Tag Archive | "italy"

Italian Pro Footballer Fined for Anti-Gay Slur

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MILAN, ITALY – A member of Italy’s AC Milan football club was fined the equivalent of $17,800 for an anti-gay remark he made during the European championship matches. Antonio Cassano has been ordered by Union of European Football Association (UEFA) officials to pay a 15,000-euros fine for saying he hoped there were no homosexuals on the Polish and Ukrainian national team squads.

In response to questions from reporters, Cassano said, “The coach had warned me that you would ask me this question,” adding “I hope there are none. But if there are queers here, that’s their business.” Cassano said later that his comments had been misinterpreted.


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Mention the word “cruise,” and we all know where your mind goes. Lingering stares across a room, a hint of a smile upon your lips. There is, of course, another kind of cruising that’s a little more expensive (or on second thought, maybe not). It’s the type of cruising where you pack your bags, get on a ship, and eat and play to your heart’s content while you move magically from port to port without mussing your hair (well, again, on second thought, a little muss can be fun).

To help you plan your next cruise, or perhaps your first, GUY MAGAZINE serves up the best in cruising for Summer and Fall, 2012.


Sail aboard the Celebrity Equinox with 2,700 gay men and lesbian women departing from Civitavecchia, the port just west of Rome, Italy, in this cruise organized by Atlantis Events, the grand poo-pah of gay and lesbian travel. Leaving August 24 and returning September 3, this 11-day vacation is nothing short of an once-in-a-lifetime event with pit stops in Mykonos and Santorini, Greece; Kusadasi, and Istanbul, Turkey; the island of Malta; plus the Sicilian capital of Palermo. With lots of flesh and hard bodies, Atlantis cruises are quickly sold out. There are, however, often last minute cancellations as well. (www.atlantisevents.com)


This 15-day cruise is organized by one of our favorite gay travel agencies, Manhattan’s Pied Piper Travel, aboard the luxurious Celebrity Century. Although totally refurbished in 2006, this 1,808-passenger ship has an old-world charm. Expect more baby-boomers on this cruise line, where elegance and refinement dictate dress code and behavior. Sugar Daddy alert! There is no denying the sundrenched lure of Maui, the Big Island and Oahu, however, so grab your number 50 lotion for this cruise that departs on April 5 from San Diego, returning April 20. (www.piedpipertravel.com)


While the Bahamas are our closest island cruise destination, when left in the hands of Source Events, the place becomes a totally different experience altogether. Source is the official producer of the Miami Beach Pride Cruise, departing on April 16 for fourdays aboard the Norwegian Sky. The ship has a capacity of 2,000 with Source Events promising a Tropical Fantasy Costume Party, a trio of tea dances, an exclusive gay movie screening, and assorted treats (or was that “tricks”—we’ll check and get back to you). Pride or not, this is a mixed cruise, so no nude sunbathing by the pool. (www.sourceevents.com)


While it may seem strange to start a cruise of the Danube in the Czech Republic’s capital Prague, through which the Danube does not flow, it was a natural choice for Brand G Vacations, who put this package together. Ever since porn director William Higgins left Hollywood and made Prague his homebase, the place has become a very gay-friendly destination. You’ll definitely want to check out these cobbled streets and back-rooms before hopping on a bus and making a mad dash over to Nuremberg, Germany (with a pee break in Carlsbad). Once there, you’ll board the Amadeus Waterways’ MS AmaCerto. No, you’re not on the Danube yet, but rather on the Main- Danube Canal which eventually runs into the River. Once you eventually hit the Big D (which by the way is no longer Blue as Strauss once claimed), get set for a leisurely float down the river to Vienna, where you’ll spend two days riding bikes and waltzing, if that’s your thing. It all begins on August 21 for 10 days, with the boat dropping you eventually in Budapest, Hungary. (www. brandgvacations.com)





Italians Ban Mention Condoms on World AIDS Day

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ROME, ITALY – Italy’s state TV and radio network is at the center of a censorship controversy after a manager instructed the staff not to mention the word “condom” during programs about World AIDS Day on Thursday.

In an email to staff, reported by Italian daily Corriere della Sera, manager Laura De Pasquale wrote that Italy’s health ministry had requested that “in no broadcast should the word condom be explicitly mentioned.

We must limit ourselves to the generic concept of prevention in sexual behavior and the need to undergo HIV testing in the case of potential risk.”


International Newsline – August 4, 2011

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Italy Rejects Anti-Homophobia Bill

ROME, ITALY – By a vote of 293 to 250, Italy’s parliament has rejected a bill to protect lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people from discrimination. Italy already bans discrimination on the grounds of race, religion, ethnicity and nationality, but activists say rising numbers of homophobic attacks means LGBT people need more protection.
Gay rights activists have called on the European Union to step in.

Kiwi Lesbian Couple Forced From Home after Attacks

AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND – A lesbian couple from New Zealand have been forced to relocate after a string of anti-gay attacks left them terrified. Police are investigating an arson attack which destroyed Lindsay Curnow and Juliet Leigh’s flower business, Blooming Bulbs. The business was torched seven days after being defaced with homophobic graffiti. The pair had also had their homes and car vandalized days earlier.

Now the couple is fleeing to Auckland, where they hope to escape the constant persecution they have suffered for seven years.

Malawi’s LGBT Advocates Threatened with Arrest

LILONGWE, MALAWI – Two of Malawi’s leading LGBT rights advocates are in hiding after being threatened with arrest for treason. Malawi is a small republic located in the middle of Africa.

According to LGBT Asylum News, the two leaders, Undule Mwakasungula, Human Rights Consultative Committee chairperson, and executive director of Centre for Development of People, Gift Trapence, are the strongest advocates for LGBT human rights in Malawi and have long been targeted by the government. The government has blamed withdrawals of foreign aid on them personally.


India’s First Married Lesbian Couple Require Protection

GURGAON, INDIA – India’s first married lesbian couple has been given police protection and moved to a safe house fearing the two women would be targeted in an “honor” killing. Savita, a 25-year old student at Choudhary Charan Singh University and her 20-year old wife Veena were married by a court in Haryana, close to New Delhi, earlier this month.

Savita had been forced to marry a man against her will earlier this year and left her husband just five months after her forced marriage. The court granted her a divorce and gave its approval for her to marry Veena. In the court ceremony on July 22, Savita was designated “husband” and Veena “wife” in India’s first lesbian marriage.

The couple later returned to court after receiving threats from friends and relatives in their village. Their lawyer said the court had served notice on 14 of Veena’s relatives and villagers who had threatened them with “dire consequences”.

The Deputy Commissioner of Police said that the couple has been shifted to a safe house and have been provided enough security.

Durban Declared South Africa’s Gayest City

DURBAN, SOUTH AFRICA – Durban has declared itself the “gayest” city in the county, according to the Durban Lesbian and Gay Community Health Center. The Center contends that, compared with other big cities such as Johannesburg and Cape Town, Durban was the most accommodating towards the LGBT community and that Durban has the smallest number of reported hate crimes.


Cuba to Consider Marriage Equality

HAVANA, CUBA – According to CNN, Cuban authorities are considering legislation legalizing same-sex civil unions.

The announcement was made by Mariela Castro, daughter of Raul Castro and the director of Cuba’s national sex education center, during an interview with Spanish broadcaster Cadena Ser earlier this month. Castro, the island’s leading gay rights advocate, said Cuban authorities are already studying the proposal in preparation for the upcoming Community Party conference in January 2012.

Six other Latin American nations already recognize same-sex civil unions: Uruguay, Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil, Argentina and certain states in Mexico (in certain states).


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