Florida Agenda » diet http://floridaagenda.com Florida Agenda Your Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender News and Entertainment Resource Fri, 16 Nov 2012 15:16:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.4.2 Alcoholism – Fighting Back With Nutrition http://floridaagenda.com/2012/08/22/alcoholism-fighting-back-with-nutrition/ http://floridaagenda.com/2012/08/22/alcoholism-fighting-back-with-nutrition/#comments Wed, 22 Aug 2012 15:01:58 +0000 FAdmin http://floridaagenda.com/?p=15998 “Any treatment [for alcoholism] must be directed first toward behavior modification— including a diet that is alcohol free”

By Andy Kress

Alcoholism is a chronic disorder, and a growing issue within the LGBT community. Since this is a progressive disease, there is a fine line between being a heavy drinker and a compulsive one—the textbook definition of an alcoholic. The World Health Organization has listed alcoholism as one of the three most deadly killer diseases of the 20th century.

Alcohol, by its very nature is foreign, since it is not a product found in nature. It results from decomposition of fruits, grains and vegetables, and as such belongs to a family of poisons. Ethyl alcohol, the main intoxicating ingredient in wine, beer, and distilled liquor is a toxic drug that depresses the brain and nervous system. Although alcohol is fattening, it isn’t a food and is not changed or digested in any way. It is quickly absorbed in the blood stream and then travels to every part of the body, adversely affecting vital organs like the brain and liver.

There are a few tell tale signs of a true alcoholic, a puffy face and red blood-shot eyes among them. The alcoholic’s voice will be very hoarse and raspy, and they tend to have a rapid pulse, due to the alcohol’s thinning effects on the blood. Often irritable and over-emotional in their actions, many tend to be very suspicious of others. Bouts of delirium and black-outs of time are another chronic symptom. So, too, is repeated vomiting throughout the day.

Since the true alcoholic would rather drink than eat, it is easy for them to become very emaciated, with their skin becoming dehydrated and wrinkled. Because alcoholism is principally a psychological disease, any treatment must be directed first toward behavior modification— including a diet that is alcohol-free. In its place, the drinking of orange juice multiple times a day serves three purposes: One, the habit of drinking is satisfied; two, the juice helps rehydrate the body; and three, orange juice provides needed vitamins and minerals. A simple multivitamin taken with massive amounts of leafy vegetables are essential, as well, to provide fiber and reintroduce the stomach to processing solid food.

Legumes, starches, pastas and other carbohydrates provide long-lasting energy between meals. Enriched cereals and breads fill the stomach and are a good source of foliate and thiamine. Poultry is low in saturated fats and is a good source of lean protein to help build and repair muscles that have been damaged through inactivity. Poultry is often mild in taste and easy to digest.

Seafood is another protein that is lower in fats and cholesterols; this will help aid in the body’s muscle retention. Seafood is also loaded with many vitamins and minerals lost in the over consumption of alcohol. Lean pork is another fine choice when fighting the effects of alcoholism. Pork has a variety of different vitamins and minerals than chicken or seafood, as well as being a good source of healthy protein.

If you know or are related to an alcoholic, remember there is a good chance that they won’t be reading this article, since their word-mind association process is impaired by their disease. Share the information freely, knowing that you are helping to save someone’s life. You may even be saving lives more than you know, since drunk drivers are a major threat to innocent victims on our highways.

















Andy Kress is a certified fitness trainer, yoga instructor and nutritional counselor in Fort Lauderdale, FL. For more nutritional tips or inspired exercise routines, reach him at 954-789-3930 or via email at andyfitnesstrainer@gmail.com

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Super-Foods and Not-So-Super-Foods http://floridaagenda.com/2012/06/13/super-foods-and-not-so-super-foods/ http://floridaagenda.com/2012/06/13/super-foods-and-not-so-super-foods/#comments Wed, 13 Jun 2012 20:21:46 +0000 FAdmin http://floridaagenda.com/?p=14922 Most of us know what a balanced diet should look like, but most of us don’t follow it. It does not seem to matter that eating the right foods improves your health, enhances the skin, helps lower our risk of disease, and most importantly gives you energy to perform life’s daily functions. Some of our most beneficial foods are fruits and vegetables, due mainly to their hydrating qualities and low calories. Always remember that what you’re drinking is just as important as what you are eating. Drinking the proper amount of water is essential to overall health. And no, soda does not count. It not only doesn’t cleanse the palate, it quickly overloads the body with sugar. Most Americans do not know that some of our favorite foods and drinks actually harm the body more than they help, especially when consumed in excess; just as some super-foods recharge the body more than others.

