Tag Archive | "Multimedia Platforms"

Multimedia Platforms and Cybermesh International Announce Joint Venture

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FORT LAUDERDALE, FL—On Wednesday, Cybermesh International Corp (OTCBB: CYTL), a technologybased company focused on supporting media industries with online distribution, analysis and revenues protection, and Multimedia Platforms LLC (MMP), publishers of the Florida Agenda and Guy Magazine , announced a joint venture, effectively combining the individual strengths of both companies.

Multimedia Platforms Worldwide LLC (MMPW), will be managed by Bobby Blair, MMP’s current CEO and managing partner, and Publisher of the Agenda and Guy, who will serve as the new venture’s CEO. “This joint venture provides MMPW the perfect positioning for our long-term goals as a company to expand at a steady targeted rate. In the next few months, we will be acquiring existing online and print publications while developing platforms to lead and support positive change and equality in the growing LGBT business community,” Blair said. “In addition, we are excited about leading the industry in mobile and online vehicles to showcase the entertainment, travel, and lifestyle segments of the markets we serve.”


Research conducted by Witeck- Combs Communications, Inc. and Marketresearch.com indicates that the collective buying power of the LGBT community is poised to top $800 billion by 2013. “MMP expects to capture a healthy share of that business, and fully intends to function as the essential source of information for the growing LGBT segment of the American and world populations,” said Blair. Sam Porter, CEO of Cybermesh, shares Blair’s enthusiasm. “We believe that Robert Blair has built the most dynamic, inclusive, and integrated media company in the LGBT marketplace, and is positioned for infinite expansion potential. This joint venture will allow Multimedia Platforms Worldwide LLC to access the public capital markets to build resources and seize growth opportunities now and in the future.”

As part of the terms of the joint venture, MMP will receive 12 million restricted shares of common stock in CYTL. Boris Epshteyn, a popular commentator on CNN, and Managing Director of Business and Legal Affairs at West America Securities Corp., is advising MMP.

MMP has built an all-inclusive media platform consisting of newspaper, magazine, entertainment, and news website formats, and has recently expanded to include video and mobile applications to reach all facets of the international LGBT community. MMP’s top brands include Florida Agenda , the Fort Lauderdale-based weekly LGBT newspaper that covers world, national, and local news and events, and Guy Magazine, a weekly entertainment and lifestyle publication that features and blankets through distribution the burgeoning South Florida LGBT marketplace. According to Blair, MMP’s focus is to reach new consumers with the latest technology and market expertise, delivering the highest quality news and entertainment information via a variety of platforms.

Cybermesh International is a technology-based company that focuses on developing technologies to assist the entertainment, telecommunications, and media industries, through online distribution, analysis, and revenue and copyright protection. Currently headquartered in Southern California, Cybermesh International will be relocating to Fort Lauderdale as part of the joint venture.

Agenda, Guy Magazine Relocate Publishing Offices to North Dixie Highway

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WILTON MANORS – What began as an interim arrangement that turned into a two-year partnership and “living arrangement” ended on Monday as Multimedia Platforms, LLC (MMP), publisher of the Agenda and its sister publication, Guy Magazine, bade a fond farewell to its former publishing offices at 2157 Wilton Drive, to take up residence just around the bend—literally and figuratively speaking—at 2435 N. Dixie Highway, Wilton Manors.

From its inauguration in 2010, MMP took up residence in half of the bay space occupied by Copy This and Planet Press. “This was going to be a temporary arrangement, with Bruce [Bogan, owner of Copy This] giving up half of his operating space to accommodate us while we built up the newspaper and entertainment magazine into what both publications have become,” according to Bobby Blair, Managing Partner and CEO of MMP, and publisher of the Agenda and Guy.

“It has been such a rewarding partnership, and we were so sad to leave, but we are going to always be grateful to Bruce and Billy [Sands, Bogan’s partner] for their hospitality and for being such gracious ‘roommates’,” adds Blair. “I know it was sometimes crazy.” Bogan, who suffered a heart attack earlier this year, is expanding his successful Copy This and Planet Press operation, and needs the office space formerly occupied by the publishing offices of the Agenda and Guy Magazine, which received the 2011 “Bestie Award” for Best Publisher and the 2012 “Bestie” for Best Entertaining Magazine (the Besties are hosted annually on Academy Awards night at The Manor Restaurant and Nightclub Complex and are awarded based upon the results of online community voting via social media).

