Photo: Alex Sink, Dan Gelber, Lorane Ausley, Scott Maddox
Photo: Alex Sink, Dan Gelber, Lorane Ausley, Scott Maddox
Democrats lost bids for Florida’s Governor’s office, State Attorney General, Chief Financial Officer and Agriculture Commissioner. In addition, when Florida’s legislature reconvenes next year, only 12 politicians in the 40-member Senate and 39 politicians in the 120-member House will be affiliated with the Democratic Party. A Republican supermajority is born.
What this means is that Democrats will not be able to stop any legislation that Republican Senate and House members put on the table.
“At this moment, we don’t have one voice,” said Sen. Nan Rich of Weston, who will be the Democrat’s Senate leader for the next two years. “There is no question we have to sit down and figure out a strategy.”
Rich is a champion of LGBT rights and had previously filed bills to abolish the ban on gay and lesbian couples adopting children. The ban is no longer in place after a recent court ruling overturned it and the state refused to appeal.
Palm Beach County Human Rights Council President Rand Hoch said the new makeup of Florida’s legislative bodies will resonate the same message towards the gay community as the previous legislative bodies had.
“Neither the Florida Senate nor the Florida House of Representatives has been supportive of LGBT legislation for many, many years,” Hoch said. “The last pro-gay law – the Hate Crimes law – was passed in 1991. Not a single pro-gay law has been passed by the legislature in almost 20 years. While there may be fewer legislators willing to voice their support for pro-LGBT legislation, it makes no difference if legislation can not get passed. So I do not think that the outcome of the legislative races means very much at all.”
One extremely tough loss as a voice for the LGBT community was Florida Rep. Kelly Skidmore (D-90) who ran for the State Senate seat in District 25. Skidmore had also sponsored
a bill to overturn the ban on gay adoptions, and she was the politician that led the fight for inclusion of LGBT youth in a safe schools bill that passed last year.
“Kelly Skidmore never had a chance to win the Senate race,” Hoch said. “While it is a shame to lose an advocate, she did little to change the hearts and minds in Tallahassee. In fact, during her entire tenure in the legislature, she was never able to get a hearing on the LGBT civil rights bill she sponsored. The seat she ran for went to Sen.-elect Ellyn Bogdanoff, who has worked behind the scenes with the Palm Beach County Human Rights Council for the past several years. Her insight proved to be invaluable. While I do not see her as being a champion of our issues, clearly she will be able to help us determine what is – and what is not – possible to accomplish in the years to come.”
According to Equality Florida, a statewide LGBT civil rights organization, the election results were disappointing, but the state is moving toward equality, at a ginger pace.
“Record majorities of Floridians now stand with us on nearly every issue we fight for,” wrote Equality Florida’s Tobias Parker in a post. “But the reason this support has not always translated into victories at the ballot box is that Florida’s voting districts are drawn to dramatically favor the party in power, which leads to extremism.”
With the passage of Amendments 5 and 6, Florida’s districts will all be redrawn to look more fair and equal and be less about the number of Republicans and Democrats that live in each area.
“Our elected leaders may propel us or stymie our progress, but they cannot stop our forward march,” wrote Tobias. “Full equality is inevitable as long as we continue to stay in the fight.”
Hoch believes the frontier for gay equality needs to be taken down to the hyper-local level.
“It is too bad that all of the money raised for lobbying and candidates did not go toward setting up LGBT community centers in as many places across Florida as possible,” Hoch said. “Think of the progress that could have been made if that had been the focus of our attention over the past 10 years.”
While Matthew Tsien and Peter Ryskewecz have every right to place an ad in this newspaper urging Floridians to “Dare To Be Different” and vote Republican on November 2, given the slate of Republican candidates in this election cycle, a more apt title for this ad directed to gay people or anyone concerned with human rights might be “Dare To Be Stupid.”
Marco Rubio never saw a gay issue he supported. Rick Scott thinks gays should be banned from adopting, AND foster parenting.