Caffeine is a major contributor to upsetting the body’s delicate balance. This comes in a variety of beverages and many other foods like chocolate. Excess caffeine not only overcharges your nervous system, it can inhibit calcium absorption, and even lead to osteoporosis in time.

Salt is another ingredient that often is used in excess, and is very detrimental to your health. High blood pressure is a major side effect of a high sodium diet and can easily be prevented by moving the salt shaker from the table.

Protein, when it comprises more than 25% of your diet, can not only raise your saturated fat levels, but is also very deleterious to your kidneys. Sugar is another ingredient found in just about anything. Excessive sugar intake leads to huge spikes in your insulin response system, and, over time, can lead to diabetes. Sugar also helps add loads of calories to foods and drinks, helping in packing on the pounds, especially if inactive. Alcohol is extremely harmful to all organs of the body when used in excess on a constant basis. Alcohol loves to punish your kidneys and liver, as well as strip vital nutrients from the body.

There are some foods that are more beneficial to the body than others. These are called super-foods, and some of these foods even help you lose weight faster than most.

Blueberries top the list with lots of antioxidants, phytonutrients and cancer fighting properties. Who cares if your mouth turns purple. Eat your blueberries!

Wild caught salmon is very beneficial to the body providing high doses of Omega-3 fatty acids, lowering cholesterol and aiding in preventing inflammation.

Eggs are full of choline, which helps fat from being absorbed in the liver and helps in preventing memory loss.

Almonds contain high amounts of monounsaturated fats and fiber. Monounsaturated fats are healthy fats that aid in the reduction of body fat.

Nuts are high in calories, so moderation is the key to this super-food.

Broccoil  is one of nature’s most nutrient-dense foods. Broccoli contains a ton of hunger curbing fiber, as well as lots of antioxidants that detoxify cell-damaging chemicals. Low-fat dairy products have been proven to give the body its recommended essential calcium, and helps burn fat.Think cottage cheese and you’ve got the picture. Beans are a great source of low fat protein and lots of fiber. Last, but not least is dark chocolate. Dark chocolate is known for its heart health benefits, as well as anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants.

Good foods or bad, the choice is yours!











Andy Kress is a certified fitness trainer, yoga instructor and nutritional counselor in Fort Lauderdale, FL.

For more nutritional tips or inspired exercise routines, reach him at 954-789-3930 or via email at andyfitnesstrainer@gmail.com

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E A T I N G Your Way to a Bad Mood http://floridaagenda.com/2012/03/01/e-a-t-i-n-g-your-way-to-a-bad-mood/ http://floridaagenda.com/2012/03/01/e-a-t-i-n-g-your-way-to-a-bad-mood/#comments Thu, 01 Mar 2012 01:33:21 +0000 FAdmin http://floridaagenda.com/?p=12637 By Andy Kress

There is no doubt that our thoughts, emotions, attitudes and moods, as well as control of our nerve and muscle function, are all centered in the brain. The food we eat directly affect all organs in your body, but none more so than the brain. The link between a poor diet and poor emotional health is not only real, it’s common.

Deficiencies of certain vitamins and minerals are extremely deleterious to the body, and even more so to the brain. A varied diet of complex carbohydrates will supply the brain with amino acids to help it perform at its peak function. Eat too few, and risk depression, headaches and fatigue.

Because of the fortification of grains and abundance of food in industrialized countries, we don’t often see mental and emotion disorders due to famine. Unfortunately, there are still plenty of cases of mental and emotional disorders due to poor diet, anorexia, obesity and people with special nutritional problems, such as alcoholics, however. Having any one of these disorders can severe affect your moods and the way you act and react towards others.

