loss from the body is through urination and sweating. Less obvious, but no less important, are the two quarts of water you expel through breathing.

The air you breathe out is 100% humidity! So drink up. The human body requires water to facilitate nearly all its functions. Still, humans seem to be the most reluctant species on the planet to drink enough of this cleansing liquid. Even if we include the copious amounts of coffee, tea, soda, and juices consumed on a daily basis, the total water intake of any single individual is still likely to be low.

Fast fact: A new study done at the University of Connecticut demonstrates that up to five cups of coffee, or an equivalent amount of non-sugared soda counts toward your daily intake without any negative diuretic effects from the caffeine consumed. Drinking water, even the minimum amount, can help aide in the prevention of disease, and alleviate some of the physical side effects many people experience throughout their day.

Thirst is not a symptom of moderate dehydration. By the time you actually feel thirsty, you are severely dehydrated and need an immediate input of liquids. The most common side effect of dehydration is hunger. That’s right. The stomach makes little distinction between too little food and too little water. Normally, all of us get plenty of food. It’s the lack of water that is creating our hunger sensation, as well as chronic fatigue, dry skin, lightheadedess , and dry mouth. Have these symptoms? It’s a sure-fire sign that you are not drinking enough water throughout the day, and need to bump up your intake.

Lack of adequate water increases the damage to our body’s cells, thus c back pain. Improper water intake also affects the lymph system, which serves as the body’s main way of detoxification, removing impurities, bacteria and dead cells. Drinking adequate water is the best way to keep the immune system at its optimal, as well. Good water does not only come from a glass or bottle. Eating well-washed fresh fruits and vegetables is an excellent alternative source of water, full of important vitamins and minerals, as well.

Oh, and before we forget to mention it, alcohol does not count toward liquid consumption. For each drink or beer you consume at the bar, the body requires an additional eight ounces of water to counter alcohol’s diuretic effect. Ideally, drink one glass of water between orders at the bar just to keep from losing fluids while having fun. Plus, after a night on the town, drink a glass of water with some sugar and a dash of salt. You’ll wake up without your usual hangover. Water to the rescue once again!


Andy Kress is a certified fitness trainer,
yoga instructor and nutritional counselor
in Fort Lauderdale, FL. For more nutritional
tips or inspired exercise routines, reach
him at 954-789-3930 or via email at


GOOD MOOD FOOD – Eats to put extra pep in your step!

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By Andy Kress

Stress. Just the sound of the word can evoke stress into our life. Stress can come from anywhere if you allow it— and most of us do, like it or not, particularly in the current economic environment.

During stressful times people usually change their diet and eating habits. Most choose not to eat when stressed out and only add to the strain on the body by putting it in starvation mode, ultimately storing more fat.

Sugary foods cause insulin levels to spike up and down. Those sugary foods then create an extreme high and an extreme low, making the person feel like their energy is going to crash, only to want to eat again. Being on low energy and while being stressed out is the double whammy.

There is a much better way to handle your stress, and it can come right through your diet. There are a few superfoods out there that can help reduce stress in the body while at the same time being good for you and your balanced diet. Try some of these superfoods and improve your mental state with some good mood food.

Asparagus is a great way to help relieve stress and stabilize your mood. Eating this food and other vegetables high in vitamins and minerals such as folic acid and B vitamins aids the body in the release of serotonin.

Serotonin is a hormone that when released effects your mood in a positive way, creating a pleasurable feeling and a more stabilized mood. A recommended serving of asparagus is seven cooked spears at least a ½” thick, and totals only 25 calories!

Beef is another good mood food even though it often gets a bad rap. Beef contains high levels of B vitamins, iron and zinc, which are also known to help stabilize moods. Beef is very nutrient-rich compared to chicken. If you are worried about the fat content, ask the butcher for a leaner cut of red meat. A proper portion size for dinner helps as well. One cup of lean ground beef at 137 calories is a recommended serving size. Compare this to the 310 calories in a cup of regular ground beef.

Milk is high in antioxidants, calcium, protein, B2 and B12 vitamins. Throw some low-fat milk in your bowl of whole grain cereal with fresh berries and you have yourself one stress-fighting chance to start your day off right.

Cottage cheese is high in calcium and protein. Foods with protein that are not loaded with sugar do not spike our blood sugars. Throw in a handful of fresh mixed fruit high in vitamin C and this becomes one stress-relieving dish. Plus, think of all the helpful antioxidants we will receive, ridding the body of free radicals that can cause cancer.

