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Ever wonder if all that hard work in the gym is really paying off?

Do you ever doubt your progress because you always seem to look the same in the mirror, even though others tell you that you look marvelous? Why not consider taking your measurements and chart the course of your workouts?

Such vital statistics as Body Mass Index (BMI), your weight relative to your height, Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), the baseline amount of calories you need each day for your body to function, and body fat percentage are important for you to know and they can be tabulated with formulas you can get on line, or better yet, get a skilled personal trainer to take them for you. It may take a little time to calculate them accurately, but it is important for you to know these numbers so that you can gear your training accordingly.

There are other important measurements you need to know and you can take these on your own very simply. Here’s how to go about it. First, get a full-length mirror if you don’t already have access to one.

Second, buy a flexible tape measure available in the sewing department of most stores. Third, take off all your clothes and be ready to be perfectly honest with yourself as you stand naked in front of the mirror.

Make mental notes of areas or muscle groups that need work, i.e. droopy butt, jiggly belly, the dreaded man boobs, etc.

Don’t be overly harsh or critical. You’ve also got some good points to your physique.

Note them also: broad shoulders, beefy forearms, etc. Take note of your posture as well and how you can look better by simply standing straighter, throwing your shoulders back, keeping your head up, stop slumping, etc. The more confidant you are in your appearance, the better you will look to the rest of the world!

Aware now of the raw material you’ve got to work with, use the flexible tape and measure each muscle group.

Measurements should be taken before working out on relaxed muscles. It is best to measure in the morning after you shower, before you get dressed. No tensing up or flexing, please! Be sure the tape is held snugly and evenly against the skin at all times. Write each measurement down and keep them on file.

• Measure your neck right under the Adam’s apple all the way around.

• The shoulder measurement is taken at the widest point.

• Measure the chest across the nipples while breathing normally.

• Measure upper arms around the widest point without flexing your biceps or tensing triceps.

• Forearm measurements should be taken at the widest part of the arm below the elbow.

• The waist is measured at the naval.

• Hip measurements should be taken across the widest part of the buttocks.

• Calves should be measured at their widest point. Ditto your thighs.

These assessments can be done solo or with a friend if you are prepared to handle some honest criticism. Retake these measurements every three months as you change your workout routine. Knowing whether or not you’re making progress by honestly charting your results can help you to set new goals or re-evaluate old ones.

Remember your body (you’ve got to love it!) is a work of art in progress. Training, eating right, measuring honestly, etc. are the tools you use to become the best that you can be.

Contact TrainerTomB@aol.com today with any or all questions regarding measurements, fitness or anything about your daily workouts.


Tom Bonanti is a certified personal trainer and
owner of Pump’n Inc Gym at 1271 NE 9th Ave,
Fort Lauderdale. For more tips on how to get
bigger beefier arms by summer, give me a shout at

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