All of the most basic brain and body functions in life are sustained by oxygen, water and food. Messing with your diet can cause these primal functions to literally short circuit. The brain works by chemical, electrical and hormonal interactions. Chemical neurons in the brain communicate messages constantly to each other. These compounds are synthesized as needed from amino acids and other components consumed through the diet.

Tryptophan, an amino acid, is found in all complete proteins such as meat, eggs and milk to aid the brain in producing serotonin. This neural transmitter regulates quite a few functions, such as sleep, pituitary hormone secretion and pain reception. Despite what you may have heard, there are no truths or evidence to prove food additives or junk food instantly affects your mood and the way you behave. Even with the justification of the “twinkie defense,” your diet does not control your immediate actions and reactions.

Only a poor diet prolonged over time can create the deficiencies related to emotional and behavioral disorders. But don’t think it can’t happen to you. It takes less than 90 days to see a significant change in mood and behavior if you deprive yourself of certain vital nutrients. Lacking B vitamins can cause memory loss and various other behavioral and emotional changes in a very short amount of time.

Eating a variety of seafood, dark green leafy vegetables, nuts, liver, eggs, soybeans, whole grain breads, cereals, and pastas is a great way to give the body and mind what it needs for fats, amino acids and B group vitamins. Cutting down on sugary carbohydrates and replacing them with high protein at lunchtime is especially helpful.

Caffeine is one of the best-known mood altering dietary items. This stimulant can be found in teas, colas, chocolate and particularly coffee. Alcohol is the next best-known mood-altering substance and the most toxic on the organs and brain. Be aware that alcohol depresses many functions of the brain, causing depression, anxiety, sleeplessness, and unexpected irritability.

Knowing that what goes in your mouth in the way of food can directly affect what may come out of it in words, be wise in what you choose to eat. A varied diet of healthy foods will keep your moods and energy up. Choose poor ingredients, processed foods, or nothing at all, and be prepared for low energy, moods swings, anxiety, sleeplessness, and possible depression. P.S. If you must drink—eat. The merry part will handle itself.

Andy Kress is a nationally certified fitness trainer, yoga instructor, and nutritional counselor. He can be reached at 954-789-3930 or via email at: andyfitnesstraner@gmail.com

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Smoking & Your Diet Fighting the Effects with Food http://floridaagenda.com/2011/12/01/smoking-your-diet-fighting-the-effects-with-food/ http://floridaagenda.com/2011/12/01/smoking-your-diet-fighting-the-effects-with-food/#comments Thu, 01 Dec 2011 23:45:43 +0000 FAdmin http://floridaagenda.com/?p=11160 By ANDY KRESS

Smoking in society is one thing that has been around for hundreds of years. People still continue to smoke despite all of the precautions that are on the label of the product, advertisements on TV and billboards, as well as many doctors’ recommendations.

Cigarettes and cigars are one of the easiest legal drugs to obtain, and they can be found just about everywhere.

Most of us are aware that smoking increases your risk of heart attacks, respiratory diseases and various types of lung, throat and mouth cancer. The evidence is quite clear with the more than 419,000 deaths from smoking each year in the United States, and over 3 million worldwide. Over 30% of all cancer patients that die each year (about 166,000) can be linked to death from their smoking habits. Don’t forget about the kiddies too. Smoking during pregnancy accounts for many health problems that young babies face, a direct consequence of their mothers’ smoking habits, that’s presuming of course that they even make it at all. Many of those babies die each year due to miscarriages, low birth weight, or prematurity.

But did you know that you can fight some of these deleterious effects of smoking through your diet? I am guessing probably not.

There is no diet that completely prevents all of the detrimental effects on your health, but there are ways to escape the Grim Reaper’s hold and at least limit the damage.

There is strong evidence in a number of studies that show smoking can affect your metabolism and nutritional status. Substantial lowered levels of vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium and beta-carotene have been found in the blood of smokers. Vitamin C is a vital antioxidant that slows tumor growth in the body. Having at least one daily serving of any citrus fruit or vegetables is a great way to ensure that our body is getting what it needs to fight off disease and prevent any nasty tumors from forming. Thinking of skipping out on eating those fruits and veggies and just take a vitamin C supplement instead? Think again. This can actually do more harm than good. Taking vitamin C supplements in large doses of 1000 mgs or more causes the nicotine that smokers so desperately crave to be excreted even faster through the urine, creating a more profound sensation for the body to want another cigarette or puff off of that cigar.

