You’ve planned your wedding like a pro. You’ve picked the date, you’ve selected a venue, you’ve thought about music, you’ve planned your outfit. The transportation is set, the minister has been confirmed, the menu is fixed, and the guests have been invited. The all important wedding cake is often is supplied by whoever is catering the reception. Not so, however, for the cake topper. That detail is completely up to you.
For a straight couple, the selection of a cake topper is relatively simple. There are hundreds of choices—each more adorable than the next. But what of the same-sex couple. Two men or two women on top of the cake. Now that’s not so easy to find. And what if one men is black or one of the women is dressing in a tuxedo. Trust me when I say, this presents a problem. Or at least until last year, it used to.
While there have been many pop-up companies racing to fill the void for same-sex topped in resin, plastic, wood and cloth, no one comes close to providing a customized product as well as a company from Hong Kong (of all places) calling itself WowMiniMe.
WowMiniMe is unique among topper manufacturers because each one it makes is customized especially for you. They call their service “Head to Toe” custom, and all it requires are photos of the spouses in appropriate attire to be uploaded to the company at The firm will prepare a proof of suggested designs for your topper, customized right down to the faces on the pieces.
The cost for the topper isn’t cheap, totaling $149 plus shipping, but the effect is stunning, and will provide a truly unique momento of your very special day.
Further details about wowminime can be found on, with complete instructions and suggested designs. WowMiniMe. An idea whose time has come.