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Singer-Comedian Lea DeLaria to Hold Benefits for Rising Action Theatre at The Manor

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Gay Theater Group Receives Grants from the Government

(Photo: Courtesy of Lea DeLaria – http://www.delariadammit.com/)


Lesbian Comedian/Singer Lea DeLaria from Broadway’s On the Town and The Rocky Horror Show, TV’s Will and Grace and the movie Edge of Seventeen performs a special benefit for Rising Action Theatre at The Manor, 2345 Wilton Drive, Wilton manors on Friday July 30 and Saturday July 31. Both shows start at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $39 for the main floor and balcony and $59 for VIP seating. DeLaria will entertain with song and comedy. DeLaria has distinguished herself in every form of entertainment she touches — Jazz musician, Broadway diva, actor, writer and stand-up comic.

The New York Times also called her Jazz Album “The Best Jazz Album of the Year.”

A review of a recent DeLaria show from CabaretScenes.com states, “Ms. DeLaria has a clarity, richness and warmth to her voice that draw her audience in, and an innate ability to swing even the most seemingly un-swingable of songs. There are times when her voice seems to slip quietly into your body and then melt. It’s almost the same feeling as when you take that first sip of a stiff drink (or, as Ms. DeLaria might prefer, the first puff of a joint) and feel the relaxation course through you.”

Recently, Rising Action Theater received a $5,000 grant from the Community Foundation of Broward for its Senior Readers Project. The project will begin again in September. Also, the City of Oakland Park has awarded Rising Action Theatre a $15,000 grant for its Audience Development Series.

The small theater that showcases about 10 shows per year was recently named Best Theater Company in a recent poll by the Broward New Times. This is the second year in a row that the theater won the award.

For more information about the theater or to purchase tickers to the DeLaria show visit: http://www.risingactiontheatre.com.


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