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A Thank You from the Founder on Turning 50

Posted on 24 October 2014

Agenda founder Bobby Blair turns 50 this week, and we celebrate his birthday along with friends, family and the LGBT community. But in typical Bobby Blair fashion, he turns the spotlight away from himself, giving thanks to those who have made his life the wonderful adventure it is.

As I start this week, my last week in my 40’s, I reflect on all the amazing people I have met in my life. People I have shared dreams with. People I have laughed and cried with. People who inspired me to dream big and see no boundaries. People who encouraged and supported me when I decided to live my truth. People who made me better in every department of my life as I learned from them and watched in awe as they accomplished their own dreams and goals. Finally and most importantly the people who just loved me for me.

As I enter my 50’s this Friday, I take you ALL with me to the second half of my life. I will continue my efforts to try to inspire others to live their truth. My greatest hope is that we all recognize that we are all special in so many ways—each with an amazing gratitude list of life’s gifts upon which we can build and work from every day of our life. We can use our skills as a strengthening tool as we defend against the tougher things that get thrown our way in what we call life.

God has created all of us unique in every way. Different in such a way we can only choose to run our own race in life. I hope everyone arrives one day at your finish line with a life well lived where you loved immensely and were loved back. I hope we can say we shared our good fortunes with as many people as possible.

In closing, the biggest thing I have learned in my first 50 years is not what I have done for others that impacted people the most, but how I made people feel that made the biggest difference. I will take this learned lesson and all the lessons I have learned and try to have the best second half of my life possible with friends and family, and new friends in the future as I am blessed to have.

Collectively we will work to make all our lives happier, healthier and more rewarding every day. Thank you to all my friends, family, coaches, business partners, supporters and finally my life partner Brian Neal for making my first 50 years so incredible.



Bobby Blair


MMP Worldwide Inc.

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- who has written 135 posts on Florida Agenda.

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