By Tom Bonanti
Another sultry South Florida summer is well underway. Guys are stripping down, taking it off and strutting their stuff at the beach, around the pool or any old place they feel like getting naked. The question is: “Are you ready to show ‘em your stuff?”
If you’re embarrassed by that muffin top or extra jiggle in your trunk, then here are some surefire fat loss tips that you can use right now! No pills or starvation techniques needed – just a little common sense and old fashioned discipline.
First of all, know your enemy. Fast food equals junk food, and junk food never did anyone any good. Besides clogging your arteries, eating fast food will make you fat, period! Even if you pass on the super-size burgers, fries and shakes and go for seemingly healthier selections, you are only fooling yourself. For instance, deep-fried chicken or fish is even fattier than most hamburgers. A more than occasional trip to the vending machine at work can add up to beaucoup calories and an extra pound or two per week! Cross these enemies off your list and pack your arsenal of food for the day. You’ll end up healthier and leaner in the long run.
Secondly, read the labels when you food shop and check fat content. There are a whopping 9 calories in every gram of fat, as opposed to 4 calories in each gram of carbs or protein. Total fat should never exceed 25 percent of total calories. And saturated fat should never make up more than one third of the total fat or one tenth of total calories. Here’s another hint: never grocery shop when you’re hungry – your defenses will be more easily worn down by temptation.
Thirdly, be a homebody. Clean out your cupboards, make your list of healthy foods and prepare those meals at home. You can never be sure how much fat, grease or other unhealthy stuff you’ll be eating even in the best restaurants. It’s also easier to control portion size at home and not be tempted by a sinful desert tray.
Fourthly, schedule your meals. Eating smaller meals more frequently – 5 or 6 per day – better fuels the body and reduces fat storage. This approach also bumps up your metabolism and gives your muscles a more steady supply of protein if you are working out. Sure, this takes effort and planning, but so does every worthwhile project in life.
Finally, HALT before you act. From now on, say “HALT” before you eat. “H” stands for genuine hunger or habit. If you’re physically hungry, then eat. But often you eat out of habit – stop it now! The remaining letters refer to other wrong reasons for eating: “A” because you are anxious; “L” because you’re lonely or sad; and “T” because you’re tired. Think before you eat and you’ll be surprised by the changes in your shape!
There they are: Five simple tips to melt off the pounds that are keeping you from showing off that pumped up body you’ve been working out all year long. For more tips on pumping up and leaning out contact!
Tom Bonanti, is a certified personal trainer and owner of Pump’n Inc gym at 1271 NE 9th Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304, Facebook: TrainerTomB.