On Monday, May 14, 2012, the sister publications formally took possession of their new publishing offices, located within the Sterling Accounting and Tax Services suites, just south of Five Points on Dixie Highway’s antique row. “We are absolutely delighted to welcome the Agenda and Guy to our suites,” says Jeff Sterling, president and owner of Sterling Accounting. A three-day move supervised by project manager Silas Thebert, MMP’s online administrator, was undertaken over an event-filled Mother’s Day weekend, one that incurred no disruption to operations or publication schedule for either weekly print platform.

“Mission accomplished,” said Thebert with a wink. “We loved our experience on Wilton Drive and are equally excited and honored to be welcomed as we have been on the Dixie Highway side of town,” notes Blair. “This part of Wilton Manors and Greater Fort Lauderdale is undergoing a Renaissance, and with the offices of SFGN across the street, we are building our own version of London’s Fleet Street,” he joked, referring to the historic former location of Britain’s major newspapers.

Agenda, Guy Magazine Host Kick Off Networking Luncheon

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WILTON MANORS – Nearly one hundred business and community leaders attended the first Multimedia Platforms (MMP) Networking Luncheon on Wednesday, April 25 at Gables Wilton Park on Wilton Drive. Co-hosted by Wilton Manors Main Street, Inc., the event was catered by Stork’s Bakery and Coffee House in Wilton Manors.

Krishan Manners, President and CEO of Wilton Manors Main Street, said that the turnout didn’t disappoint. “It is always good to see so many individuals who have a stake in the good and welfare of this community coming together to network, catch up with one another, and help each other’s businesses through best practices and mutual support,” said Manners. Rev. Jamie Grace of WIG Ministries said, “I felt so uplifted and inspired. I didn’t realize that Bobby Blair [the publisher of Florida Agenda and Guy Magazine] was such a motivational speaker.” Marvin Nathan, world-class drag performer and emcee, attended. “I thought that the food by Stork’s was delicious,” he said, adding “I am looking forward to next month’s event at Matty’s on the Drive.”

Blair, who in addition to publishing Agenda and GUY is CEO and Managing Partner of MMP, announced that the Gay Tea Cruise—originated by the late Peter Burke, who died earlier this year— will return on June 3 with entertainers Deja Devonier from Lips Cabaret, and the talents of Marvin Nathan, whose television credits include CBS’ hit series “The Nanny” and “The Maury Povich Show.” A July 4 cruise will feature the Greater Fort Lauderdale fireworks display as well as a performance by Nathan, who will mark 37 years in show business. Blair also announced the return of “Dancing with the South Florida Stars” to the Manor Restaurant and Complex on Monday, May 21.

For its second entry—the first having packed the stands to the rafters—an all-star panel of judges has been assembled, including Pepper Mashay (famous for—among other things—the “Dive in the Pool” theme song from Showtime’s “Queer as Folk”), Misty Eyez and Marvin Nathan, as well as DJ Scott Mann and the “Dreamgirls” dance ensemble of Nicole Phillips, Deja Devonier, and Velvet Lenore.

Like the inaugural event in December, DWTSFS: Season Two will benefit the Brian Neal Fitness and Health Foundation which is working to provide free gym memberships and nutrition and lifestyle programs to persons living with HIV/AIDS. Tickets are on sale now at GuyMag.net and briannealfitness.org: general admission is $10, and VIP seating is $40.

Florida Newsbriefs 2/23/2012

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Island City Honors  “Ed Lugo Day”

WILTON MANORS, FL– On Monday, Feb. 20, Mayor Gary Resnick presented local businessman and resort owner Ed Lugo with an official proclamation to commemorate “Ed Lugo Day” in the Island City. The proclamation and designation honored Lugo’s contributions to the economic development and success of the city, and cited Lugo and his Ed Lugo Resorts “for its most deserving award as a Top 5 winner in the Best Service category by Trip Advisors in  its 2012 Travelers’ Choice Awards.” The proclamation also noted that “Ed Lugo Resort is a cherished business  and provides a perfect example  of the success our business community constantly strives for in  our community.”

Multimedia Platforms, LLC Plans Changes to Publications, Web Content

WILTON?MANORS, FL – In an announcement this week, Multimedia Platforms (MMP), LLC, publisher of the Florida Agenda newspaper and MARK magazine, reported that it has sold its interest in Markslist Media, LLC, the owner of Jumponmarkslist.com. This sale, effective last week, will result in the launch of a new men’s entertainment magazine in addition to a new, state-of-the-art website.