Almonds may sound a bit nutty, but they are a good source of vitamins B, E, magnesium and zinc. All of these vitamins will help stabilize mood and are a good source of healthy fats.

Tuna is another great stress-fighter that is also high in B vitamins, healthy fats and low-fat protein. Only use enough light mayo to bind your ingredients in tuna salad.

Overloading tuna with heavy, fat-laden mayo will only have an adverse effect.

While stress will never leave our lives completely, armed with the knowledge of foods that help you feel great, you can and should keep it at bay. And a happier body helps maintain a happier mind, compliments of Andy.

Super-Foods and Not-So-Super-Foods

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Most of us know what a balanced diet should look like, but most of us don’t follow it. It does not seem to matter that eating the right foods improves your health, enhances the skin, helps lower our risk of disease, and most importantly gives you energy to perform life’s daily functions. Some of our most beneficial foods are fruits and vegetables, due mainly to their hydrating qualities and low calories. Always remember that what you’re drinking is just as important as what you are eating. Drinking the proper amount of water is essential to overall health. And no, soda does not count. It not only doesn’t cleanse the palate, it quickly overloads the body with sugar. Most Americans do not know that some of our favorite foods and drinks actually harm the body more than they help, especially when consumed in excess; just as some super-foods recharge the body more than others.

Caffeine is a major contributor to upsetting the body’s delicate balance. This comes in a variety of beverages and many other foods like chocolate. Excess caffeine not only overcharges your nervous system, it can inhibit calcium absorption, and even lead to osteoporosis in time.

Salt is another ingredient that often is used in excess, and is very detrimental to your health. High blood pressure is a major side effect of a high sodium diet and can easily be prevented by moving the salt shaker from the table.

Protein, when it comprises more than 25% of your diet, can not only raise your saturated fat levels, but is also very deleterious to your kidneys. Sugar is another ingredient found in just about anything. Excessive sugar intake leads to huge spikes in your insulin response system, and, over time, can lead to diabetes. Sugar also helps add loads of calories to foods and drinks, helping in packing on the pounds, especially if inactive. Alcohol is extremely harmful to all organs of the body when used in excess on a constant basis. Alcohol loves to punish your kidneys and liver, as well as strip vital nutrients from the body.

There are some foods that are more beneficial to the body than others. These are called super-foods, and some of these foods even help you lose weight faster than most.

Blueberries top the list with lots of antioxidants, phytonutrients and cancer fighting properties. Who cares if your mouth turns purple. Eat your blueberries!

Wild caught salmon is very beneficial to the body providing high doses of Omega-3 fatty acids, lowering cholesterol and aiding in preventing inflammation.

Eggs are full of choline, which helps fat from being absorbed in the liver and helps in preventing memory loss.

Almonds contain high amounts of monounsaturated fats and fiber. Monounsaturated fats are healthy fats that aid in the reduction of body fat.

Nuts are high in calories, so moderation is the key to this super-food.

Broccoil  is one of nature’s most nutrient-dense foods. Broccoli contains a ton of hunger curbing fiber, as well as lots of antioxidants that detoxify cell-damaging chemicals. Low-fat dairy products have been proven to give the body its recommended essential calcium, and helps burn fat.Think cottage cheese and you’ve got the picture. Beans are a great source of low fat protein and lots of fiber. Last, but not least is dark chocolate. Dark chocolate is known for its heart health benefits, as well as anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants.

Good foods or bad, the choice is yours!











Andy Kress is a certified fitness trainer, yoga instructor and nutritional counselor in Fort Lauderdale, FL.

For more nutritional tips or inspired exercise routines, reach him at 954-789-3930 or via email at andyfitnesstrainer@gmail.com

Obesity Crisis = Economic Crisis America: Land of the Fat—and Growing

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By Andy Kress

There is no doubt that American has an obesity crisis with nearly 70 percent of the total population overweight or morbidly obese!

America’s overstuffed individuals have been taking over our hospitals and health care facilities, as well as the news. Overeating and the resulting obesity it caused has plunged America into a health insurance and care emergency without any historical reference.

The most startling concerns are the economic impacts that all of these obese people are having on our US economy. America is changing to meet the needs of these obese persons, but at an astronomical cost, currently estimated to be $190 billion. That’s $190,000,000,000!

