FORT LAUDERDALE – The SunServe Noble A. McArtor Adult Day Care Center hosted a luncheon and open house on Thursday, October 18, to introduce health care agencies, service providers, community leaders, and other stakeholders to the LGBT adult day care center’s facilities, services, and programs.
SunServe—South Florida’s oldest LGBT service agency—created the world’s first LGBT senior day care center in 2002. A recent study by the LGBT Aging Project of Massachusetts reports that 10,000 LGBT Americans reach retirement age per week, and census data suggests that there are over 3 million U.S. gay men and women over the age of 55. That number is expected to double by 2020.
Among the clients who utilize the McArtor Center’s services are solitary Baby Boomers who don’t have family or caregivers, as well as LGBT seniors whose caregivers are unable to provide around-the-clock care. The Center provides a specialized environment that is sensitive to special needs and relationships of LGBT seniors.
For more information about this and other SunServe senior services, visit