Tag Archive | "FA121912"

Fort Bragg Garrison Commander to Meet with Lesbian Soldier’s Wife


FORT BRAGG, NC — The garrison commander for Fort Bragg—which serves as headquarters for the elite 82nd Airborne Division, and 12 other military commands overseen by Army generals—has agreed to meet on Thursday, December 20 with an openly-gay soldier’s wife who was discriminated against in being refused membership by a base spouses’ group.

Ashley Broadway was told by the Association of Bragg Officers’ Spouses that she was ineligible to join. She will meet with Col. Jeffrey Sanborn (USA) to discuss the base’s role, if any, in an appeal of the decision, according to a joint statement by the American Military Partner Association and OutServe-SLDN.

“We are pleased to announce that the leadership at Fort Bragg … will meet with Ashley Broadway next Thursday to address the discrimination she is facing with the Association of Bragg Officers’ Spouses,” the statement reads.

“By agreeing to this meeting, the post leadership is affirming that, indeed, it does have a role to play when a family in its community is treated unfairly by a group that holds itself out as representative of all military families. Ashley looks forward to discussing not only the challenges her family has faced, but those faced by other same-sex military families in the Fort Bragg community.”

The statement added, “We continue to urge Col. Sanborn and Commanding Gen. Daniel Allyn to use their considerable influence to remedy this situation for Ashley and pave the way for all military families at Fort Bragg to be treated with fairness, dignity, and equity.”

The Garrison Commander of Fort Bragg supervises the US Army base’s 3,000 civilian employees and contractors, with administrative duties and functions that mirror those of a civilian city manager.

Focus on the Family Founder Blames Gay Marriage for Sandy Hook Killings


COLORADO SPRINGS, CO — On Monday, December 17, Focus on the Family founder James Dobson laid the blame for last week’s tragic shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut—which left 20 children and six adults dead—on marriage equality.

“Our country really does seem in complete disarray,” Dobson said. “I mean millions of people have decided that God doesn’t exist, or he’s irrelevant to me and we have killed fifty-four million babies and the institution of marriage is right on the verge of a complete redefinition. Believe me: that is going to have consequences, too.”

Dobson founded Focus on the Family in 1977, and the Family Research Council in 1981. In 2010, the latter organization was certified as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Former evangelist and Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee also cited a lack of morality as being responsible for the violent deaths in Newton, calling the massacre a consequence of America having “systematically removed God from our schools.”

Was Jesus Gay?


“Do not be afraid, for behold: I bring you glad tidings of great joy.” Gospel of St. Luke

A recently-reported controversy involving a New Zealand church that sponsored a billboard campaign that announced, “It’s Christmas. Time for Jesus to Come Out” is stirring old arguments about the sexuality—if any—of Jesus Christ.

The billboards, sponsored by the Church of St. Matthew in the City in Auckland, depict an image of the baby Jesus, lying in the manger and wreathed in a rainbow halo.

The church’s pastor, Rev. Glynn Cardy, said the message of the billboards is to “lift” Jesus’ humanity.

Cardy told reporters that the question for believing Christians is whether it changes anything for them if Jesus had been gay. “The fact is we don’t know what his sexual orientation was,” Cardy said.

His associate pastor, Rev. Clay Nelson noted that, “There is almost nothing in the record of his teachings about sexuality, while there is plenty about the perils of being rich. Certainly he always supported the marginalized in society.”

Clay added, “Some scholars have tried to make the case that he might have been gay. But it is all conjecture. Maybe gay, maybe not: Does it matter?”

Maybe not. But the subject has legs, even after all these centuries (approximately 20 of them).

Many faithful Christians take their cues to Jesus’ sexual identity—or rather, lack of one—by the words of the New Testament’s Letter to the Hebrews 4:15, which says, “We do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin.”

If we flip our Scriptures to the Gospel of John, things start to get murky when the text makes reference (John 13:23, 19:26, 21:7, 20) to the “disciple whom Jesus loved.”

It recounts the “beloved disciple’s” presence at the crucifixion of Jesus. Biblical scholars agree that this reference is a bit of self-promotion by the Gospel’s author—regarded traditionally to be the Apostle John—who identifies himself in John 21:24, and essentially inserted himself in the narrative.

In “St. John and Jesus at the Last Supper,” the 17th Century French Baroque painter Valentin de Boulogne depicts the “beloved” disciple as practically sitting in the Messiah’s lap (clearly there were no separate checks in this instance).

The 12th Century theologian and Roman Catholic saint Aelred of Rievaulx not only cast ambivalence to the wind, he threw the closet door wide open in “Spiritual Friendship,” a work that refers to Jesus and John’s relationship as a “marriage.”

