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Multimedia Platforms, LLC and Cybermesh International Corp (OTCBB:CYTL) Announce Merger



It is with great pleasure that I announce that Multimedia Platforms, LLC, (MMP) will be merging with Cybermesh International Corp (OTCBB: CYTL).

Cybermesh International Corp (OTCBB: CYTL) is a technology based company focused on supporting media industries with online distribution,
analysis and revenue protection and Multimedia Platforms, LLC, (MMP) is  an emerging leader in the field of LGBT multimedia which has successfully
integrated print and online publishing to become a principal entertainment and news source nationwide.

MMP will remain the surviving entity and I will be serving as the new CEO.   This merger provides MMP the perfect positioning for our long terms goals as a company and comes at an ideal time to accommodate the growth we are experiencing. MMP is currently operating cash flow positive and anticipates revenue in excess of $1.5 million in 2011.

Sam Porter, CEO of Cybermesh commented, “We believe that Robert Blair has built the most dynamic, inclusive and integrated media company in the LGBT market space–and we believe his proven platform has almost infinite expansion potential. This acquisition will allow Multimedia Platforms to access the public capital markets to build resources and seize growth opportunities now and in the future.”

Multimedia Platforms, LLC started in November 2009, at that time MMP  purchased 50% of Mark’s List and all of their assets, websites, products and domains. We did this for the sole purpose of integrating our print publications with an online platform.

When 411 and the South Florida Blade filed bankruptcy jointly, I hired all the staff away within 24 hours and that very same week, three days later in-fact, produced two brand new publications, Mark Magazine and the Florida Agenda. At that point in time I worked closely with Kevin Hopper and

Mark Haines to begin to develop the Multimedia concept of integrating print publications and an online platform.

Consequently due to the success of the integration, both Mark Magazine and the Florida Agenda have grown in size and revenue and the Mark’s List website (www.JumpOnMarksList.com) has developed at an unprecedented rate in terms of google index pages, page views, millions of visitors and revenue.

As you know we also recently launched MyGayRadio.com, which is a 24/7 online pop and dance radio station. This has been positively received on a global scale.

The result of our successful integration process and growth in business has provided us with this incredible opportunity to merge with Cybermesh International, a fully reporting, public company.

Based in Southern California’s technology hub, Cybermesh International is a technology-based company focusing on developing and exploiting technologies that assist the entertainment, telecommunications and media industries with online distribution, analysis and revenue protection.

As part of the terms, Multimedia shareholders will receive ten million restricted shares and $500,000 cash.

We will be building upon our success as an all-inclusive media platform consisting of newspaper, magazine, online radio, entertainment and news website formats and will expand this to include video and mobile devices to reach all facets of the LGBT community internationally. First, we are focused on reaching new consumers with the latest technology and market expertise and second, delivering the highest quality of news and entertainment to our readers, viewers, listeners and advertisers. This merger allows us to do the above and much more.

We are looking forward to taking our proven integrative approach across the entire United States to bring the LGBT community news, entertainment and above all to make a difference to all the communities we serve.

I would like to personally thank my entire staff, all our business partners, who are our loyal community advertisers and a special thanks, to our readers, viewers and listeners, for your incredible support across our entire Multimedia Platform.






Bobby Blair, Publisher

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