Bobby Blair, publisher and managing partner of Multimedia Platforms, called the upcoming launch “the most innovative in LGBT media industry.”

“We have spent the last six months in the creation and investment of this new web platform and look forward to making it available to you on March 8,” Blair said. “It is our goal to provide all of our online friends with a fun and exciting social media experience…I think you will be quite impressed,”  he added.

MMP will continue to publish the Florida Agenda as well as the new men’s entertainment magazine, which will have a new name and look, in addition to the new web platform and the extant FloridaAgenda.com. The launch party for the new brands will take place on Thursday, March 8, at The Manor Restaurant and Entertainment Complex in Wilton Manors, to coincide with PrideFest weekend.

Turnabout: Orange County Mayor Will Support Domestic Partner Registry

ORLANDO, FL  – After weeks of often-public reflection, Orange County Mayor Teresa Jacobs has announced her decision to support creation of a domestic-partner registry which would benefit all residents of the county, which includes some of the nation’s most popular tourist destinations. Approval by county commissioners would result in a county-wide system that mirrors one already established by the jurisdiction’s largest city, Orlando. That city approved a domestic partner registry last year that offers visitation rights to LGBT couples who are not legally permitted to marry in Florida. It also extends rights to other unmarried couples in such institutions as hospitals and corrections facilities,  as well as end-of-life decision- making options in medical centers and funeral homes.

In adding these rights, Orange County would join the ranks of Florida metro areas including Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach counties. Jacobs, a Republican, told reporters that she would like to offer a parallel option for couples who do not cohabitate. The first-term mayor presented her proposal this week to Orange County commissioners, a majority of whom have expressed support for a system similar to the one in effect in Orlando. Jacobs would like to expand the existing Orlando registry to accommodate any county resident. Same-sex couples say the registry is needed because they are often barred from seeing their partners during medical emergencies because state law doesn’t recognize them as family. Gay people are sometimes unable to make medical or funeral decisions for the same reason.

Jacobs’ supporters say her initial hesitancy had less to do with opposing the registry than with concerns about conflicts with state laws. Some of these concerns included forcing private and religious schools to honor the registry, as well as funeral home ordinances which require mortuaries to consult with next-of-kin relatives in disputes concerning cremation requests, irrespective of the rights of a potential domestic partner. In spite of these concerns, Jacobs said optimistically, “I don’t see any deal killer here.” Jacobs said that, barring unforeseen circumstances, all Orange County residents will be eligible for the list by late spring or early summer. She acknowledged the rollercoaster ride—psychological as well as political—which has surrounded the public debate over the registry. “Maybe there’s no right way to deal with issues that are both complicated and emotional,” Jacobs offered.

Gay Combat Vet.  Dan Choi Joins ‘Occupy’

WILMINGTON, DE   – Former Iraq War veteran Dan Choi, whose coming-out pronouncement helped end the Pentagon’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, attended an “Occupy Delaware” event this week, praising the movement’s members and offering a poem of his own composition to encourage protesters to continue their fight for inclusiveness.

Addressing participants at the “Tent-Raising and Rally” on Saturday, Choi, a former U.S. Army lieutenant who was discharged after he announced he is gay, said: “On  this very special day, I wrote a poem–about tents. So, this is an ode
to our tent.”

He then read to the approximately 100 people assembled: “Tents usually keep heat inside. But our fire has spread all around this country. A tent is usually a place where we can hide. But what we are doing in these tents is exposing the reality of our country and our economy.”

Jury Selection Begins in NJ Webcam Suicide Case

NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ  – Jury selection began this week in the trial of  a former Rutgers University student who is charged with employing  a webcam to spy on his gay room-mate’s intimate encounter with  another man could reveal some heretofore unknown facts, including the name of the unidentified man  in the video. The roommate, Tyler Clementi, committed suicide in  2010, just days after the alleged  spying occurred.

Dharun Ravi, the suspect, is not charged with the death of Clementi, 20. Instead, Ravi is charged with bias intimidation, a hate crime that is punishable by 10 years in prison. Ravi, 19, is also charged with invasion of privacy, as well as tampering with evidence and witness tampering. That doesn’t mean the suicide won’t be on the minds of jurors: trial Judge Glenn Berman told prospective jurors last week that Clementi had killed himself.