That example was apparently noted by the first Stuart monarch of Great Britain, King James I, who foisted onto us the Bible edition that bears his name, much as he foisted onto the nobles of his court his own relationship with the barely-out-of-his-teens Duke of Buckingham, arguing with religious, and royal, authority, “I wish to speak in my own behalf and not to have it thought to be a defect, for Jesus Christ did the same, and therefore I cannot be blamed. Christ had his son John, and I have my [Buckingham].”

The Canonical (that is, official) Gospel of Mark (14:51–52) gives fleeting—and tantalizing—reference to “A young man, wearing nothing but a linen garment, [who] was following Jesus. When they seized him, he fled naked, leaving his garment behind,” and in front of Jesus’ mother, no less.

The Secret Gospel of Mark—an apocryphal text, and possibly a hoax—includes the suggestion that Jesus provided one-on-one tutoring into the “secrets of the Kingdom of God” alone one night to a partially-clothed youth.

In the same vein, Bob Goss, who wrote “Jesus Acted Up: A Gay and Lesbian Manifesto” and “Queering Christ: Beyond ‘Jesus Acted Up,’” said that Jesus and John exemplified “a pederastic relationship between an older man and a younger man. A Greek reader would understand.”

Scholarship and theology on the subject has continued right into the last decade and ours. In 2003, Australian theologian Rollan McCleary wrote “Signs for a Messiah,” a book that considers “the theological implications of the sexuality of Jesus.”

McCleary goes so far as to draw up Jesus’ astrological chart, in which the planet Uranus prominently figures, something he says is common for many gay people. (Okay, maybe not so much with this guy.)

Religious people who condemn homosexuality often cite two Biblical passages: Leviticus 18:22 (“You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination,” and Romans 1:27, in which St. Paul rails against “men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.”

Of course, Leviticus also calls it an “abomination”—and suggests you murder the girl!—if your daughter wears garments made from blended fibers, and Paul himself never says a word against slavery or polygamy (although his “natural use of the woman” remark leaves no doubt as to his feelings about feminism).

A review of Chicago Theological Seminary Professor Theodore Jennings’ book, “The Man Jesus Loved: Homoerotic Narratives From the New Testament” refers to the theologian/author’s assertions that “the Bible affirms and even celebrates homosexual relationships.”

In 2005, the openly-gay Episcopalian Bishop of New Hampshire, Rev. Gene Robinson, sermonized about the possibility of Christ’s homoerotic tendencies.

Still, not everyone is convinced, and the reality is that we will never know if Jesus’ vocabulary included “the love that dare not speak its name,” even it was spoken with an Aramaic accent.

On the other hand, from cradle to grave, the New Testament’s Superstar enjoyed an extremely close relationship with his mother (“Mary!”), he was bedecked from birth in gold and myrrh and had a penchant for burning frankincense, and his closest female friend was a hooker.

Biblically, I would call it a wash.

Sidelines Sports Bar Breaks Ground in New Location


FORT LAUDERDALE — The staff and owners of Sidelines Sports Bar broke ground last week in their new location at 2104 E Oakland Park Blvd., Fort Lauderdale, in the space formerly occupied by the Jib Room. According to a press release, the new location will be open for business in the early part of winter 2013, once renovations are complete. The new location will hold 6,000 sq. ft of space, nearly double its current location on Wilton Drive.

Gelato Station Sold


WILTON MANORS — Nick Berry, the co-owner of Shawn and Nick’s Gelato Station, told the Agenda last week that he and business partner Shawn Bombard have sold the frozen dessert and treat eatery on the south end of Wilton Drive to an out-of-state concern.

Berry says that the new “Double Dippers” store, which is in the process of converting to the new brand, will sell products manufactured by Hershey’s Ice Cream, a Pennsylvania-based publicly-traded maker of ice cream, sorbet, sherbet, frozen yogurt, and other frozen treats.

Matty’s on the Drive Closes


WILTON MANORS — After four years, Matty’s on the Drive closed its doors on Saturday, December 15. The staff and management of the Wilton Manors bar, nightclub, and deli announced earlier that day on Facebook the plan for a final sendoff, after much speculation following a $750,000 court judgment against the bar reported last week in the Agenda (December 12, 2012: “Bar Brawl: $750K Judgment in Yearlong Case”).

Bar owner Matt Auslander and General Manager Jason Basilico thanked the staff of the popular Wilton Drive watering hole, which recently held a 4th anniversary celebration.

