Cover Story Special Wedding Issue

Our Big Day: Lea Krauss and April Halle

Alexander Kacala
Written by Alexander Kacala

1. How did you two meet?

LK: We met at a networking luncheon for lawyers who are in small law firms.

AH: We met at networking luncheon. You know, everyone goes around and does a 30 second spiel about himself or herself. We weren’t at the same table but after she spoke I was blown away and thought to myself “what a dynamite woman.” I went up to talk to her and we became friends. We were friends for about 4 years before we started dating.

2. What is your favorite thing about your partner?

LK: Her incredibly big heart. She is the most selfless and giving person I have ever known.

AH: Her ability to listen and to give you her undivided attention. When we were first dating, we were on the phone and she was on her way to a Sugarland concert and I was upset and she said “Hold on, let me pull over so I can concentrate and give you my full attention.” That’s when I knew she was a keeper.

3. Who is more romantic in the relationship and how?

LK: We each can be very romantic to let the other know how special they are. Being romantic does not have to mean spending a lot of money or grand gestures, It is about showing you are thinking about someone and letting them know they are special. While every girl loves roses on Valentine’s Day, I love to send April flowers “just because” and when it’s not a Hallmark holiday. I have done small romantic things for April like coming to her office with a cup of coffee or a box of Band-Aids (inside joke).

AH: Lea is more romantic. She thinks about the little things…sends me flowers just because, celebrates our anniversary in weeks and months.

Lea April Wedding 7

4. Describe your big day to our readers.  

LK: The “Big Day” went by so quickly, but I remember telling myself to be present and to enjoy every moment. So I did! I enjoyed all of it – from getting ready; signing the Ketubah; the ceremony under the Chuppa; our first dance to “She Keeps Me Warm”; dancing with my father; watching April dance with her father; our siblings blessing the challah; cutting the cake; to being surrounded by close friends and family. The day was magical. Our wedding was perfect, not because it went off “without a hitch,” but because I was so excited to start my life as Mrs. Krauss with April by my side. Neither one of us was a “bridezilla” because we knew the most important part of the wedding day was our commitment to one another. All the other stuff, was just not as important as our love.

AH: How we got engaged made our wedding day that much more special and unique.   The Windsor decision was pending and all of us were optimistic. The local LGBT vendors and allies put together an auction item for a wedding package for the Gay and Lesbian Lawyer’s Network Gala in April 2015. The package included a Sunday brunch wedding at the Riverside Hotel, suite, flowers, wedding cake, DJ, invitations, hair and makeup, massages, wedding planner, DJ, photographer, videographer, etc. As the bidding started, I became overwhelmed by my love for Lea (she was hosting the event as the GLLN President and had given a speech about transgender youths who were there with their parents supporting them). I threw up my hand and yelled out a bid and won. I walked up to Lea and got down on one knee and proposed to her in front of the 200 guests, including her parents, after asking her father for her hand in marriage.   Our Rabbi officiated as we exchanged vows under the Chuppah with our family and friends bearing witness to our love.

5. Tell us your favorite memory from your wedding day.

LK: Standing under the Chuppa with April, in front of family, friends and our rabbi.

AH: Our first dance. We danced to Mary Lambert’s “She Keeps Me Warm.”

6. What were you feeling at the exact moment you said, “I do”?

LK: I felt lucky and special at the exact moment I said, “I do.” Being able to legally marry April meant the world to me and to be able to share that with our family and friends was truly life changing.

AH: Pure joy!

Photography by: Courtney Studios