By TOM BONANTI — Get out of your slump!
Last week I spoke at great length about the importance of maintaining good posture. Reversely, I alluded to the fact that poor posture can result over time in a whole host of un-pleasantries from sciatica and herniated discs to neuritis and even impotence. Fortunately, many of these conditions can be avoided or lessened with a good program of stretching and weight training.
The modified yoga exercises described here, (developed years ago at the International Sports Medicine Institute in Los Angeles) were designed to enhance good posture by stretching tight muscles while simultaneously strengthening weaker ones. Inhale on the stretch and exhale on the relaxation phase. Performed once or twice daily with your workouts or on their own, these exercises can reduce compression on the lower back, strengthen abdominal and back muscles, and stretch chest and neck muscles among many other good things. Oh, and they’ll help you stand up straight and perky, too! Get started today.
Reverse Shrug: Lean against a post or wall until it touches your entire spine. Keep your feet apart and about 12 to 18 inches forward and use a rolled up towel between your knees to isolate your inner thighs and abdomen. Bend your knees and let your arms hang naturally. Raise your shoulders to your ears, then backwards (feel your shoulder blades pinching together), then lower straight down.
Repeat the exercise with your hands touching your shoulders and elbows extended to the sides and repeat again with your arms extended and hands bent up and out as if pushing against a wall.
Adductor/Abdominal Curl: Lie on your back with your legs straight, knees unlocked, with a rolled towel between your thighs to isolate the lower abs. Curl (don’t lift) your upper body into a crunch while squeezing the towel. Repeat with legs bent on a chair. You can keep your hands pressed against your lower abdomen, crossed on your chest or touching the back of your head. Do three sets of 8 to 12 repetitions. These crunches will strengthen core muscles including the transverse and rectus abdominis.
Adductor/Pelvic Tilt: Stand 18-24 inches from a wall with a rolled towel between your thighs. Keeping your neck and head relaxed, lean forward until you reach a 30 degree angle. Standing slightly pigeon-toed will reduce stress on the lower back. If you need to, bend your elbows. Tuck your pelvis upward toward your naval without squeezing your butt or lower back. Perform 25 repetitions.
Hip Over: Lying flat on a mat on the floor with your legs straight, place your right arm above and behind your head and extend your left arm horizontally to create a 90 degree angle. As your left arm moves, bring your left leg diagonally across your body at a 45 degree angle up toward your opposite armpit, the leg in motion should be slightly bent. Get a good stretch in this position. Keep your shoulders flat on the floor, but you can rotate your lower hip. Repeat this in the opposite direction. Perform 5 sets on both sides.
Your good posture is key in projecting a confident healthy image to the world. It is also crucial for maintaining good health and avoiding a myriad of nasty health difficulties.
Contact trainertomb@aol.com with any questions you may have about your fitness routine. Set up a free consultation with Tom at (954) 557-1119 today. Holiday Gift Certificates for massage and training sessions are available. Check out my one on one training facility in Ft. Lauderdale at www.pumpnincgym.com .