Courtyard Café Donates 103 Bikes to Kids in Distress


WILTON MANORS — On Monday, December 19, Nick Berry, co-owner of Shawn and Nick’s Courtyard Café in Wilton Manors, delivered a load of toys and gifts that would make a certain North Pole elf more envious than jolly.

Berry and business partner Shawn Bombard used their popular eatery as a donation drop for bicycles and other holiday gifts for the Northeast 26 Street-based Kids in Distress child service agency.

Berry, Bombard, and Berry’s life partner, Joe Bush, paid tribute to several key benefactors who helped them in collecting the bicycles, which were on display at Berry and Bush’s annual by-invitation-only Christmas Benefit, held at their home on December 15.

Berry said that in addition to 103 bicycles and numerous toys, he was able to bestow an added holiday treat upon Kids in Distress, which has a mission to prevent child abuse, preserve families, and treat children who have been abused and neglected: a donation of $2,000.

“At the end of [the benefit party], one of my guests told me if I would jump into my pool, he would contribute $300 to Kids in Distress,” Berry told the Agenda.

“I told him, ‘make it $500, and you’re on.’ This quickly became a kind of auction,” Berry added, with guests getting into the spirit and offering him $800 to jump into his swimming pool.

“Then Terry Syrcle said, ‘if you can get it to $1,000, I will match it.’ And that’s just what happened.”

2 Arrested in Club “Boom” Attack


WILTON MANORS — An alleged assault on two gay employees at the Wilton Manors nightclub Boom—in which the assailants themselves are members of the LGBT community—is being called a hate crime.

According to witnesses, in the early morning hours of December 6, Jeff Coons, a bartender at Boom, and Chris Burdekin, the club’s general manager, were allegedly attacked by three men and a female transsexual.

Burdekin declined to talk about the attack, and Coons said he would be willing to go into more detail after the matter is legally resolved. The attack left Coons with cuts and bruises on his arms and back.

“I’m trusting the legal system’s going to take care of it,” Coons said. “We don’t need that around the neighborhood.” Because of the ongoing investigation, a police report regarding the incident was not provided and the Agenda was unable to reach Sgt. Shawn Chadwick, the Wilton Manors Police Department’s public information officer, for comment.

Wayne Taylor, a friend of Coons who didn’t witness the incident but helped bandage his wounds afterwards, is calling the attack a hate crime.

“The tranny was throwing glasses and smashing them at the door,” Taylor said. “Jeff said ‘leave’ and it turned into a scuffle. Three guys jumped on Jeff and the tranny jumped on him and started cutting his back [with a broken bottle]. She said, ‘Die, you faggots with AIDS.’ It was horrible. They must have been on drugs out of their mind or something.”

Taylor, who lives a couple blocks off Wilton Drive, said he’s seen the city over the years take on more of a gay identity and become more gay-friendly, and he doesn’t want to see anything jeopardize that.

“It absolutely 100 percent infuriates me,” Taylor offered. “It’s unacceptable. Especially the way we live in this town. To hear one of our own think of something that disgusting, there has to be something wrong with that person. I don’t want to be afraid to walk home at night.”

Nature vs. Nurture


Haulover Clothing-Optional Beach in the Crosshairs

MIAMI — Just as LGBT politicians are fond of saying there’s no “gay way” to fix a pothole, the gay naturists of Haulover Park’s nude beach don’t see a gay—or “naturist”—way to park a car.

Fearing that plans for a new boat house would use up the limited available parking spaces at Miami’s Haulover Park—Miami-Dade County’s officially-sanctioned clothing-optional beach—both gay and straight park users asked Miami-Dade Commissioners on December 4 to delay approval of the planned project for 60 days. Their request was denied.

“I’m not happy with it but I’m trying to make the best of it,” said Miami resident Seth Paronick, club and naturist outreach liaison for Gay Naturists International.

Miami-Dade Commissioner Sally Heyman said the project—which includes the building of a pier and restaurant as well as dune, along with handicap and landscaping improvements—has been in the planning stages for years.

“Whether you have clothes on or not, it’s an incredible beach. To defer [the plan] to get more information isn’t going to make a difference,” said Heyman.

County officials have assured the park’s users that the boat house would increase parking, from a current 352 to 498 spaces, with 108 of those to be built specifically for the planned 100,000 sq. ft boat house, which will have enough space to house 508 boats.

“If only a fraction of boaters come, they’re going to suck up all that extra parking,” complained Norma Mitchell, board member of South Florida Free Beaches, which advocates that a fair share of public space should be set aside for nude recreation. “One hundred and eight [parking spots] is not going to accommodate the users of the beach.”