The other man depicted in the video—who has been publicly identified only as “M.B.”—may be brought to testify, which could become key to conviction or exoneration. Attorneys for both sides argued over publicly identifying “M.B,” with Judge Berman eventually ruling that lawyers for Ravi could, indeed, reveal his identity. Should the man testify, it is expected that his full name will be used.

The crime with which Ravi is charged occurred in September 2010, a few weeks after Clementi and Ravi, newly-assigned roommates, moved into their dorm room at Rutgers.

Clementi is alleged to have asked Ravi to leave their dorm room so that Clementi could have privacy when a friend of his stopped over to their room. Investigators say that Ravi used his computer’s webcam to spy on Clementi. Ravi posted a Twitter message: “Roommate asked for the room till midnight. I went into molly’s room and turned on my webcam. I saw him making out with a dude. Yay [sic].”

Two nights later, authorities allege that Ravi attempted to do the same thing when Clementi asked him to stay away from the room. The next day, Clementi killed himself. He jumped from the George Washington Bridge, after writing a short Facebook status update: “Jumping off the gw bridge, sorry.”

From the Publisher

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Multimedia Platforms, LLC and Cybermesh International Corp (OTCBB:CYTL) Announce Merger



It is with great pleasure that I announce that Multimedia Platforms, LLC, (MMP) will be merging with Cybermesh International Corp (OTCBB: CYTL).

Cybermesh International Corp (OTCBB: CYTL) is a technology based company focused on supporting media industries with online distribution,
analysis and revenue protection and Multimedia Platforms, LLC, (MMP) is  an emerging leader in the field of LGBT multimedia which has successfully
integrated print and online publishing to become a principal entertainment and news source nationwide.

MMP will remain the surviving entity and I will be serving as the new CEO.   This merger provides MMP the perfect positioning for our long terms goals as a company and comes at an ideal time to accommodate the growth we are experiencing. MMP is currently operating cash flow positive and anticipates revenue in excess of $1.5 million in 2011.

Sam Porter, CEO of Cybermesh commented, “We believe that Robert Blair has built the most dynamic, inclusive and integrated media company in the LGBT market space–and we believe his proven platform has almost infinite expansion potential. This acquisition will allow Multimedia Platforms to access the public capital markets to build resources and seize growth opportunities now and in the future.”

Multimedia Platforms, LLC started in November 2009, at that time MMP  purchased 50% of Mark’s List and all of their assets, websites, products and domains. We did this for the sole purpose of integrating our print publications with an online platform.

When 411 and the South Florida Blade filed bankruptcy jointly, I hired all the staff away within 24 hours and that very same week, three days later in-fact, produced two brand new publications, Mark Magazine and the Florida Agenda. At that point in time I worked closely with Kevin Hopper and

Mark Haines to begin to develop the Multimedia concept of integrating print publications and an online platform.

Consequently due to the success of the integration, both Mark Magazine and the Florida Agenda have grown in size and revenue and the Mark’s List website (www.JumpOnMarksList.com) has developed at an unprecedented rate in terms of google index pages, page views, millions of visitors and revenue.

As you know we also recently launched MyGayRadio.com, which is a 24/7 online pop and dance radio station. This has been positively received on a global scale.

The result of our successful integration process and growth in business has provided us with this incredible opportunity to merge with Cybermesh International, a fully reporting, public company.

Based in Southern California’s technology hub, Cybermesh International is a technology-based company focusing on developing and exploiting technologies that assist the entertainment, telecommunications and media industries with online distribution, analysis and revenue protection.

As part of the terms, Multimedia shareholders will receive ten million restricted shares and $500,000 cash.

We will be building upon our success as an all-inclusive media platform consisting of newspaper, magazine, online radio, entertainment and news website formats and will expand this to include video and mobile devices to reach all facets of the LGBT community internationally. First, we are focused on reaching new consumers with the latest technology and market expertise and second, delivering the highest quality of news and entertainment to our readers, viewers, listeners and advertisers. This merger allows us to do the above and much more.

We are looking forward to taking our proven integrative approach across the entire United States to bring the LGBT community news, entertainment and above all to make a difference to all the communities we serve.

I would like to personally thank my entire staff, all our business partners, who are our loyal community advertisers and a special thanks, to our readers, viewers and listeners, for your incredible support across our entire Multimedia Platform.






Bobby Blair, Publisher

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