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Valyn Calhoun: “Men Seem to Think I’m Either Untouchable or a Free-For-All”

Posted on 28 August 2013

“Sexcapades” is a four-part series on sex, covering everything from sexual addiction to the facts on STDs. Its purpose is not to scare readers into celibacy, but to encourage you to engage in healthy behaviors, activities and lifestyles.

Local artist Valyn Calhoun has had a rough time in 2013. He was diagnosed with AIDS on December 28, 2012, and his life changed forever. However, coming to terms with his sexual addiction (he admits there were multiple partners a day) and his newly contracted virus wasn’t the difficult part. I sat down with the local photographer to talk about his addiction to sex and his upcoming exhibit in West Palm Beach.

As a sex addict, how has sex affected your life and career? Do you think that it’s made you the person you are today, or has it hindered you?

In a way it’s hard to know who I would have been had sex never been such a big part of my life. I think, like everything, it has both hindered me at times while also going me the inspiration needed for my art career.

Following your HIV contraction, how has your life changed? Do you feel that it has affected your art?

I’ve become much more realistic in my goals. Since sexuality was always a pervasive theme in my art, it has definitely taken me a while to get my “flow” back. It’s like I have this new place to draw inspiration from I just haven’t quite figured out how to yet.

I’ve seen you post some upsetting things on your Facebook page regarding the stigma of being HIV positive. People criticizing you, judging you, etc. How has it affected your sex and personal life?

Unfortunately the majority of harsh criticism I receive about my status is from the gay community. Men seem to think I’m either untouchable or a free-for-all. I find myself more cynical and guarded about dating and sex than ever before.

Do you still consider yourself a sex addict?

Thankfully, no. I still have days that I can feel the compulsion but I am now able to recognize it for what it is.

If you could have sex with one person (alive or dead), who would it be?

I’d totally bang Jesus. Or Kurt Cobain.

Who or what is your current source of inspiration?

I find inspiration in the darker aspects of life. In nightmares, sad days, lost chances. Somehow, if I am able to capture an emotion like that, I feel like I have it under my control.

What can people expect from your upcoming exhibit?

This exhibit will give people the chance to see my body of work leading up to my diagnosis and some images taken of me by Rita Baum after the fact. It is rare that the muse and artist can switch roles so easily and that is a big part of my upcoming show. People can expect sexuality, dark emotions, bright colors and twisted thoughts.

Do you have any advice for any young members of the LGBT community?

Go for your dreams. Don’t wait to get bad news to grab life by the balls. Be yourself. Don’t edit yourself.

Valyn Calhoun’s new exhibit will be on view until September 27. ActivistArtistA Gallery. 422 W Industrial Ave, Boynton Beach, 33426.

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