Category | Commentary

Letter from the Founder

Posted on 24 May 2014

I am thrilled to be able to announce the appointment of award-winning writer Richard Hack to the position of Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of the Florida Agenda as well as editor-in-chief at Guy Magazine. I have known Richard for nearly a decade, and for much of that time, he has been a consultant to Multimedia Platforms LLC […]

The Case for War

Posted on 23 April 2014

In 1978, Senator George McGovern, a man whose opposition to the war in Vietnam was second to none, stunned the nation by proposing that the United States invade Cambodia as part of an international military coalition to put an end to the genocide taking place in that country. Senator McGovern’s critics saw his proposal as […]


Fighting Fire with Fire

Posted on 26 March 2014

Last week, Westboro Baptist Church founder Fred Phelps passed away in a hospice, as confirmed by two of his estranged sons. Social media was ablaze with cynical comments from users, ranging from “Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead” to “I’m going to urinate on his grave!” While Phelps and his church posed a threat to the […]


Trans Athletes Continue to Fight for Equality

Posted on 12 March 2014

Los Gatos, CA – Though Chloie Jonsson transitioned over eight years ago, she is still being treated like a man in a recent scuffle with the fitness mogul CrossFit. When Jonsson decided to join the women’s division of CrossFit, she was told she has to instead participate in the male side instead. Months after Jonsson […]


Letter from the Publisher

Posted on 11 December 2013

    I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season. Because of you, our loyal readers, viewers and advertisers, we have had the most successful year in our history! When we decided at the end of last year to become your premier South Florida publication and focus specifically on Wilton Manors, Fort Lauderdale and Oakland […]


Agenda Exclusive: Dean Trantalis Responds to Recent Scandal

Posted on 04 December 2013

In an ongoing effort to provide the best in local and national LGBT related news, we here at the Florida Agenda believe in hearing both sides of the story. As the publisher for the Florida Agenda, I believe in giving people the opportunity to set the record straight, whether it be a community member, a […]


Minorities Divided: The Disturbing Return of Blackface

Posted on 06 November 2013

Halloween is an excuse to wear whatever you want, which is usually something that you wouldn’t dare walk the streets in on any given day. A common trend is to take virtually any character, costume or idea and make it “sexy.” Straight men cross-dress, gay men cross-dress, and celebrities give their stylists a large chunk […]


How Do You Explain Homosexuality to a Child?

Posted on 23 October 2013

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL 23rd District) recently sat down with SiriusXM Radio to discuss various issues, including how she explained homosexuality to her children. Wasserman Schultz told a story about the year her son was in 4th grade. After seeing a commercial that alluded to homosexuality, her son asked what it meant to be […]


Fatherly Love

Posted on 02 October 2013

Nearly six years ago, Rev. Frank Schaefer officiated his son’s same-sex wedding. Now, he’s being forced to stand trial before the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference of the United Methodist Church for his actions, reports Penn Live. When Schaefer found out his son, Tim, was gay back in 2000, his stance on gay marriage changed completely. Though […]


Watch Out, Sister

Posted on 05 September 2013

The Cheney family has their claws out this week. After speaking out against marriage equality last week, Liz Cheney experienced an intense backlash not only from the LGBT community, but from her sister as well. Liz’s statement read, “I am strongly pro-life and I am not pro-gay marriage.” The statement came as a bit of […]


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