The Number one economic impact obesity is having on America relates to the healthcare system. Rising insurance costs have skyrocketed to meet the demands for providing care to these individuals over the past ten years. Until 2010 employers of the obese had to bite the bullet and pay the rising costs obese workers ensued. But after 2010 the US healthcare reform bill allowed employers to charge 30-50% more for insurance unless they enrolled themselves in a qualified wellness program. This helped America’s employers try to save money and stay in business during rough economic times. Obesity support groups advocate this law saying they are being”discriminated against,” but the truth of the matter is there lifestyle choice is effecting more than themselves.

Number two is construction costs to accommodate these plus-sized individuals. US hospitals have to rip out wall-mounted toilets and replace them with floor-mounted toilets costing additional expense to already rising healthcare costs. US hospitals also have to rip down walls, widen door frames and have hydraulic hoists to ease the access of handling these patients. Public seats have to be widened in local sports stadium, to the seats at the bus stop and at airports, costing millions just to make room for the overwhelming amount of obese people using these services. The cost of these changes has been so high that some companies had collapsed under the added expense, with transportation or services to be cut as an expense

Number three is explosively higher costs for transportation. The Federal Transit Administration is spending hundreds of thousands testing and studying the impact obese people are having on the steering and braking of public buses and transit vehicles. Cars are burning billions of gallons of more gasoline per year hauling this increased weight of individuals over the road. The larger vehicles that haul these obese passengers burn much more gas than regular vehicles. Wear and tear to obese people vehicles adds to rising costs over the road. Because most vehicle parts were not made to handle such stress they wear out and need to be replaced more often than originally should.

Yet, the reality is that almost all of this is easily corrected, with the resulting costs avoided completely. Small lifestyle changes can reduce obesity drastically. Taking the time to watch your calorie intake through reduced portion size is a simple and easy way to enjoy what you love to eat, just slight less of it. Cutting back on unhealthy fatty foods is another small change that adds up to a lot in the long run, saving individuals an array of deleterious health problems and obesity.

Watching your sugar intake can have a major impact on keeping your weight down—and this includes what you are drinking. Sugary beverages and alcohol destroy your waistline and add to obesity. Being aware of everything you put in your mouth can curb obesity before and after it happens. Please choose wisely.


Andy Kress is a certified fitness trainer, yoga instructor and nutritional counselor in Fort Lauderdale, FL. For more nutritional tips or inspired exercise routines, reach him at 954-789-3930 or via email at andyfitnesstrainer@gmail.com

Are You Eating Your Way to Prostate Problems?

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10 Foods to Avoid for Prostate Health


By Andy Kress


When it comes to men, the prostate is a very important organ to maintain for a lifetime. Unfortunately, this delicate walnut-sized organ enlarges as we age resulting in a condition called benign prostatic hypertrophy or BPH. This overgrowth rarely produces symptoms before the age of 40, but more than half of the men in their sixties, and up to 90% of men in their seventies and eighties experience symptoms, including the need to urinate overnight, increased urgency or weak or low stream.

Cancers and malignancies are also common in this organ, with up to 320,000 new prostate cancer cases a year. Most of these cases could have been prevented by a healthier diet. Whether in the kitchen or out on the town, wiser choices can save you–and your prostate. The number one food that attacks your prostrate is the number one choice for protein when it comes to Americans.

That’s right, red meat. Red meats and processed meats can increase cancerous growths in the prostrate 12 to 33 percent. Studies suggest that the culprit is the level of fat in red meat as well as the carcinogens activated during the cooking process. Number two is eating nonorganic meats. These are meats that contain hormones, antibiotics and steroids, as well as other choice things animals should not be fed—but are.

This includes corn, soybeans and other non-organic grains used to”fatten” them up for slaughter. Overeating dairy products is number three on our list. Too many dairy products are high in fat and cholesterol, with some containing leftover hormones from those “juiced up” dairy cows. High intake of calcium through supplements or dairy products has been linked to prostate cancer by the American Heart Association or AHA.

Number four is canned tomatoes. Farm fresh tomatoes contain lycopene which aids prostrate health. Canned tomatoes, on the other hand, can contain bisphenol-A or BPA, a synthetic estrogen, from the resin lining of the can. In fifth place is microwave popcorn. The lining of microwavable popcorn bags contain carcinogenic chemicals, as well as perfluoroctanonic acid (PFOA), which is associated with human infertility.

