Tag Archive | "George Michael"

International Newsline December 1, 2011

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Singer Hospitalized with Pneumonia

VIENNA, SWITZERLAND – Pop singer, George Michael, 48, has cancelled the remaining dates of his current tour after he was hospitalized in Vienna for pneumonia.

There were still 14 dates remaining in the tour.

It was originally meant to include 47 concerts. He was due to bring the tour to the UK on Saturday, with dates continuing until December 9. Promoters will try to reschedule the remaining dates.

A spokesperson for the hospital said that Michael’s condition is stabile and he’s responding to treatment.

Mayor Claims  Strontium Caused Town’s Homosexuality

HUARMEY, PERU – The mayor of Huarmey, Peru, Jose Benitez, claims that the metal strontium in the city’s water supply has caused an increase in homosexuality in his town.

Benitez said that strontium reduces male hormones and soon Huarmey will be another Tabalosos, another city which uses the same water supply and which a Peruvian television program claims that the city’s population is primarily homosexual.
Last year, Bolivian president Evo Morales said that “chicken eating causes homosexuality – and baldness.”


Swiss Politician Compares Gay Adoption to Cocaine

ZURICH, SWITZERLAND – The discussion in Switzerland of allowing gays and lesbians to adopt children has led to one politician to compare homosexuality to drug use.

Last week, the Legal Committee for the Swiss Council of States voted to change the laws making it easier for gay and lesbian couples to adopt. Prior to the passage of the law, individuals could adopt children regardless of sexual orientation but same-sex couples could not.

Christophe Darbellay, head of the country’s center-right Christian Democrats is opposed to any change in the legislation governing adoption and said he didn’t see why the law should be extended to include gay couples. He contends that he wouldn’t suddenly legalize cocaine just because a half a million people use it.

His comments have caused uproar. The Association for Rainbow Families said that it was insulting that Darbellay would compare same-sex parents with cocaine addicts.

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