Vitamin A and beta-carotene may also have implications in helping to fight off cancerous cells. Increasing your consumption of the antioxidants vitamin A, beta-carotene and vitamin E can reverse some of the deficiency throughout smokers’ bodies. You can find an ample supply of beta-carotene in orange fruits and vegetables, as well as green leafy vegetables. Vitamin A can be found in liver, oily fish, eggs and fortified milk.

A daily serving of nuts, seeds, vegetable oils, leafy green vegetables or wheat germ are great sources for getting a dose of vitamin E.

Scientists are unsure why calcium levels can drop in smokers, but an easy way to prevent this is by eating low fat cheeses and tofu, or if eating these foods is not to your taste, you can drink your calcium with fortified orange juices and milk. Be sure to get at least 2-3 servings of calcium each day to keep your body at optimal health. Calcium is extremely important for women who smoke–even, more so if they have reached menopause.

Eating cruciferous vegetables is yet another way to help prevent some of the effects of cancer that smoking can cause. Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables provide sulforaphane, which may help cut the risk of smoking-related cancers through your diet. Don’t be afraid to consume 3-4 servings of these vegetables a week for best results.

This article is not written to condone your smoking habit. I recommend stopping immediately, if at all possible. Many have tried and failed to quit, and for those folks, this column is written to help you be the best you can be. Remember, your best defense is to remove the addiction from your life.

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Your health quite likely will depend on it.


Andy Kress, CFT, SET, is a nationally certified fitness trainer and nutritional counselor in South Florida. He can be reached at andyfitnesstrainer@gmail.com or 954-789-3930.

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Dining Out or “Pigging Out”? http://floridaagenda.com/2011/08/10/dining-out-or-%e2%80%9cpigging-out%e2%80%9d/ http://floridaagenda.com/2011/08/10/dining-out-or-%e2%80%9cpigging-out%e2%80%9d/#comments Wed, 10 Aug 2011 21:42:22 +0000 FAdmin http://floridaagenda.com/?p=8519 Healthy Pointers for Eating Out


Whether you are searching for the right career, scoping out a new place to live or on the make for a new boyfriend, life is all about making right choices. Building your body also requires you to make key decisions. Finding the right gym, making the time to workout and varying your routines all require proper planning. While these are crucial factors, it’s your nutritional choices that will make or break you.

As every fitness enthusiast knows, eating “right” requires knowledge, preparation and planning. Certainly the best nutritional strategy is to shop for and prepare your own healthy meals, consisting of good clean organic foods. There is nothing better than a diet consisting of complex, low-glycemic index carbohydrates, lean fresh protein sources and very low amounts of poly-unsaturated fat.

While the above plan is a surefire method for success, the reality is, most of us spend a lot of time eating out or eating on the run in restaurants and fast food joints. A few visits to these places every week will pile on the pounds in no time!

Here are a few pointers about healthy restaurant eating that can keep you lean and on track with your fitness goals.

Breakfast or brunch on the weekend with friends can be a pleasure. But in one sitting you can literally consume your daily calorie requirements of fats and carbs. Ask for egg beaters when ordering.

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Avoid bagels and Danish and opt instead for an English muffin or a couple of pieces of whole grain toast.

Try unbuttered grits with a little fresh salsa instead of hash browns. And if you have to have bacon or sausage, try not to go overboard. The salt and fat from these processed meats are killers in more ways than one.

Grabbing a sandwich for lunch sounds so simple and light doesn’t it? Yet, it’s not just the burgers that are lethal; those deli sandwiches can be just as deadly to your diet. Between those slices of bread lurk some serious calorie pitfalls like mayo, salad dressing, several servings of salty cold cuts and loads of fattening cheese. Choose whole-grain breads or, better yet, a wrap and grilled chicken instead of ham, roast beef, tuna or chicken salad. Order sandwiches dry or with mustard, and instead of cheese, pile on the veggies. Order only half a sandwich and ask for a simple green salad on the side to help fill you up.