Non-organic potatoes should be avoided as well. While potatoes are healthy vegetables, the non-organic variety can contain poisons, herbicides and pesticides that are absorbed from the ground in which they are grown. You cannot wash off the chemicals that have been leached into the skin of the potato. In seventh place are two of America’s favorites: french fries and potato chips. These potato products contain saturated fat content.

Additionally, when fries and chips are cooked, the acrylamide content becomes a carcinogen. Number eight is artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame, neotame, cyclamate, sucralose and saccharin. These ingredients can already be found in a wide variety of foods you may already be eating, especially if you are on a diabetic diet. The key is to element the quantity of these non-calorie sugar replacements. Farmed salmon come in at number nine, for while the salmon itself is healthy, the fish feed they are given is loaded with antibiotics and other contaminants, lowering the omega-3 fatty acids and upping the contaminants.

Number ten on our list is sugar, so prevalent in many American foods and beverages. Over consumption of sugar not only adds extra calories, packing on pounds and the potential of diabetes, it can fuel prostate cancer growth. While the number one killer of men is still heart disease, eating a prostate-wise diet will benefit your entire body and add years to your sex life as well.

Andy Kress is a certified fitness
trainer, yoga instructor and nutritional
counselor in Fort Lauderdale,
FL. For more nutritional tips or
inspired exercise routines, reach
him at 954-789-3930 or via email at

Nutrition: Yolk It Up Whole Eggs: Nature’s Perfect Food

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By Andy kress

Breakfast dishes would not be quite the same without the incredible, edible egg. This healthy protein is one of the top choices when Americans sit down in the morning before heading off to work, or relax at a Sunday brunch. Yet recently eggs have been getting a bad rap, as a new health conscious fad suggests that it’s healthier to eat the egg white alone, disposing of the yolk which has been labeled as ladened with fat and cholesterol.

Restaurants have jumped on the bandwagon. One can choose to have egg white only omelets, burritos, and breakfast sandwiches. Cutting down calories per sitting seems to be a wise and health conscious choice.

In theory, getting rid of the fatty part of the egg should help those individuals who want to lose those last few extra pounds. The mistake in this logic is that with the affordable egg, Mother Nature has given us a complete perfect food. Toss out the yolk, and you’ll be missing out on the healthiest part of the egg!

The yolk is very high in antioxidants, a spectrum of vitamins and minerals, as well as healthy cholesterol-fighting Omega-3 fats and all of the essential fatty acids. Yolks contain vitamin A, plus vitamins B6 and B12, other trace minerals, choline, foliate, lecithin and lutien (which gives egg yolks their color).

B vitamins are especially helpful for nerve function, while lecithin is a natural emulsifier rich in choline, which aids in the process of fat metabolization in the body. Although the body already produces enough choline for normal needs, added dietary sources aid in reducing the accumulation of fat in the liver and help repair neurological damage. Lutien is an antioxidant, which helps in the prevention of inflammation (which is a major factor in fighting heart disease), and also helps strengthen the eyes.

The yolk also contains 90% of the calcium in the egg, far outweighing the egg white. Iron, phosphorus, zinc and panthothentic acid are only found in the egg yolk, but not the white. In addition, the yolks also contain all of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.

The Omega-3 fats in eggs are essential to lowering fat and cholesterol. Eating the entire egg actually raises your good HDL levels and lowers your LDL levels. This helps improve the overall cholesterol ratio and blood chemistry in your body.

This helps keep the fat burning hormones in the body in check, keeping more fat from being stored and burning more of the fat that is already there. This should be duly noted by anyone who is trying to lose weight.

As wonderful as the egg yolk sounds, consume it in moderation. The American Heart Association recommends consuming no more than four egg yolks a week. Eating the correct amount of yolks along with the egg whites keeps cholesterol levels within the AHA guidelines of 300mg a day.

The extra calories in the egg yolk are really no extra calories at all when you look in the grand scheme of your day. Egg yolks do contain more calories than egg whites, but the yolks micro-nutrient-rich density of those calories actually aids in appetite regulation. This helps you eat less and lowers overall calorie intake for the day.

Oh, and one more thing: Eggs yolks contain all of the flavor! Next time you go to toss out that powerhouse of energy and nutrients, stop yourself, armed with the knowledge that you’re starting your bright, new sun-shiny day correctly.


Andy Kress is a certified fitness
trainer, yoga instructor and nutritional
counselor in Fort Lauderdale,
FL. For more nutritional tips or
inspired exercise routines, reach
him at 954-789-3930 or via email at


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