Tag Archive | "Michael Wanzie"

The Parliament House A Venue of Frolics, Fun and Follies

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Christian Alexander

I was in desperate need of some time off. But where to go on the spur of the moment? The Parliament House in Orlando sprang to mind (as did Tahiti, but I’m on a budget now) to take in the shows, do a little dance, make a little love and basically “get down” all weekend seemed to be in order.

I informed the front desk that I would be doing a story for the Florida Agenda and had the good fortune to be given
the name of the man who could facilitate my needs, Mr. Michael Wanzie, the Theatrical Producer/Sales and Events Coordinater. He is the wizard behind the curtain that helps make the Foot Light Theatre more enjoyable than a trip to Oz.

I was given the full “red-carpet” treatment. Michael took time out of his whirlwind schedule to give me a guided tour of all the amenities and was just an all-around pleasure to meet. I came to refer to him as the “go to guy.” He also, in his capacity of Event’s Coordinator, is in the process of putting together his very own spoof of “A Christmas Carol.” If you have a free weekend, I highly recommend it.

Everyone at the Parliament House is friendly and welcoming, I am, however, going to focus on three people who made my stay just a little more extraordinary.  I would like to thank the entire staff for an incredible weekend – with a special note to theFootLight Players, all of whom are an absolute inspiration. The cast has all been there several years and work together with the efficiency of a Broadway production.

It was my misfortune to have missed the legendary talent of Darcel Stevens, the usual Mistress of Ceremonies, but my great pleasure to witness the tornado of talent that embodies the form of Carol Lee. It bears mentioning that both Darcel and Carol Lee have been with the theatre for approximately 12 years and yet I still noticed something of a family environment backstage, which I believe helps set them apart from other shows.

Now unto Carol Lee and myself. At some point between shows, Carol Lee took the time with me to sit down and talk, and I grew more fond of her as we spoke.

Having grown up in the small town of Fort Wayne, Indiana, she knew that she always “marched to the beat of a different drummer” as she graciously put it,from an early age. We chatted about this and that, her incredibly hectic schedule of seven different shows (I still can’t even imagine that) each weekend as well as her day job (which I will not mention here, but is quite impressive).  When I inquired as to what made her do it all, she simply stated (with a somewhat sly look on her face), “a girl’s got to eat and it’s not like I’m out digging ditches. I’m playing with make-up and putting on a dress.”

When I asked her what her inspiration for entertaining was, we had a bit of an “Oprah” moment. She tried holding back some tears and told me the story of her Grandmother. This amazing woman was apparently the strength from whom Carol Lee draws her and she told me her Grandmother had a favorite quote. “If I had made it to Hollywood first, no one would have ever heard of Ethel Merman.” After having sat down with Carol Lee, I believe that to be absolutely true.

And then there is that Master of Mixology, Derek. At some point during the blissful madness of the weekend, I chanced upon yet another heart of gold.  I’ll admit, I was first drawn to his looks. But as we conversed, I found him to be intelligent, witty and especially kind.  He works in the Bear Den–not my usual choice, but hey, it was a vacation and it was right next door to the antique shop (which, is an absolute MUST).

My best friend and I quickly laid claim to the pool table and I would go up to chat with Derek between games and order more cocktails. We actually got to know each other a little bit, and he was absolutely amazing! He has been with the Parliament House for about 2½ years and had nothing but good things to say about it. He pours a mean cocktail once he knows what you like. A word of caution: look, but don’t touch, girls. He’s off limits for the time being!

When all was said and done, I had the most exquisite time that’s allowed by law and I suggest you treat yourself to a good time as well by venturing up to the Parliament House. Between the live entertainment and the more than delicious staff, a good time is had by all – guaranteed.

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