Daniel Radcliffe of “Harry Potter” fame has a few things to say about what he says is mean-spiritedness demonstrated by the GOP candidates for president towards LGBT persons.
In an interview with Attitude magazine, the star of the new horror-chiller “The Woman in Black” said that religion has its place in the church house, not the state house.
“I’m not religious, I’m an atheist, and a militant atheist when religion starts impacting on legislation. We need sex education in schools. Schools have to talk to kids from a young age about relationships, gay and straight,” offered Radcliffe.
Radcliffe, 22, said in the interview that he is “disgusted, amazed, stunned” by Republicans Rick Santorum and an early failed-favorite of the Tea Party set,
MicheleBachmann. Neither enjoys the vitriol, though, that the Hogwarts alum reserves for the governor of Texas.
“They disgusted me less than candidates like Rick Perry, who made that ridiculous advert wearing the ‘Brokeback’ jacket, and I think pretends to be homophobic just to win votes,” Radcliffe said he thinks President Barack Obama is the best choice for those who support marriage equality for all Americans. “I’d rather have someone like him in the White House than the alternative,” he said.
“Don’t define yourself by your sexuality; don’t define as straight or gay. Define yourself as people and help another person if they’re in trouble. The ultimate reason gay marriage should be legalized everywhere is because, as a kid, you look to your mum and dad and they’re married, then you look at the gay couple who’ve been together for the same amount of time, but because they can’t get married their relationship doesn’t seem the same. Yes, gay marriage is about symbolically blessing a relationship, but the larger issue is about transmitting a fundamental message about equality. Gay people should have equality in law everywhere. If you grow up as a young gay man knowing you don’t have the same opportunities as everyone else, you’re going to feel victimized and massive prejudice towards you.”
Radcliffe says he had considered his own sexual identity and finds he possess a heterosexual identity. “I can quite happily say someone is handsome, good-looking, and I can see why someone would want to f**k them, but I’ve never felt that way about a man myself,” he told Attitude. “There is that moment in your late teens when you ask yourself the question, ‘Am I?’ but I wasn’t.”
That said, the magical movie star confessed, “This year I have a talent crush on Ryan Gosling. I think he’s fantastic and—ahem–you know he’d be nice afterwards. He seems smart. If I was gay, I would go for a smart man.”