The non-profit LGBT advocacy group Equality Forum has released its survey of Fortune 500 companies that include sexual orientation in their workplace policies. According to the data—which was compiled in collaboration with Professor Louis Thomas of the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School, and Ian Ayres, William K. Townsend Professor at Yale Law School—a record 479, or 95.8 percent, of the 2012 Fortune 500 are in compliance with the group’s criteria. Among the companies in compliance with sexual orientation protections are Citigroup, CVS Caremark, Comcast, Target, Nike, McDonalds, Toys’R’Us, and Family Dollar Stores. Equality Forum launched its Fortune 500 Project in 2004, when 323 (64.6 percent) of the Fortune 500 provided protection for their employees based on sexual orientation. A list of the 21 non-compliant companies, and the Top 10 companies in compliance, looks like this: