Most guys are in agreement about what constitutes an ideal physique – a tapered V-shaped back, bold defined triceps, biceps like soft balls, a hard bubble butt, and a sleek, well- defined sixpack. A physique with these assets is well worth flaunting anywhere! Just remember, guys, to workout your legs once in awhile… nothing looks sillier than a guy with a big upper gym body on toothpick legs.
One muscle group that guys sometimes forget about, or simply only train routinely, are the deltoids. Whether you’re strutting your stuff on the beach or at the pool, or wearing your best suit for an interview, a great pair of shoulders will set you apart from the rest. The delts are located at the top of each arm, and consist of the anterior or front deltoids, mid or lateral deltoids, and the posterior or rear deltoids. Well-developed deltoids resemble cannonballs, but you need a variety of movements or exercises in order to develop and strengthen them properly. Also, the stronger your deltoids are, the less stress you will experience with those deeper rotator cuff muscles.
Here’s a big boy’s guide to bigger, broader shoulders:
• Seated dumbbell presses are great for front and mid deltoids as well as for traps and triceps. Sit on a bench with your back straight. Grasp two dumbbells with an overhand grip, and lift them to your shoulders, palms facing forward. Inhale and press your arms to an extended vertical position. Exhale as you lower them back to your shoulders.
• Lateral raises are great for the mid delt, and they help you to achieve a broader look to the upper body. Stand with your feet slightly spread. Keep your back straight, your arms hanging at your sides. Holding a dumbbell in each hand, raise the dumbbells to shoulder height, keeping your elbows slightly bent. Return to the starting position. You can also do this exercise seated on a bench with your back straight, and simply raise the dumbbells to your sides as if you were standing. Doing these exercises in a seated position helps you to isolate the side delts better, but yes, they are harder.
• Front raises are dynamite for the front and rear delts. Stand with your feet slightly apart. Hold the dumbbells with your palms down (overhand grip). Resting the dumbbells on your thighs or slightly to the side, raise the dumbbells forward to shoulder height, alternating each side.
• Bent-over lateral raises are great for the overall shoulder, but especially for the rear deltoids and upper back. Stand with your feet spread apart and your knees slightly bent. Bend forward at the waist and keep your back straight. Hold the dumbbells with your elbows slightly bent. Inhale and raise the dumbbells to your sides. Exhale as you complete the movement.
• The upright row is another exercise for the mid and rear delts. Holding a weighted bar in front of you with an overhand grip, pull it to your chin while keeping your elbows above the bar. Keep the bar close to your body.
• With each of the above exercises, try performing three to four sets of 10 to 12 reps with a manageable but challenging weight. So there you have it, a workout that will give you those distinctive boulder delts.
Also remember to watch your posture. A lot of guys tend to slump their shoulders and crouch over a bit, especially if they are stressed or tired. Stand up straight, chin up, shoulders back, pecs out, and enjoy the attention you’ve earned!
Tom Bonanti is a certified personal trainer and owner of Pump’n Inc Gym at 1271 NE 9th Ave, Fort Lauderdale.
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