Mitchell and others say the county hasn’t factored in the parking spaces that will be used by the friends and family members of boaters who will use the facility, or the employees who will work there. And they’re worried that boaters could take all the parking in the north lot, forcing beachgoers to walk an additional mile.

“They have our word that there will be nothing to hinder their parking,” said Jack Kardys, Director of Miami-Dade’s Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Department.

Paronick of Gay Naturists International urges park supporters to hold the county to its promises, including a planned expansion of the nude beach by 350 ft.

“There is one area [of the beach] that appears to be particularly popular with the gay community,” Paronick noted. “Just like any place, the gays tend to find the most remote area [and stake it out].”

Richard Mason, President of South Florida Free Beaches, said although there is a “gay” section, LGBT users also frequent the rest of the beach. “We don’t discriminate,” he said.

And for tourists, the line between “gay” and “straight” beaches is at best blurry. “This beach is an international tourist destination [and] not because of the boat house,” said Cynthia Fish of Fort Lauderdale.

Fish says she has been going to Haulover for the last six years, “specifically because it is a clothing-optional beach,” and has met numerous people from South America, Europe, and Australia who frequent the spot, in addition to her friends from Broward, Brevard, and Martin counties, who also make the drive.

Many beach advocates argue that the boat house could end up risking the $1.4 million in annual parking revenue generated by Haulover, revenue they say is mostly generated by nudists.

“Before the naturists moved in [about 20 years ago] the beach was a drug-infested, low-life, poor beach,” said Pompano Beach resident Paul Friderich, who is part of a volunteer ambassador program that helps maintain Haulover.

Ted Mozino of Fort Lauderdale became a naturist in 1980 when his doctor told him to get more exposure to sun and salt water to treat his psoriasis.

“I have seen the evolution of this movement. We’ve come a long way. We’re not a bunch of weird hippies anymore,” said Mozino. “There’s a huge community. You’ve seen the numbers, and I believe we’re a huge asset.”

Miami-Dade County Commissioner Jose Diaz urged care when it comes to upsetting the balance between “nature” and what others see as beachfront “nurture.”

“There is a need for [boating], but at the same time you don’t want to hurt something else,” Diaz cautioned.

Gay “Sopranos” Star Mans Phones for ‘12-12-12’ Hurricane Sandy Telethon

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NEW YORK, NY — Carl Capotorto has one of the most recognizable faces in television, and a résumé to invoke envy from many of his fellow professional actors. As “Little Paulie” Gemani on “The Sopranos,” Capotorto was well-known to American and international TV audiences, many of whom are enjoying his portrayal anew through DVD and Blue-Ray, and many of whom don’t know that he is openly gay.

The actor and writer flexed his “human” muscles on Wednesday, December 12 as part of a celebrity panel of pledge-takers during a telethon that ran concurrently with the “12-12-12” benefit concert for victims of Hurricane Sandy.

New York City’s Madison Square Garden played host to the event, which was simulcast live on television, radio, Facebook, iHeartRadio, and in movie theaters, as well as being streamed live in New York’s Times Square, along with Paris and London.

The benefit concert brought together a Who’s Who of rock and pop royalty, including Kanye West, Alicia Keys, The Rolling Stones, Billy Joel, Eric Clapton, Bruce Springsteen, Bon Jovi, Chris Martin of Coldplay, as well as a special performance from Paul McCartney, Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam, Dave Grohl of Foo Fighters, and Roger Waters performing music by Pink Floyd.

Before the event, $32 million had been raised through sponsorships and ticket sales.

“Jim Gandolfini [who played mob boss Tony Soprano] pulled us together in an effort to help support [New Jersey] the state that gave us so much during the run of the show,” Capotorto told the Florida Agenda in an exclusive interview.

Over 130 people died in October when Sandy blanketed the U.S. east coast, and thousands in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut were left homeless in the aftermath of the devastating storm, which caused billions of dollars in damage.

Capotorto told the Agenda that donations raised from the concert went to support the Robin Hood Relief Fund, which has launched a large-scale relief effort to aid neighborhoods in the tri-state area that were devastated by Sandy.

Robin Hood-funded non-profits have provided blankets, hot food, heaters, generators, and other necessities to residents from across the region. In November, the fund reported that it had provided over $8 million in grants to more than 90 different relief groups.

The New York City-born-and-raised actor says that the cultural and emotional ties between Greater Fort Lauderdale’s LGBT community and the global center of arts and culture were never so on display as during the benefit, which was organized to help those whose lives were forever changed by the superstorm.

“I’ve long said it and I’ll say it again: South Florida is New York City’s sixth borough!”

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