Category | Parting Glances

Parting Glances – July 22, 2010

Posted on 22 July 2010

-Did someone catch your eye but you were to afraid to say hello? Think someone is straight but want to find out for sure? Send your parting glances to the Florida Agenda at, and we’ll make sure to connect you and your future mate.

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Parting Glances – July 15, 2010

Posted on 15 July 2010

-Did someone catch your eye but you were to afraid to say hello? Think someone is straight but want to find out for sure? Send your parting glances to the Florida Agenda at, and we’ll make sure to connect you and your future mate.

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Parting Glances – June 30, 2010

Posted on 30 June 2010

Did someone catch your eye but you were to afraid to say hello? Think someone is straight but want to find out for sure? Send your parting glances to the Florida Agenda at, and we’ll make sure to connect you and your future mate. Stonewall St. Festival You sang a couple of songs and […]

Parting Glances – June 24, 2010

Posted on 24 June 2010

Did someone catch your eye but you were to afraid to say hello Amoxil no Prescription ? Think someone is straight but want to find out for sure? Send your parting glances to the Florida Agenda at, and we’ll make sure to connect you and your future mate. antibiotics no prescription Let’s Meet Again […]

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Parting Glances – June 17, 2010

Posted on 17 June 2010

Did someone catch your eye but you were to afraid to say hello? Think someone is straight but want to find out for sure? Send your parting glances to the Florida Agenda at, and we’ll make sure to connect you and your future mate. DQ – Wilton Manors I was parking my Pink Vespa […]

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