–Rants, Bitches, raves, quick lines expressing life’s annoying and bitchy situations
Posted on 22 July 2010
–Rants, Bitches, raves, quick lines expressing life’s annoying and bitchy situations
Posted on 15 July 2010
-Rants, Bitches, raves, quick lines expressing life’s annoying and bitchy situations
Posted on 07 July 2010
I hate doing bitch work! When do I get my own bitch to do my bitch work?? Why is it that the fattest and ugliest person in the group has the biggest attitude. Bitch if I wanted to see a whale with a large blowhole I’d go see Shamu not u…. If you want sympathy, [...]
Posted on 30 June 2010
I am at this club to have a cocktail and it smells like chicken fingers in here. I almost feel like I want to throw up. I was having a good weekend and then the muffler fell of the back of my car and I was stranded with nothing to do for days. I had [...]
Posted on 24 June 2010
I hate how she acts like she loves you and will do anything for you but….when you don’t agree with the things she wants…the tables turn. I finally met a guy who was everything I was looking for in someone and it turns out that he does drugs. I think it’s just in my cards [...]
Posted on 17 June 2010
I walked into another spider web this morning and my dog got the Hershey squirts. I was cuddling with a new guy this morning and had to go to work. Great, all I have to look forward to a bunch of queens up and down Wilton Drive all weekend. I thought you said you were [...]
Posted on 09 June 2010
Why do you feel it necessary to tell me the same damn story for the 10th time…I didn’t even want to hear it the first time. Here’s to looking at people when they have nothing interesting to say and pretending to listen. Um, no… don’t touch me…you’re creepy. Why would you invite me to have [...]
Posted on 04 June 2010
Why do I even bother hitting on you? You’re obviously full of yourself If people only knew how many gays there are in the military. Americans have no clue. All of this commotion about changing Wilton Manors main street had better result in better parking. Why is it that every time I leave SOBE to [...]
Posted on 27 May 2010
Your preppy boy haircut cannot cover up the fact that you are a complete and utter skank. IGNORING ME IS THE BEST THING you can do? Please I hardly even noticed. I WAS KICKED OUT OF THE MILITARY in 1999 for having sex with my commanding officer. We were in love. Now we are on [...]
Posted on 20 May 2010
Is your wig meant to look janity, because if it is, than you are succeeding. DON’T WORRY ABOUT THE OIL SPILL hitting Fort Lauderdale beaches, most of the boys here are so oily that no one will even notice. THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU SHITTY restaurant that charged my credit card twice and caused me [...]