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Letter to the Editor

Posted on 20 August 2014

Dear Richard Hack, I am not surprised to read your disingenuous contrived article about the ” Federal Investigation” of Governor Rick Scott’s by the dubious Eric Holder Justice Department. Your yellow journalism is a pure partisan stunt by you and the ethically challenged Obama Administration, which poll after poll say the majority of Americans believe is no longer trustworthy on any issue. Major groups that were the backbone of the triumphant 2008 Obama coalition have turned against him on every issue of trust. A majority or strong plurality of Mellennials, Hispanics and Independents disapprove of the President and his corrupt use of IRS targeting, NSA spying, and misleading the public about Obamacare. Governor Rick Scott promised 700,000 new jobs in seven years. In less than fours years he has created 630,000 by recruiting companies to open up factories and offices in Florida. Despite your self-assured masquerade, Richard Hack, as a principled white man fighting racial oppression of minorities, we will not be bamboozled by unethical rhetoric. It is well-known that Silicon Valley sees Florida as the national epicenter for Hispanic-owned high-tech firms. Moreover, most of Governor Scott’s regional and county field directors in South Florida are Black or Brown Hispanic or Caribbean-American women. One can only assume you want your defrauded readership to believe they are racists, sexists, bigots, and homophobes. By the way, why is the Florida Agenda staff conspicuously all-white males, if your are so concerned about racism and sexism? Is that your type? Thousands of respectable Democrat, Independent, and Republican Gay voters deserve better. They know what you choose to abandon in your hit piece on Governor Scott — Character is King. Wise up, Richard Hack, and stop writing like a third class political hack. That is counterfeit equality and pride. Every Florida Agenda reader in pursuit of true equality and pride, and searching for the truth, has the right to demand that of you since they demand it of themselves. So far, you fail to deliver. Now that your readers have gotten to know you, it is time for them to get to know the 25-35% of their Republican-voting fellow Gays who walk among them. Reach out to us as we reach out to you. Don’t believe the toxic lies many love to hear.
Respectfully submitted,

Louie LaHue
Boynton Beach , Florida


Editor’s note: Governor Rick Scott states that he has created 580,000 in private sector jobs since taking office, not 630,000. His July 2010 campaign promise to create 700,000 jobs in seven years came just after non-partisan economists at the state legislature’s Office of Economic and Demographic Research projected that Florida’s long-term job growth for July 2010-June 2018 would be slightly over one million, regardless of government intervention.  To allow for this calculation, Scott promised to create 700,000 jobs in addition to those projected by the economists. While Gov. Scott has brought sizeable business growth to the state, his private sector job tally would need to total 850,000 at this point in his term to fulfill his actual campaign promise. Those facts aside, the front page article concerned U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder’s apprehension that Scott’s influence on voting procedures since his election has negatively impacted the ease of voting in Florida. If proven accurate, there is nothing disingenuous about the concern or the article. Agenda stands behind its facts as written.

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4 Responses to “Letter to the Editor”

  1. Gay-friendly Republican says:

    This is an excellent rebuttal to the Florida Agenda trying make Rick Scott appear to be a racist involved in voter suppression.

    Republican Rick Scott campaigns regularly in Black neighborhoods. The gal in charge of his campaign HQ is a dark Dominican Republican and an immigrant.

    The President of Miami Log Cabin GOP is a Latin American, and so is most of her board. I’m a Asian-American.

    Furthermore, Keen News Services — run by former Editor-in-Chief of the Washington Gay Blade, Lisa Keen — commissioned a 2011 university study of South Florida Gay precincts in the 2010 midterm elections.

    According to her report, South Florida Gay voters went 48%-R to 47%-D.

    That suggests that the GOP’s Rick Scott garnered nearly half of the 2010 South FL GLBT vote.

    And without question, many GOP Tea Party candidates had a Gay Wine and Cheese Night (GOP Congressional nominee Karen Harrington), or Gays waving signs every Saturday with the Broward GOP, etc. in 2010 and 2012.

    One night I was in 2012 Allen West’s HQ for a pot luck phone bank party in 2010. Knowing nearly all the Gay conservatives in the Broward Republican Executive Committee, I noticed that half the attendees were Gay single or Gay-partnered.

    But no Gay newspaper coverage because they are convinced that GOP Gays and Independents are minuscule in number.

    It would be wise for the Florida Agenda to cover the Gay Republicans far more consistently. After all, they deliver approximately 1.25 million votes to the GOP every four years.

    Clinging to popular GLBT Democratic self-approved hate-filled stereotypes of Gay conservatives only reveals to the larger world that there is an abundance of hate and intolerance among Gay Democrats.

    My hats off to Louie who wrote this letter. He is to be commended for stepping forward to illuminate the Gay community on the depth and breadth of quiet Gay conservatives — who normally are silenced by the leftist South Florida Gay Gestapo.

  2. Glenn Arnold says:

    …. Richard Hack you certainly need a refresher course in how to compose a well unbiased article… may I suggest taking a course— journalism 101 for example …. Or .. choosing another career..

    I am in total agreement with Louie LaHue

    contents of this reply are protected under the 1st amendment…

  3. Kevin Miller says:

    My, my, my….. These three certainly got their tea bags all caught up in a bunch.
    The thought of a potluck at Allen West’s headquarters pretty much sums up their side of the story. Aghast!

  4. matt says:

    Karen Harrington, the Republican who ran against Debbie Wasserman Schultz in 2010 and 2012, also had two wine and cheese parties for Gay Republicans in her campaign HQ.

    Mimi Planas, a Latina lesbian, and President of the Miami Log Cabin republicans was given the “Most Active GOP Club President” award for her work with the Governor’s office is organizing the Right Solutions Summit. She garnered repeat Miami Herald coverage for Gay conservatives supporting Rick Scott.

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