The Democratic candidate for Attorney General, Dan Gelber, would accept the court ruling ending the Florida gay adoption ban. Republican Pam Bondi said she would appeal it to the Florida Supreme Court.
Democratic Congressman Ron Klein voted to end the military ban on out gays. Republican Allen West doesn’t think gays belong in the military at all, closeted or otherwise.
For most self-respecting gay men and women, LGBT rights are not the only issue we vote on, but they ARE a part of the mix. Messrs. Tsien and Ryskewecz fail to understand this.
It is assumed that all Gays are Democrat voters except for a very few who are super rich. I am neither; but I am a Gay Republican business woman who recognizes that finally a greater number of gays and lesbians know that the GLBT political class and the Obama Democrats will say anything to scare us into the voter’s booth determined that we pull the Democrat lever.
“No funding for AIDS!” “No marriage equality!” “Rampant homophobia…”… goes the mantra. But most of it is a big lie and just because I am a lesbian does not mean I have to live a life of relentless left-wing lies. AIDS funding does not disappear with GOP majorities, and at least half of Republicans believe in civil unions. In fact, the lead attorney in overturning California’s Proposition 8 to ban same-sex marriage is also an out-spoken movement conservative.
We need a dramatic reduction in the federal government. The Post Office is technologically obsolete. The Commerce Department and Small Business Administration create neither jobs nor business; they are merely edifices of pretentiousness. The Health and Human Services Department is already duplicated at the state and local level. The Department of Education in Washington, D.C. has no student contact while its only real interest is in keeping inferior performing teachers employed in order to get their union dues, which are aimed at running class warfare ads during campaign time.
I want a country that is driven by ethical, democratic capitalism and puts people back to work. Our federal and state governments are out of control and run by greedy public-sector employee unions. Our government has tens of billions of dollars of unfunded pension obligations for which we, the taxpayer are liable. The career politicians have bankrupt Social Security and Medicare to the point where the government is the equivalent to 200 Enrons.
When all the votes are counted, we are going to find out that a lot of Gays and Lesbians became politically mature, wised up and voted Republican.
To read the diatribe of “former Democrat”, you might believe that the economic history of the U.S. extends back only to January 20, 2009 (the day that President Obama was inaugurated.)
The fact is (Glen Beck notwithstanding) that the U.S. economy was under the policies and oversight of Republican Congressional control from 1995 to 2009, and the Presidency also was controlled by Republicans from 2001 to 2009.
Federal taxes are now the same rates as during the Bush years. And, deficits? Despite the fact of a budget surplus at the end of the Clinton presidency, and at least six Bush years of (artificially) booming economy, the Republican Congress and President always turned in annual deficits of several hundred $$Billion…and that was in good economic times!
Bailouts? Those were largely initiated by Bush, and his Goldman Sachs Treasury Secretary Henry Paulsen, to the tune of $700 Billion…all cheerfully funded and added to the deficit (lent back to us!) by the heirs of Mao Tse Tung of modern day China! (Take a look in the mirror, next time you shop at Wal-Mart, if you are looking for someone to blame for 10% unemployment in the U.S.! Try to find something at Wal-Mart that is not made in China!)
The shameful $150 Billion dollar bailout of AIG, by President Bush, ended up largely in the pockets of fat cat hedge funds and banks, and Wall Streeters, as payouts, after AIG stupidly “insured” the value of junk bonds, (which were magically rated AAA by Moody’s et al.) Our Bush-era economic system was raped and pillaged over and over, without a single kiss…no flowers…and obviously no respect the next day…since the same cast of characters wants yet another chance to stick it to us.
Mr. Former Democrat is entitled to his own opinions, but not his own facts. A huge herd of elephants roamed this country for most of the past ten years, and left massive dung piles everywhere. And, who is left to clean up the mess, and who is to be blamed for the lingering stench? Mr. Former has invented his own facts on that.