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YouTube Mystery Airman Reveals Identity

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NEW YORK, NY – An airman stationed in Germany who, for the last few months has been posting anonymous videos on YouTube under the screen name “AreYouSuprised?” has revealed his identity to ABC News. For months he has been posting videos telling what it was like serving in the military while living under “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” Last week, immediately following the repeal of DADT, he posted another video, showing his face for the first time, of him calling his father in Alabama, and telling his father he was gay.

The airman, Randy Phillips, spoke with ABC News about coming out and his whole family now knows he’s gay.

“ It feels great.

It’s nice not having to look over your shoulder or worry about who you are talking to,” Phillips told ABC News. “I think everybody knows. I never thought I’d be so comfortable with it. It’s very supportive. Everybody’s been absolutely great.”

Phillips father told ABC News that he wasn’t thrilled that his son put the video clip on YouTube but repeated that he loved his son and always will.

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