Next Stop … Brazil!
WILTON MANORS, FL – The International Gay and Lesbian Travel Association (IGLTA) finished their 2011 convention in Ft. Lauderdale/Wilton Manors in what the organization refers to as being a huge success.
IGLTA President and CEO John Tanzella, after returning from a U.S. Travel Association Pow Wow event which included tour operators, travel media, hotels and others involved in the travel industry, said that he couldn’t be more pleased with the results. The annual convention, with portions being held in both Fort Lauderdale and Wilton Manors, drew 507 delegates from 35 countries, coming from as far as South Africa and Australia to see what the Greater Fort Lauderdale area has to offer.
And what was the impression Fort Lauderdale made on the delegates? “It was extremely positive,” said Tanzella. “In fact, many of the attendees said they wanted to move here.”
The Annual Global Convention was held for five days, from May 10th through 15th. Each year there is a different education theme. This year’s education theme was marketing. Tanzella reported that there was a special emphasis placed this year on using online marketing techniques. He stated that there were representatives from Trip Advisor and Google, along with other presenters, explaining new trends and how businesses, big and small, can reach gay and lesbian travelers.
“Every year there seems to be more and more online marketing,” said Tanzella. “I think that LGBT travelers in particular tend to be more internet savvy, and so you need to reach them using the internet, social media, etc., to reach them versus some of the more historical ways of reaching travelers. So, even if you’re a travel agency, you still might not have people walking into your travel agency the way they did in the ‘80s, but you can market your travel agency on places like Twitter and Facebook to draw clients and easily connect your clients with the marketplace.”
Globally, it is estimated that gays and lesbians spend a total of $75-billion a year on everything from airlines and hotels to tours and complete vacation packages. Brazil, explained Tanzella, is extremely popular right now, as is New York City. He added that Capetown, South Africa, and Sydney, Australia, are also very popular, but the Greater Fort Lauderdale area always places in the top-ten in popularity. Next year’s convention will be held in Brazil.
Tanzella said the public consumer show, which was held on Friday, May 13th at Hagen Park behind the Wilton Manors City Hall, was the most popular event drawing thousands of locals from as far away as Miami. Those attending the consumer show saw exhibits from different travel destinations and businesses involved in the travel industry. That evening, there was also a concert by Kristine W., which was organized by the Rainbow Business Coalition of Greater Fort Lauderdale. The RBC also helped in marketing the entire event. “It was a fantastic night,” said Tanzella.
“This was the largest convention we’ve had so far,” said Tanzella. “Each year it seems to get bigger and bigger, but the previous record was the Las Vegas convention, which was held in 2008.” Tanzella also added that it was the largest convention held in Fort Lauderdale in regards to international delegates.
Tanzella credits much of this year’s success to the Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention and Visitors Bureau, Wilton Manors Mayor Gary Resnick and to the Rainbow Business Coalition. Broward County Mayor Sue Gunzburger was on hand to welcome the delegates and dignitaries from Washington, D.C., flew in to welcome the international delegates.
Delta Airlines, the Brazilian airline TAM and the Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention and Visitors Bureau were huge sponsors, explained Tanzella, but they also had sponsorships from different regions in Brazil in preparation of next year’s convention. Tanzella also appreciated the support the IGLTA convention received from local businesses like the Sawgrass Mills Mall, The Manor and Tropics, but indicated that the support received from the Rainbow Business Coalition was huge.
The IGLTA moved their international headquarters from Fort Lauderdale to N.E. 26 Street in Wilton Manors last August.