Tag Archive | "Gay in America"

CNN Specials Brings Out The Worst in Americans Online

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Documentary About Gay Adoption Shows Disgusting Side of Freedom of Speech


CNN, the only 24 hour news network that has chosen to stay bi-partisan on the political spectrum, is dedicating a significant amount of Internet bandwidth to an area called “Gay in America”. One of the first television hours dedicated to this subject was Soledad O’Brien’s documentary titled “Gary and Tony Have A Baby”, which aired last week during primetime.

The hour-long program followed Gary and Tony, a couple who had been in a monogamous relationship for more than 20 years wanted to have a child of their own. Gary had already donated his sperm to a lesbian couple and had a biological daughter, but him and Tony decided they wanted a child to raise on their own, make decisions for individually, and generally just love. They decided to go the route of surrogacy. They hired one lady to donate her egg. They went to a doctor and had that egg mixed with Gary’s sperm and then have the resulting embryo implanted into another lady. Overall the process was more than a year-long and cost them upwards of $100,000. In the end, the couple ended up with a beautiful baby boy. After the hour-long special, CNN.com has blown up with more than 10,000 comments from people regarding the story. Right from the beginning, the commentators took a very negative slant.

“Gay people…for crying out loud…please think of the child first. You need to get selfish and think about how this child is going to handle such a situation. You may be able to handle it ok. But remember that we all deal with the same situation differently,” said Mintymint.

“Heterosexuals is what keeps society going not homosexuals. It is a lifestyle that is against GOD, nature and everything that makes sense. 2 Men holding hands saying they are married in some kind of perverse ceremony makes no sense. So what they love on one another, who cares and what give,” said TootsMahone.

“Protect traditional marriage at all costs! Homosexuals are trying to destroy this with their alien lifestyle, while heterosexuals have already been destroying it through adultery, divorce, and gold-digging. Gays, straights, it doesn’t matter. Nobody cares anymore about universal traditional marriage which should be between a man and a woman, and until death do you part,” said BlackRifle.

“Here is an idea for a CNN documentary: “Todd & Mary want an open marriage and kids”, shows how Todd and his wife Mary traded in the archaic concept of monogamy (& adultery) for physically loving relationships with anyone who’s interested,” wrote Quest4Trueth.

Not only did the documentary show two loving, caring fathers, who were willing to pay six-figures just to be able to have a child, let alone the cost to care for one, but clearly it shows that no matter how willing a person is to be a parent, the majority of Americans still believe that gays cannot raise a child.

It’s amazing that so many people could write so many negative comments anonymously, but they would never say anything like this to a gay couple in person. It’s people like this that are helping to keep the Florida laws against gay parents adopting in place.

The commentator Aboveknee makes a valid point, “Oh come On! Do We Have to See This Sh*t!” No Aboveknee we don’t have to see your ugly hateful stuff. We will prevail.


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