You don’t have to avoid pasta at your favorite Italian eatery, but do request a half portion and you’ll save hundreds of calories. Eat pasta earlier in
the day so that the carbs fuel the rest of the day’s activities. If it’s available, choose a healthy whole-wheat pasta or spinach pasta for a more fiber-rich dish and pair it with a lean protein grilled portion of chicken or fish. Avoid dishes like ravioli, manicotti and lasagna, where the calorie-dense cheeses will do you in. Order marinara sauce verses high fat choices like alfredo, vodka or Bolognese. Deep six the bread sticks and opt for a green salad or healthy minestrone soup for an appetizer.

Sushi is a healthy choice when dining out. Broiled fish, steamed veggies, edamame and tuna, yellowtail and salmon sashimi are all tasty and light Japanese fare. But unless you want to look like a sumo wrestler, steer clear of tempura and agemono, which indicate deep-fried. Avoid sushi rolls made with cream cheese and excess avocado.

The time you choose to put into your workouts is crucial. Yet it’s what you put into your mouth that will make or
break your physique.

Dining out doesn’t have to mean pigging out. For more tips on healthy choices, please contact TrainerTomB@aol.com!

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Summer Meltdown – Melt away unwanted fat with these simple common sense techniques! http://floridaagenda.com/2011/07/01/summer-meltdown-melt-away-unwanted-fat-with-these-simple-common-sense-techniques/ http://floridaagenda.com/2011/07/01/summer-meltdown-melt-away-unwanted-fat-with-these-simple-common-sense-techniques/#comments Fri, 01 Jul 2011 23:58:40 +0000 FAdmin http://floridaagenda.com/?p=7441 By Tom Bonanti

Another sultry South Florida summer is well underway. Guys are stripping down, taking it off and strutting their stuff at the beach, around the pool or any old place they feel like getting naked. The question is: “Are you ready to show ‘em your stuff?”

If you’re embarrassed by that muffin top or extra jiggle in your trunk, then here are some surefire fat loss tips that you can use right now! No pills or starvation techniques needed – just a little common sense and old fashioned discipline.

First of all, know your enemy. Fast food equals junk food, and junk food never did anyone any good. Besides clogging your arteries, eating fast food will make you fat, period! Even if you pass on the super-size burgers, fries and shakes and go for seemingly healthier selections, you are only fooling yourself. For instance, deep-fried chicken or fish is even fattier than most hamburgers. A more than occasional trip to the vending machine at work can add up to beaucoup calories and an extra pound or two per week! Cross these enemies off your list and pack your arsenal of food for the day. You’ll end up healthier and leaner in the long run.

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Secondly, read the labels when you food shop and check fat content. There are a whopping 9 calories in every gram of fat, as opposed to 4 calories in each gram of carbs or protein. Total fat should never exceed 25 percent of total calories. And saturated fat should never make up more than one third of the total fat or one tenth of total calories. Here’s another hint: never grocery shop when you’re hungry – your defenses will be more easily worn down by temptation.

Thirdly, be a homebody. Clean out your cupboards, make your list of healthy foods and prepare those meals at home. You can never be sure how much fat, grease or other unhealthy stuff you’ll be eating even in the best restaurants. It’s also easier to control portion size at home and not be tempted by a sinful desert tray.

Fourthly, schedule your meals. Eating smaller meals more frequently – 5 or 6 per day – better fuels the body and reduces fat storage. This approach also bumps up your metabolism and gives your muscles a more steady supply of protein if you are working out. Sure, this takes effort and planning, but so does every worthwhile project in life.

Finally, HALT before you act. From now on, say “HALT” before you eat. “H” stands for genuine hunger or habit. If you’re physically hungry, then eat. But often you eat out of habit – stop it now! The remaining letters refer to other wrong reasons for eating: “A” because you are anxious; “L” because you’re lonely or sad; and “T” because you’re tired. Think before you eat and you’ll be surprised by the changes in your shape!

There they are: Five simple tips to melt off the pounds that are keeping you from showing off that pumped up body you’ve been working out all year long. For more tips on pumping up and leaning out contact TrainerTomB@aol.com!


Tom Bonanti, is a certified personal trainer and owner of Pump’n Inc gym at 1271 NE 9th Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304, Facebook: TrainerTomB. www.pumpnincgym.com

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Take Pride in Yourself! http://floridaagenda.com/2011/06/15/take-pride-in-yourself/ http://floridaagenda.com/2011/06/15/take-pride-in-yourself/#comments Wed, 15 Jun 2011 03:55:04 +0000 FAdmin http://floridaagenda.com/?p=6926 Stay Healthy and Youthful Forever!
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By Tom Bonanti

Your busy lifestyle can take its toll on you. The regular physical demands placed on your body at work, home and in the gym can leave you with tired muscles and sore joints. Add to that the emotional stresses of family, relationships and other personal issues and your poor body can age big time – and in no time at all! Don’t despair, because you don’t have to give in to Father Time if you understand a few things about your body and how it ages.

Studies indicate that the root cause of much physical and biological aging is due to free radical damage. Free radicals are toxic substances created in the body from stress that destroys DNA, valuable proteins and collagen cells. Free radicals are caused by pollution in your air and food, stress, poor eating habits, lack of sleep, exercise and the prolonged exposure to the ultraviolet rays of the sun. These evil bitches can literally cause you to deteriorate from the inside out. The wrinkles, bags and circles you see in the mirror are nothing compared to what’s going on inside of you when free radicals move in and set up house.

There is good news! You can help your body to scavenge and destroy free radicals before they wreck you. By far, prevention is the most important course of action against the ravages of free radicals.

Some preventative measures include:

1) abstaining from smoking;

2) strict adherence to a carefully constructed and integrated training program (weight training, cardio, diet, and stretching); and

3) avoidance of pollutants and other toxic substances (excessive alcohol, party drugs, etc.) that are known to cause free radical formation.

Yet, no matter how hard you try to stay healthy and “radical free,” you just can’t avoid all stress at work and at home, pollutants in the air you breathe and the preservatives and other toxins pumped into your food. In this case, there are several natural “super nutrients” that can keep you young, increase your body’s resistance to free radical damage and help you retain your vim and vigor. The most commonly understood free radical scavenger, or anti-oxidant, is Vitamin C. Always a friend to the immune system, this vitamin fortifi es you against virus infections, strengthens blood vessels, reduces cardio-vascular abnormalities, inhibits fat storage and lowers bad cholesterol levels. It also reduces many kinds of pain, helps detoxify you and slows down the aging process in your skin. Do you need Vitamin C? Hell, yeah! Vitamin E is another great anti-oxidant, important for cellular respiration, good circulation, protection for the lungs against air pollutants and prevention of blood clots. For those who worship the sun, Vitamin E has also been an option for protecting and repairing sun exposed skin.

Carotenoids are a large family of over a hundred compounds that have been studied extensively. Vitamin A is the most commonly known of these and has shown significant scavenging activity, along with improved recovery from sun exposure damage, air pollutants, etc. The safest and most effective source of Vitamin A is deep green leafy vegetables like artichokes, brussel sprouts, spinach and broccoli.

Another family of carotenoids even more effective than Vitamin A is the xanthophylls found in red and yellow fruits and vegetables. The best sources for these healthy, tangy babies are red berries, red and yellow bell peppers and squash. A wonderful antioxidant that is enjoying popularity these days is green tea. This warm or cold elixir has been clinically shown to reduce:

1) bacterial and viral activity;

2) risk of lung cancer due to smoking;

3) risk of skin damage and skin cancer due to the sun’s radiation;

4) a host of other age related maladies.

Certainly before you start to pop the vitamin pills, you should consult your doctor about the correct dosage for you. But there is no time like the present to start eating more fresh fruits and veggies and other clean foods like yogurt and whole grains. Take pride in yourself ! Eat healthy. Get to the gym. Take care of your skin. Get some good sleep. Your health is a gift to be guarded lovingly.

Tom Bonanti is a certified personal trainer and owner of Pump’n Inc gym at 1271 NE 9th Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304

Facebook: TrainerTomB. www.pumpnincgym.com

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